Advice on good snacks

Today is one of those days that I feel like I want to eat all day. I need some tips on good things to snack on that are not bad for me. I'm new to MFP and have been doing great tracking my food, but have had a few days where I went overboard. I seem to have a need to snack a lot the day after working out.


  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    Good for you!!! I am in the same boat hungry all the time, the reason why I gained so much!! Anything high in fiber is suppose to fill you up and so is increasing your protein. I find snacks like apples and some almonds are a good combo to help keep you full, protein shakes, fiber one bars, light yogurt (I like the greek yogurt), combo of vegetables with nuts, or fruit with nuts. You need to find what works for you, each person and hunger are different. I still have trouble even when I eat 6 small meals a day to control my appetite. I have read if you do not eat anything with sugar in it or processed foods you do not crave as much. Wish I could help more, there are some good snack recipes online or even on here under nutrition.
  • rsmugala
    rsmugala Posts: 35
    This is going to sound silly, but yesterday I was starving, and we have several bags of frozen veggies in the freezer. I steamed the whole bag, like 3-4 cups. I drained the water, coated them with a couple tablespoons FF sour cream, and sprinkled soy bacon bits. It TOTALLY filled my belly, and for under 150 calories.
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    Dried fruit like raisins, nuts in moderation (avoid salted.) I really miss cheese and so Sunshine Cheez-it crackers are a help. I'm at my desk at 3:00 and have a banana and an apple to take me through until dinner after 9 tonight. Also good are gourmet olives (not packed in oil) -- a lot of flavor for the calories.
  • MarleyGetsFit
    MarleyGetsFit Posts: 6 Member
    Believe it or not, chips and homemade salsa!!

    I will make home made salsa (tomatoes, onions, garlic cilantro and lime juice) I calculate all the calories for the recipe then divide it up into servings. It's fresh, light, and wholesome. With the main ingredient being tomatoes (they have a lot of fiber) only being 16 calories for 1/2 cup, I can have guilt free snacking with out going overboard! Since it's home made and not store bought you don't have to worry about fat, added sugar or preservatives. You can even add a piece of jalapeño if you want it spice it up.

    As for the fat free chips, I just heat up some corn tortillas cut up into triangles. (I use the 365 whole foods corn tortillas, 45 calories each and I can get about 10 chips out of that! I bake or grill them until crispy (takes 5 mins depending on method) You can even microwave for convenience.
  • olsonspring
    olsonspring Posts: 15 Member
    I like to take lean sliced deli meat such as turkey, chicken and sometimes ham and wrap them around a low fat sting cheese. This helps with carbs too. I am tring to do less carbs for awhile and see how I do. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I have a piece of fruit mid-morning. I have a bell pepper mid-afternoon and a piece of cheese (babybel cheddar usually). That along with my water keeps me going between meals. The only time I find myself hungry is if I get to busy to stop for a meal or snack.
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    This is going to sound silly, but yesterday I was starving, and we have several bags of frozen veggies in the freezer. I steamed the whole bag, like 3-4 cups. I drained the water, coated them with a couple tablespoons FF sour cream, and sprinkled soy bacon bits. It TOTALLY filled my belly, and for under 150 calories.

    That is actually a good idea!!! Thank you
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    sounds pretty good! I'll have to try that! and for 150 CALS for sure.. thanks
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    Believe it or not, chips and homemade salsa!!

    I will make home made salsa (tomatoes, onions, garlic cilantro and lime juice) I calculate all the calories for the recipe then divide it up into servings. It's fresh, light, and wholesome. With the main ingredient being tomatoes (they have a lot of fiber) only being 16 calories for 1/2 cup, I can have guilt free snacking with out going overboard! Since it's home made and not store bought you don't have to worry about fat, added sugar or preservatives. You can even add a piece of jalapeño if you want it spice it up.

    As for the fat free chips, I just heat up some corn tortillas cut up into triangles. (I use the 365 whole foods corn tortillas, 45 calories each and I can get about 10 chips out of that! I bake or grill them until crispy (takes 5 mins depending on method) You can even microwave for convenience.

    Sounds like a GREAT idea and to bak the corn tortillas? brilliant.. thank you
  • shan_0517
    shan_0517 Posts: 88 Member
    Seriously! thanks for any help that you all can give me.. I really appreciate it. I'm going to up my fruit and veggies for sure though. I am finding that often I am craving the horrible "salt then sweet" vicious cycle! :(

    Those chips and salsa should help the salty :)
  • I'm a big fruit person, so I love to snack on fruits. Even though watermelon is not in season, it is a great fruit to snack on, it is low calories and mostly made of water! Also, celery is made up mostly of water so by dipping it in a low calorie dressing is a great way to have a low calorie snack. Also, if you are in the mood or craving ice cream, frozen yogurt is a great way to cure the craving. Instead of having to go to a frozen yogurt shop, you can buy yogurt from the grocery store and put it in the freezer at home. I personally enjoy greek yogurt, because it is better for you than regular yogurt.

    Hope these tips help :)
  • geetabean
    geetabean Posts: 76
    I like all the obvious snack, cheese stick, raw veggies, peanuts or almonds, but when I get that need for something sweet I really like Quaker mini caramel corn rice cakes. The serving size is 13 which doesn't sound like a lot, but its quite a bit if you take smaller bites lol. 110 calories, 26 carbs, 1g fat, 1g protein. If I have enough calories left at the end of the day and am dying for something sweet I also really like Breyers low carb vanilla and almond ice cream bars. 180 calories, 5 carbs, 15g fat, 3g protein. And it tastes just like a normal ice cream bar!! I love them, but def. limit it to a once in a while treat when I just NEED a sweet snack.