New girl

Hello everyone, I'm Kayjay and I'm new here. I'm 35 years old, and currently weigh 190 and would like to get to 140-150. I don't have kids but I work full time and am working on my Bachelor's degree so I am pretty busy. I am an every-other-weekend stepmom of two boys on top of all that!

I have my goals set at 2lbs per week, and my calories guidelines are set at 1200 per day. This is hard and I'm very hungry! Is it just because I am so used to overeating? Anyone else have this problem?

PS, unless there is something wrong with my scale, I am down 4 lbs since Sunday. I must have been super bloated!


  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome! 2 pounds per week is a very aggressive may want to consider changing that to a pound per week. Sometimes it is hard to maintain that restrictive of calories, and it can back fire. Usually what is recommended is one pound per week (especially since you don't have that much to lose). Good luck!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    A good weight loss in your first couple of weeks is normal - that's great, but don't be too disappointed when it doesn't continue at the same rate!

    1200 may be too low for you - it can be a big shock for your body to go straight to that level in one go. If it feels too much, try going to 1800 for a week, then 1600, then 1400 ((or even make that 2 week intervals)

    Having said that, 1200 is certainly doable - many of us on here stick to it, and have open diaries if you want to see what a 1200 a day menu looks like.

    (Mine will be eggs for breakfast, salad or soup for lunch, fish with veg for dinner, cheese, eggs, soy beans and almonds for snacks...)

    Good luck on your weight loss adventure!
  • kayjay77
    kayjay77 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I'll change it to 1lb per week and see if I'm not so hungry.