30 Day Shred~ Anyone up for it?



  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I started the 30 day shred part 1 today I am up for this.... first time I have exercised in a while and I couldn't make it all the way through.. I took a short break and started where I left off a few minutes later. I think it was those push ups in the beginning.. I am going to push myself tomorrow to finish the whole thing especially since the 2nd half seemed easier to me than the 1st half anyway.

    Mishy.... I have only seen the first one so far but she only had her mat and hand weights (in which I used 1 liter bottles filled with water) since I don't own weights still kicked my butt
    I will check in tomorrow good luck everyone.
  • Mylife54
    Mylife54 Posts: 7
    Ok so one question I have about this. How do you go about entering this into the exercise tracker. Does anyone know how many calories this burns?
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I started Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday and am going to try my hardest to do the complete 30 days! I am at a small plataue and need to 'shred' my last 10 pounds or so. Anyone else doing this workout video? Any results from people that have completed this?? Any info/comments greatly appreciated! Good luck to us all!

    hey i started it july the 1st. its great even for men (no pun intened) even though she says "come on girls" alot lol.
    i am on my final ten pounds as well. stomach definately looked better after a about 10 days. have had a few days off from being ill but back on it yesterday and today. doing level 2. its hard going from one to two but i've heard its easier to go from 2 to 3. 7 more pounds to go! i think i will be doing it for about 40-50 days just to get fitter. im terribly unfit lol. but i can almost do level two without stopping. then i shall progress.

    ps if you google youtube downloader you can download the shreds and use movie maker (or imovie Mac users) to stick the links together. i have all three now, although in bad quality, it's a free way of using them.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Ok so one question I have about this. How do you go about entering this into the exercise tracker. Does anyone know how many calories this burns?

    i've been loggin it as circuit training although i guess it depends how intese you work out. i buy my Heart rate monitor tonight so it will be more accurate.
    for me it says 256 for 25 mins and i'm 167lbs atm but i think that feels a little high. we shall see when i get the HRM
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    I looked at the reviews for the 30 day shred, and everyone seems to really love it, so I bought it off Amazon.com for like 7 dollars (soo Cheap!) I also bought 2 other videos-Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones", and-Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism- all for a total of 35 dollars. I did the 2 day shipping thing, so once they come in the mail, I am going to start the 30 day shred too. We should all come here and check- in with each other every friday, to see how everyone is doing on it. It is also a great way to keep us all motivated to stick with it!
  • Mylife54
    Mylife54 Posts: 7
    Bella - I am with you. I used to do the 30 day shred and loved it and went on to level two. That one kicked my butt. I got out of the habit so started it again yesterday. I was sweating my butt off!! It is effective and doesn't really take that long to do. I am planning on doing it 5 times a week.

    I will check in on fridays. I just joined this site today so lets hope this will help me stay motivated. Which has always been my problem!!
  • cowsaysmoo
    cowsaysmoo Posts: 15
    I am starting day 1 of level 2 right now. I will let you know how it goes.
    Okay, I want to be careful with my words, because I don't want to scare any of you who are just starting the 30-Day Shred.
    HOLY CRAP! Level 2 was the hardest workout I've ever done in my entire life! Hmm, not so gentle with my words, but I honestly don't know how else to describe it.
    I was trying to think back to 13 days ago when I started level 1, to remember if I struggled this much with it. But I don't think so.
    Okay, now the reassuring part, I hope. I am sure that each day will get easier, as I get stronger. The good thing is that it can't get any harder, right? I've seen the workout, and I will conquer it. I will keep you all posted.
    Wish me luck (and strength)!
  • momma2boys0609
    I would love to join you all on this. I have 1 of her videos, NO More Trouble Zones. I did it once and it was a good workout. Ive been looking at the 30 day shred and will definately be getting it now & working out with you all. I'm a sinlge mom with 2 boys. My oldest just turned 3 on Friday & my youngest is 5 months old. I'm also a nursing student (only 9 weeks left), so it is super hard to fit in "structured" exercise, but I will be doing everything in my power to do this! I'm so excited. I want to drop some weight before graduation day, since we have to wear all white. Yuck! I also want to get in the best shape of my life to keep up with my boys & it wouldn't hurt to look hot whenever I run into the ex. :wink:
  • momma2boys0609
    For those of you who have done this workout all the way through.....how much did you typically lose?
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I just started the 30 day shred today! Totally loved it. If I didn't have a knee that acted up, it would be perfect for me. Just have to do things in moderation when its hurting. I am excited to see some results w/ this! Good luck all :drinker:
  • destinyisyours
    So cool! Glad to see so many others here now!! And YES, lets make Friday's our main check in day. Yesterday was day 2 of lvl one for me. I love the workout so far! It is harder than I thought it would be and was a challenge to get thru it. And today, I have to admit, I'm a little sore. Think I'll do 10 days on lvl 1 then move up. (Hopefully!) I'm actually almost excited to get home from work and do it again. Think this site always gives me a little more well needed MOTIVATION!

    cowsaysmoo~ Good luck on lvl 2... I loved your description of it :laugh: I've heard it's a definite challenge!! But will be well worth it in the end.. Gotta keep telling myself that!

    Gotta get back to work, just jumped on to log my food..

    Wishing everyone well!
  • psychojenn
    psychojenn Posts: 61
    i would be starting the 30 day shred again today.
    ive started it so many times before and just got so busy, but now that i have a pretty stable schedule, i would like to start again and hopefully make it through the full 30 days :smile:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    looked at level three today. i was stressed out after not be able to locate my nicotine patches. thougth i would exercise it out.

    what can i say. the start feels so much better. and i know that it is tough but i think my core muscles are stronger than my shoulders and upper body because the strain wasn't in my muscles this time. it was in my endurance. i couldn't breathe through half the exercises and had to stop. so its a no go for me right now

    i did find them more doable though but i think i will stick with level two for a little while longer.
  • Mylife54
    Mylife54 Posts: 7
    So yesterday was my second day of Level one. As the day went on yesterday the soreness intensified. Then I did the workout and this morning my whole body is sore. For me it is the squats and the push ups. My armpits are sore!!! But I figure if I am sore I am doing something right! I hope :happy:
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Okay I felt like I cheated too much yesterday morning by starting then stopping and then finishing. So last night I went through all of part 1 without stopping. Felt really good to do what I was originally set out to do.
    Today I woke up a little achy, but it felt good to start stretching and do it again today. Hoping my pushups will get better... they don't look so great right now. But I actually felt really energized during the last few minutes and got my butt kicks and jumping higher than ever. Day 2 down 28 to go!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have decided to jumpstart my weightloss again, by doing 30 days of the shred. It is a killer but good too! I felt really weak with my first session today so I am excited to see how I end the thirty days! Good luck everyone!:bigsmile:
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Just checking in today. I started the 30 day shred last night, on level 3, and it was GREAT! I loved it! I did it again this morning, and I also did the Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout right afterwards- Talk about a butt-kicking workout! I can't wait to hear from everyone else today to see how they are doing! I know we are all going to do great with this- and as long as we have each other for support and motivation, we will all stick with it! Chao for now!

  • destinyisyours
    Today is day 5!! WooHoo. On lvl 1 still, but thats ok. It does still kick my butt. And this is my first 5 days. So I'm a little sore here and there, but not to bad. Only 25 more days ;-) I did weigh myself this morning too and amazingly I think I lost a pound and a half! I always fluctuate a few pounds, so we'll see how it goes.

    Christina~ Is this your first time doing 30 day shred???? You are brave to start on lvl 3. Good job!!! I'll have to try the other one you did, I have it free on demand too but haven't yet tried it. I don't know how you did them both on top of each other like that! You are my motivation for the upcoming weeks.. Lol..

    debnu1~ Have you also done the 30 day shred before? Good results?

    Gotta run at work now, but will continue to check in!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Bella151
    Bella151 Posts: 123
    This is my first time doing 30 day shred, but I was doing P90X and other stuff before I started this. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the workout, but it kicked my butt too!

    Today is day 5!! WooHoo. On lvl 1 still, but thats ok. It does still kick my butt. And this is my first 5 days. So I'm a little sore here and there, but not to bad. Only 25 more days ;-) I did weigh myself this morning too and amazingly I think I lost a pound and a half! I always fluctuate a few pounds, so we'll see how it goes.

    Christina~ Is this your first time doing 30 day shred???? You are brave to start on lvl 3. Good job!!! I'll have to try the other one you did, I have it free on demand too but haven't yet tried it. I don't know how you did them both on top of each other like that! You are my motivation for the upcoming weeks.. Lol..

    debnu1~ Have you also done the 30 day shred before? Good results?

    Gotta run at work now, but will continue to check in!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Okay checking in today.... this is my 5th day of shred level one... it is much easier than day one now and everything seems easier, haven't lost any weight yet but I definitely feel better. I still struggle with push ups, but I think my weights may be too light for this, is there a minimum/maximum that you are supposed to use for this to be effective? What do you all use?