Stopped Losing Weight... HELP!

Hi all,

I'd been doing quite well with the weight-loss, lost 3stone in total. I have 2 stone left to go untl I'm at my target weight but it just doesn't seem to be shifting and it's sooooo disheartening!

Does anyone know why this could be? And what I could do to start losing again?

Since January I have only lost 2lbs yet I'm eating healthier than I ever have done in my life and have really upped my exercise. I just don't know what I can do. I have a wedding to attend in May and I was convinced that I would have reached my goal weight by then, but I just don't see it happening now.



  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    Do you eat back your exercise calories? I stopped losing, so I started eating back almost all the calories I burn, and the weight began to come off again. It doesn't work for everyone, but it is worth a shot.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Your body has gotten wise to your shenanigans and you are on a bit of a plateau.

    I have found mixing things up like calorie intake and a different exercise routine usually gets things moving again.
  • loischapman
    Same thing id going on with me. It is very disheartening. It probably is a matter of just switching things up a bit. good luck and dont give up. you will and "CAN do it!
  • beabelieve
    beabelieve Posts: 112
    Your body adjusts to a program repeated for a long time. Change workouts/foods frequently or just take few days off.
  • carlz82
    carlz82 Posts: 19
    thanks for the advice everyone, much appreciated :-) x