Mexican Restaurants: Ordering Recommendations?

Hey MFPers!

I'm thinking about joining some friends out tonight for Mexican food and wanted to see if you all had any suggestions for things to order if I go. Mexican is always so salty that I end up feeling gross the next day and I'd really like to not take on a ton of water weight just from one meal!

Do any of you have any good reco's?


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    the chips and salsa are not horrible as long as you limit the chips. I usually get fajitas and just eat the meat and veggies. Some of the more upscale Mexican restaurants have some nice grilled dishes or slow cooked meats that aren't too bad. Mainly, just try to stay away from the cheese, rice, beans, and tortillas.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    Go with Vegetable fajitas, skip the tortilla (and of course the chips/salsa). :smile:
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I've only ever been to a Mexican restaurant once in my life. I've had homemade fajita's and enchiladas before.

    Just order whatever you think is healthy.

    Try and go for grilled chicken. See if they offer wholewheat or corn tortillas. Brown rice instead of white rice (just don't eat too much if you do have any rice). Don't snack on tortilla chips with dip lol. Stay away from really creamy sauces. Have plenty of veg.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I usually do the vegetarian fajitas without the sour cream. If I have enough calories for chips planned out I will wait until my fajitas come so I don't overeat the chips. It's so easy to eat that entire basket of chips when you're hungry, LOL!!
  • Shellybzyb
    Shellybzyb Posts: 4 Member
    Chips and salsa are my favorite, so I allow for a reasonable portion. I usually get a shrimp salad with lemon and salsa for my dressing. Good luck!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Chip & Salsa just count how many chips you eat (like 13 or so) and fish tacos, fajita....

    actually has a whole list of things to order at a mexican resturant.....
  • ColleenMichele
    I LOVE mexican food! We eat it multiple times a week (mostly homemade) but when we go out I always order this great grilled mix of chicken, peppers, onions, mushrooms, and a little light sour cream. Its amazing! There are a lot of options if you look hard enough and you can always ask them to leave things out or add extra veggies! Have fun!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I usually do chicken or steak fajitas, minus the tortillas and limit the sour cream and guac. I also try to limit the amount of chips I eat but I usually fail at that.
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    As a girl who lives in Texas and eats Mexican probably twice a week, I say... fajitas are good. Lots of veggies and protein, few carbs. Tacos aren't *bad*. Really, moderation is more the key with Mexican than anything else. Oh, and no margaritas! ;)
  • amandalfraser
    amandalfraser Posts: 40 Member
    Tortilla soup- tortillas on the side. Make sure if there is cheese and sour cream to ask for that on the side as well. The beans in it are full of fiber, and there's usually avocado, corn, onion.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    fast all day and eat all the mexican food you want at night. problem solved lol
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Fajitas w/corn tortillas. Yummy!