Finally Motivated!

Hi everyone! I am very happy to find this forum as I am really getting involved in the fitness lifestyle! A little background on me: I am 24 and I was always the thin, healthy, in shape kid growing up. I never even thought about my weight or doing special things to workout. I ran everywhere, and looking back, I can't believe the endurance I had!! I lived a lot of my growing up years on a farm, so the farm work I would help out with really helped keep me strong. My mom was a huge health food nut, so I always ate as healthy as could be. Well fast forward to when I was 16 and ended up pregnant with my first child. I gained 60 lbs with pregnancy and only lost 30 of it after I had my daughter. I had no idea what to do to get back into shape, so I just ignored it. Then 2 1/2 years later, I had my son. I also gained 60 lbs with him, and I was a whopping 180lbs after giving birth(I started out at 118lbs pre babies). I ended of losing a lot of the weight in a very unhealthy way, and I'm stuck at about 145lbs, and I am as untoned as it gets! So now, after several half hearted attempts at getting in shape over the years, I am finally getting serious! I'd like to lose 15-20 lbs and tone everything up, especially my midsection. All tips and encouragements are highly welcomed!!!!


  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    wow, I read your story and I felt like I was reading my life story. The only difference is, I was 22 when I had all three of my children. I got married in highschool. I too was 117 and went up to 185. Now, I am 42 years old with children:23,21, and 19. My 23 year old is married with 2 children. So needless to say, I am a grandmother at 42. :) I joined this site Feb. 8th and have lost 10 pounds already. This site really keeps me accountable for what I put in my mouth. I know muscle burns fat, so its very important to lift weights (10 pound weights are fine). I love the elliptical it works so many different musles in your legs. I do crunches too. I am no where near my goal wait but I have a great start and I will be praying for you. Blessings.
  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    your first step!! Motivation
    good luck