Whey Protein

I was thinking of getting some powdered whey protein and using that as a quick and easy breakfast, but I got scared because on the container it said "not to be used for weight reduction." WTF? I am not working out hardcore, I just wanted something to keep me full in the mornings. Any thoughts?


  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    LOL What kind is it? Its probably just meaning for those people who think they should start drinking protein on top of their normal every day foods and when it makes them gain weight they can't sue the company LOL...

    Never know though, what kind is it?
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    LOL What kind is it? Its probably just meaning for those people who think they should start drinking protein on top of their normal every day foods and when it makes them gain weight they can't sue the company LOL...

    Never know though, what kind is it?
    No, so people won't just drink shakes all day.... wait.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I was thinking of getting some powdered whey protein and using that as a quick and easy breakfast, but I got scared because on the container it said "not to be used for weight reduction." WTF? I am not working out hardcore, I just wanted something to keep me full in the mornings. Any thoughts?
    Whey protein won't keep you full. Well at least not on it's own. Add some fats to it. Nut butters work well.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    LOL What kind is it? Its probably just meaning for those people who think they should start drinking protein on top of their normal every day foods and when it makes them gain weight they can't sue the company LOL...

    Never know though, what kind is it?
    No, so people won't just drink shakes all day.... wait.

    LOL seriously I've considered making a good one for dinner, on top of the one I already had, but I can't imagine JUST drinking shakes! I mean... the tasty ones like this:

    now those ones... hmmmm.... every meal = Ice cream milkshake?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member

    Very nice post! :D Bookmarked for future pulling awesome information out of thin air on MFP!
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
  • FoxyPhoenixRising
    FoxyPhoenixRising Posts: 26 Member
    I think that particular product wasn't made for meal replacement, and that's why it was labeled not for weight loss. If it's just plain whey protein then it won't have any additional nutritional value other than protein, and might not be a good meal replacement choice. But there are whey protein mixes available that do have other nutrients added. Or you could use plain whey protein powder and blend it with milk and/or yogurt and add some fruit too. That would give you adequate cals, carbs, anti-oxidants,vitamins and minerals, and more protein, which will help you stay satisfied longer.

    A lot of people at my job are into the Visalus Health Shake, which is a soy-based protein shake mix that is designed to be used as a meal replacement. But it's really expensive, and there are arguments that soy based protein isn't as good as hyped.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Was it a weight gainer protein shake? If so, those things are loaded with calories (usually sugar). They do make lower calorie protein shakes if you're that concerned.

    I usually have one for breakfast with half a cruncy peanut butter sandwhich and a banana.
  • FoxyPhoenixRising
    FoxyPhoenixRising Posts: 26 Member
    I will add that I did try a pack of the Visalus Shake Mix. But it's more for convenience for me; it's easy to blend the mix, some milk or almond milk and fruit for a quick out the door breakfast on the way to the gym for me. But since it's so pricey I will be finding another alternative when I run out.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Most protein powders are not meal replacements - so not really appropriate for breakfast on it's own - they have protein - and maybe some carbs - but very little other nutrition .....

    If I have it for breakfast I will make a smoothie and add Almond Milk (or yoghurt), baby spinach, cup of berries (or a banana) and a spoon of peanut butter - and the protein powder......then it is a more complete meal...