Question for 30DS peeps...

Anyone else feel like Level 3 is easier than the other 2? In terms of Cardio anyway? I feel like Levels 1&2 just KILL me with Cardio to where I'm plain out of breath! Don't get me wrong it's a good thing - I just was wondering if anyone else felt the same way??? I've done all the levels and I'm back to the beginning doing 10days of each level (Ididn't do it this way first time around - I just did it to my comfort). Also what do you log your time in as for each level of "Circuit Training, General"?

Thanks all! :wink:


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    it's b/c you are in better shape ;)

    i log mine as a whole 27 min circuit training, i include the warm up and cool down. I like level 2 best as i burned the most calories i love the 2nd circuit the most with the skaters. I just can['t do the plank jacks, mountain climbers, etc i have bad knee's so i opt to do other cardio at those times.. I did the whole dvd back in Dec and i am 4 days away from completing it again. I have gotten NO results this time around :( not a difference at all, i even used 5 lbs weight instead of 3...
  • That cardio just kicks my butt way more in L1 than L3! I like L2 also! I love the skaters! I definitely feel stronger from doing it. I hope I get more results this time around... I am also going to add in a little jogging (when kids/time/weather permits). Thanks for posting - I really can't wait to get my HRM - things would be so much easier with it! Sorry you didn't get any results this time around - bummer! Have you tried any other of her DVD's? I have Master your Metabolism too and like that one also - you can choose from 7 different circuits. Good luck!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how long is that one..... i just bought ripped in 30, so i will start that April 1st! i like the fact that 30ds and R130 are only 30 min and i can always make time in my day for that!