Approaching 50 is it daunting?



  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 105 Member
    Turning 49 was hard for me, that being the last of the 40's. On my 40th BD my mom (who turned 60 then) and I went together and got our first tattoos. I plan on adding to mine on my 50th. I'm in great health, wear my daughter's jeans, and as you can see by my user name, I'm fighting age with all the way! I have no control of my age but I sure as hell have control of my weight and health!

    Add me as friend if you like!
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    I just turned 55 last week and I've never felt better. I don't heal as quickly when I get injured and I don't sleep like I used to but other than that, I have no complaints.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Never worried about numbers ....its how you feel and whether you are healthy that matters....thats why I love this site...MFP rocks....I am nearly through my fifties ....60 next april
  • lindyc11
    lindyc11 Posts: 75 Member
    It is definitely how you feel inside, and not the number.....I am 48 and find it hard to believe that I am THAT number :smile: Don't let approaching 50 bother IS just a number, and better than the alternative :wink: lol
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    i am 52..... I feel as young and as vibrant as ever. I can hang in any work out with most of the 30 and 40 year olds at the gym. I dress trendy, love fashion.... I am very young at heart.....
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    The 50's are great! :smile:
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    Well according to my birth certificate I am 52 but I can tell you that I am really 18 with an additional 34 years experience. I have always said that you know when you are getting old because you get to a point when you got your mind together enough to accept that your body is falling apart. My body has slowed down but it ain't about to fall apart.

    Remember that old saying: you don't stop laughing because you get old, you get old because you stop laughing.
  • spaz4me2
    spaz4me2 Posts: 44 Member
    Just turned 45. Kids are getting older and I have finally decided to take care of me. Eating healthy, losing weight and working out has put the spring back in my step. I embrace each year for what it is...gray hairs and all. Looking forward only!
  • ladyduddy
    ladyduddy Posts: 21
    I am 49 and, like others on here, I am in better shape now than I have ever been, thanks to MFP. I've been running 5Ks and soon to do my first 10K. I never ran anywhere at all until last year! i stopped smoking, am at a healthy weight (lost 28lb in the last year) and feel absolutely amazing!
    I work with lots of younger people and they are always surprised when they hear my age. It's down to your attitude. Stay in touch, stay interested, stay fit and healthy... Look after yourself.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I will be 46 this summer and it does bother me about approaching 50. Its really not about aging, its more about what have I done in my lifetime. I see pics from people all over the US and other countries doing exciting things and I just feel like I have really missed out.
  • psposey
    psposey Posts: 29 Member
    Fifty-ers unite! Not really that bad. Kids are older so more spare time to actually dedicate to myself. Like it has been said - 50 is the new 30!
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    64; you are only as old as you think you are and act. I teach classes for 80-90 year olds who are vibrant and alive and loving life; they often are absent because they are sailing to some island. Their philosophy is my philosophy - I want to die young at a very old age.

    There's nothing you can do to stop the aging process - embrace it with the enthusiasm and excitement of a new adventure.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    A lot of it is how we are thinking. I can't believe that I am the age that I am at. I am 61 but most certainly do not feel like it. I, sometimes feel that I am still in my 40s. Staying active and eating right can keep us younger. Also, using our minds by doing puzzles, etc. can help.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    You are as old as you feel. After I turned 50 I started downhill skiing, I have done 20+ 100 mile bike rides, 25+ half marathons, 6 marathons. Last weekend an ultra marathon (31 miles or 50k), and in May I will be doing my second Ironman distance ... and it was not on the Wii or the smartphone I did them.

    Make the 50't the best decade of your life - and remember Chris Mccormack (2x world champion ironman) "you are the CEO of your one person company".
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    I have a 94 year old woman in a T'ai Chi class who is a distance swimmer. She swims for the YMCA seniors and goes to national meets - she swims the 1500 meter race - finished in top 5 last year.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 50 in June........don't think of myself as getting older........but when my son tells me I'm gonna be a granny in September, I guess I must be!

    Sue :smile: x
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    I turned 58 in January and as others have said I'm in better shape now than I've been in years. I agree it's the ability to dedicate more time to me and not as much time spent taking care of others' needs. The aches and pains i have now are from working out...not just age and inactivity as in the past. I was recently sent an e mail that had a picture with a caption that said "how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?". I thought that said it all!! Look out I come!! :drinker:
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    I've seen it a few times in this thread....50 is the new 30!

    I'll be 48 this year and seriously don't feel a day over 30. It's a number (a big one, but what can you do?). I have tons of energy, cultivated some new interests, and really wake up looking forward to the day ahead. I've decided just to be the best I can be, do some things I never thought of before, learn something new every, live, live!!
  • I love those quotes it's so nice, thank you to all of you, I think I love being the new 30.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I'm 56, and 2 years older than my dad was when he died. Every year and every new thing that those years bring are a blessing, are they not? Get out and live.