I am so terrified

I am FINALLLLLY just starting to lose weight and I am so afraid it will stop or I will give up again... Does/has anyone else experienced these fears in the beginning ?????


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Hmm, a little i guess, that came before the realisation that what happens next is completely down to me.
  • kei_llew
    kei_llew Posts: 29
    For me personally.. I always find that the first month is make or break. when i lost a lot of weight before i managed to get past that first month and it was easier after that. be aware though that during that first month cravings etc can be mental you just need the will power to push through. this time i am more motivated due to finding this website and the great support it offers. Everyone is different/loses weight at different speeds so if some weeks you don't have a great loss don't be down hearted just use that to motivate yourself for the next week to get that amount you want.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Nope. I realize that I'm building habits athat are a part of my lifestyle. I will be recording everything I eat for the rest of my life. If I don't track it, it gets away from me and I end up back at the start again. Sooo, easy fix. Record it no matter how ugly it is. :)
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    well I am 3 weeks in now.... I feel like I am going to make it but at the same time I am afraid....
  • You at some point will probably plateau meaning it will stall. For some this is for months some days. I have plateaued twice so far and I just mix up what I'm eating and change my workouts and I get right back on track. It's math burn more that you consume and you will loose weight. Your body will get comfortable with it so just mix it up! I suggest measuring yourself like your legs, arms , stomach etc. you will see results there even if the scale isn't being too friendly :)
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  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I think i am a bit terrified too, so i just refuse to think too far in advance. I am really focused and that is my only real goal, to stay focused.

    But a couple of months in, i have learned so much about healthy eating and have nearly eliminated most cravings, just by thinking about and understanding what i eat.

    My journey is too long to contemplate all at once but for the past 2 months, i am right on track or a little bit ahead. So maybe just think about making sure you post today and get a little exercise in. Just that.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    I wouldnt waste time being afraid of something you control, you are doing well, stick with it and you have nothing to fear.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I think i am a bit terrified too, so i just refuse to think too far in advance. I am really focused and that is my only real goal, to stay focused.

    But a couple of months in, i have learned so much about healthy eating and have nearly eliminated most cravings, just by thinking about and understanding what i eat.

    My journey is too long to contemplate all at once but for the past 2 months, i am right on track or a little bit ahead. So maybe just think about making sure you post today and get a little exercise in. Just that.

    Ya I feel the same way... Just going week by week right now
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    You at some point will probably plateau meaning it will stall. For some this is for months some days. I have plateaued twice so far and I just mix up what I'm eating and change my workouts and I get right back on track. It's math burn more that you consume and you will loose weight. Your body will get comfortable with it so just mix it up! I suggest measuring yourself like your legs, arms , stomach etc. you will see results there even if the scale isn't being too friendly :)
    Feel free to add me

    How long does it take to hit the first plateau usually???/
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    If you put your heart and soul into it and start to lose weight, it will be a joy to do and you won't want to stop. I feel incredibly guilty if I don't exercise 3 times a week at a minimum.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I wouldnt waste time being afraid of something you control, you are doing well, stick with it and you have nothing to fear.

    Yes I have thought like that too... Right now it is almost like a drug addict just taking it day by day
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    If you put your heart and soul into it and start to lose weight, it will be a joy to do and you won't want to stop. I feel incredibly guilty if I don't exercise 3 times a week at a minimum.

    Ya I started out 3 days a week and I am going to slowly increase and daily I remind myself baby steps Denise
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You at some point will probably plateau meaning it will stall. For some this is for months some days. I have plateaued twice so far and I just mix up what I'm eating and change my workouts and I get right back on track. It's math burn more that you consume and you will loose weight. Your body will get comfortable with it so just mix it up! I suggest measuring yourself like your legs, arms , stomach etc. you will see results there even if the scale isn't being too friendly :)
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    How long does it take to hit the first plateau usually???/
    There is no set time. Record notes daily on how you feel, look and most importantly what you ate. While everyone is *gasp* different, you don't defy the laws of science.

    When you reach a TRUE plateau. You have two options:

    1. Increase activity.
    2. Reduce calories.

    I would tread lightly with both.
  • I think it is different for everyone. I started at 228 and didn't hit my first plateau till 207.5 and then again at 204.5 (those pesky .5's). After those I continued to loose at my normal rate again. I also weigh myself daily to keep on track.
  • You at some point will probably plateau meaning it will stall. For some this is for months some days. I have plateaued twice so far and I just mix up what I'm eating and change my workouts and I get right back on track. It's math burn more that you consume and you will loose weight. Your body will get comfortable with it so just mix it up! I suggest measuring yourself like your legs, arms , stomach etc. you will see results there even if the scale isn't being too friendly :)
    Feel free to add me

    How long does it take to hit the first plateau usually???/
    There is no set time. Record notes daily on how you feel, look and most importantly what you ate. While everyone is *gasp* different, you don't defy the laws of science.

    When you reach a TRUE plateau. You have two options:

    1. Increase activity.
    2. Reduce calories.

    I would tread lightly with both.

    I've read others upped their calories a bit to "shock" their bodies. Bob Harper suggested (on tv of course) to do your exercise routine backwards.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    You at some point will probably plateau meaning it will stall. For some this is for months some days. I have plateaued twice so far and I just mix up what I'm eating and change my workouts and I get right back on track. It's math burn more that you consume and you will loose weight. Your body will get comfortable with it so just mix it up! I suggest measuring yourself like your legs, arms , stomach etc. you will see results there even if the scale isn't being too friendly :)
    Feel free to add me

    How long does it take to hit the first plateau usually???/
    There is no set time. Record notes daily on how you feel, look and most importantly what you ate. While everyone is *gasp* different, you don't defy the laws of science.

    When you reach a TRUE plateau. You have two options:

    1. Increase activity.
    2. Reduce calories.

    I would tread lightly with both.

    I've read others upped their calories a bit to "shock" their bodies. Bob Harper suggested (on tv of course) to do your exercise routine backwards.
    The increase of calories would depend on current intake. But you're right, many do re feeds in which they would increase carbohydrate intakes to maintenance or near maintenance for a day or a few hours. This will help leptin production which will burn more fat.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    do your workout backwards?? what exactly would that do lol
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Yeah I get that and I get freaked out sometimes too. It feels like it would be all to easy to blow it... but the more time you put into it and the more good habits you build into your life.. the less terrifying it all becomes. Also.. make sure you have a good support system in place.. whether on this site or real life and use them if you get worried you're gonna backtrack. But I also think that the fact that you have a bit of fear in you means that you really do want this and that's a good thing. You're actually stronger than you think are.. remember that!
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    I am FINALLLLLY just starting to lose weight and I am so afraid it will stop or I will give up again... Does/has anyone else experienced these fears in the beginning ?????
    Yeah, I do. Moments when I am afraid this change is unsustainable and it will all go to sh--, er, crap. If I can, I try to get up and go exercise, or prep some veggies for cooking later on, or do something else that's positive and tends to reinforce my fitness efforts. (When I just have *no* energy hardly at all, I cruise the web for cool workout gear that I might or might not ever buy.)

    There's a little nay-saying snark-voice in my head that keeps saying things like "This'll never work." "Who do ya think you're kidding?" "You're just fat, that's all there is to it." But I know that's not *me.* Mostly it's fatigue talking, because this fitness business is hard work. Some of it is old emotional baggage rearing its tiresome head. But it's not the *me* who is choosing to become healthy and be alive. Not the me who knows, deep down at heart, that she can do this and she will. Not the me who has a thousand good reasons to lose this weight and gain this health & fitness, only one of which is to prove that stupid little snark-saying inner voice wrong, wrong, absolutely completely totally dead-solid all the way *wrong.*
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Haha, yes.

    I tread very carefully. I become very protective of myself and don't like people to know I'm on a diet in case they say something stupid that sort of gets in there and bursts the bubble for me.

    My boyfriend can't stop suggesting foods that aren't on the list I'm allowed. Constant. Then he complains that I may not have those foods and what a terrible diet it is (I've lost about 12 lb in 2 weeks.) He doesn't see it as undermining me. He calls it helping and caring and showing an interest. Today I told him to p!ss off. Ahem.

    I don't want anyone to wreck this ride. I want to be safe. I am even careful what I say on here, how enthusiastic I get in case I sort of spend all my energy/motivation/enthusiasm and get offline and find I've got none left.