My physician scared me to hell my saying maybe you have Hyperthyroid.. so I have to get a test done to be sure..

Did anyone here have thyroid and lost weight.. Did thyroid medicines help in restoring your energy level and helped you lost weight..


  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    I actually had the test done, and it came back borderline hyper. So my doc had me repeat the test a month later and yay for me the numbers came back normal..
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    did they think you have HYPERthyroidism or HYPOthyroidism? hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain and low energy and is treated with thyroid replacement pill for the rest of your life. -- hyperthyroidism is treated with usually removing part of the thyroid.
    -- i am guessing HYPOthyroidism

    a lot of people when started on thyroid replacement do feel an increase in energy and all around feeling better, and weight loss becomes easier.

    i recently had the test for hypo and they came back borderline, i have not started the synthroid yet, my symptoms have subsided with herbal supplements (selenium and L-tyrosine) so i am going to try it for a couple months and have labs rechecked.
  • katem78
    katem78 Posts: 101 Member
    well first of all you don't need to be scared!
    i had mine removed when i was 15 -now i am 34.
    i live my life taking my pill.... however when the hormones are adjusted nothing is changing in my life. i learned throughout the years to identify the symptoms of unbalanced hormones. (it is a few years back since it last happened)
    however, i also realised that i have a really slow metabolism but i cannot be sure that this is cause of the thyroid that i don't have but i replace with the pill.
    as long as you do your tests regularly and control your hormones you will have no problem at all! trust me!
    Good Luck
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    If you were HYPER you wouldn't have an issue with having energy.

    HYPO on the other hand (I'm hypo) can make you feel hella sluggish and tired among a whole list of other things.

    I get my bloodwork done like clockwork every 6 months, or more if I'm feeling my levels are off. I am on hormone replacements (synthroid), and while it helps to alleviate other symptoms, it doesn't make the weight fall off by any means, which means you still gotta bust your chops just like any other person, if not harder.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    i have hypothyroid...ive had trouble losing weight more often than not in my lifetime...with that said, when my thyroid is being treated with thyroid med, i lose weight as i should :) i think its really only tough to lose weight if u are hypothyroid AND not being treated.

    whilist being treated my energy level where it should be. my bones/joints dont ache. my hair isnt brittle, and my skin isnt dry. i also dont feel depressed when its getting treated....completly different story when its low and its not getting treated or when its low as a result of not being on a large enough dose.

    feel free to add me
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i have an UNDER active thyroid, IF it does turn out you have this too, i really recommend the book "the thyroid diet" mary j shomon. i'v had an under active thyroid for mores years than i can remember, i'v only just found out i loose weight differently to other people. if anyone reading this finds they loose weight easy then that's all good and well, but speaking personally this book really turned my life around and it's given me hope again
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    My physician scared me to hell my saying maybe you have Hyperthyroid.. so I have to get a test done to be sure..

    Did anyone here have thyroid and lost weight.. Did thyroid medicines help in restoring your energy level and helped you lost weight..

    If you're hyperthyroid, you would be losing weight (usually). If its energy you're lacking, and you're hyPO, I highly recommend supplementing your diet with Kelp and Selenium. Kelp is Iodine, and will stimulate your thyroid's hormone production.
  • swati37
    swati37 Posts: 145 Member
    thanx guys... i think u guys were rite... its HYPO... but got my reports in the morning today... and was normal... i am so relieved...