They have it soooo goood!

Ladies, do you ever think "why do men have life so easy?"
Well i do! and these are some of the topics i think about..........
Getting dressed, taking a shower, peeing, dating life, s*x, loosing wieght, and soo much more!
if you would like to comment or extend on one of these topics or another feel free, because i hope its not only me!:ohwell:


  • Well dont they??????????????:huh:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Getting dressed is as easy or hard as a person chooses to make it.
    Taking a shower?
    Peeing...yes and thank God! :laugh:
    Dating life...many if not most women still expect the guy to be the one to take the risk of asking and at least at first bear the expense.
    Not sure how we have it easier on that one as anything that goes wrong will be considered our fault.
    Sex,would call that about equal,either one can be lazy or involved and the result will be in accordance with the effort.
    Losing weight probably for the most part as out metabolisms generally work faster and our bodies are not pre programed for baby making.
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    And yet they have to listen to us b!tch and moan...hmm...
    :flowerforyou: For you, boys

    Edit for the dreaded B word
  • TMI!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • And yet they have to listen to us b!tch and moan...hmm...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I honestly don't think women have it that much worse than men.

    1) Women can pee standing up, too - it just takes practice.
    2) It's easier for women to hide when they are... um... excited.
    3) Yes, losing weight is harder for women, but we also tend to look a bit better with extra padding (for most of us, it doesn't all turn into a beer gut)
    4) BOOBS! They allow us to get away with a lot. Seriously.
    5) Dating - I don't know - I haven't dated in years. I'll get back to you on that in a couple more months, maybe...
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    In some ways they have it easier. I would certainly be thrilled without having a monthly cycle to deal with! And being able to pee standing up would rock. Not to mention killer heels, makeup and hairstyling. But alot of that is choice.

    But men have their issues too. I'd hate to have to wear a suit and tie. Men are expected to be manly and not show too much emotion. Men are often (not always) expected to support a family. If there's a divorce, they often lose thier children and alot of their money even if it's the wife that cheated. Men have to be the ones to ask a women out and deal with rejection.

    So meh. I don't think they have it all that great. I'm happy being a girl.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Excuse me!! But you woman have it so much better then us men.

    You can buy so many outfits for cheap.
    You have multiple upon multiple orgasms
    Men can not get enough of you
    You can get anything you want when you flash the ladies
  • In some ways they have it easier. I would certainly be thrilled without having a monthly cycle to deal with! And being able to pee standing up would rock. Not to mention killer heels, makeup and hairstyling. But alot of that is choice.

    But men have their issues too. I'd hate to have to wear a suit and tie. Men are expected to be manly and not show too much emotion. Men are often (not always) expected to support a family. If there's a divorce, they often lose thier children and alot of their money even if it's the wife that cheated. Men have to be the ones to ask a women out and deal with rejection.

    So meh. I don't think they have it all that great. I'm happy being a girl.
    Well you have a piont but there are some benefits of being a man, like giving birth and all that hard stuf
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Getting dressed is as easy or hard as a person chooses to make it.
    Taking a shower?
    Peeing...yes and thank God! :laugh:
    Dating life...many if not most women still expect the guy to be the one to take the risk of asking and at least at first bear the expense.
    Not sure how we have it easier on that one as anything that goes wrong will be considered our fault.
    Sex,would call that about equal,either one can be lazy or involved and the result will be in accordance with the effort.
    Losing weight probably for the most part as out metabolisms generally work faster and our bodies are not pre programed for baby making.

    I agree with this. As someone loves a long hike in the woods, it would be awesome to be able to pee without dropping trou, but otherwise I rather enjoy being female.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member

    Well you have a piont but there are some benefits of being a man, like giving birth and all that hard stuf
    Actually, I consider giving birth one of the plusses of being a woman. No way would I give that up. :)
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I like that my boobs get me free things and generally make life easier...

    Man boobs don't have the same effect...
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Excuse me!! But you woman have it so much better then us men.

    You can buy so many outfits for cheap.
    You have multiple upon multiple orgasms
    Men can not get enough of you
    You can get anything you want when you flash the ladies

    Multiple orgasms FTW! (But some lucky guys get that too :tongue:)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Excuse me!! But you woman have it so much better then us men.

    You can buy so many outfits for cheap.
    You have multiple upon multiple orgasms
    Men can not get enough of you
    You can get anything you want when you flash the ladies

    Multiple upon multiple orgasms?!?! Who is this and more importantly who are they sleeping with?
  • Well dont they??????????????:huh:

    Yes because I do concede that while dating you ladies and putting up with some of your feminine ways is tough it's easy enough compared to some of the crap you have to go through just because your girls!
    Excuse me!! But you woman have it so much better then us men.

    You can buy so many outfits for cheap.
    You have multiple upon multiple orgasms
    Men can not get enough of you
    You can get anything you want when you flash the ladies

    As far as orgasms go, you just have to know what your doing son ;)
  • LaylaSparkles
    LaylaSparkles Posts: 51 Member
    Ladies, do you ever think "why do men have life so easy?"
    Well i do! and these are some of the topics i think about..........
    Getting dressed, taking a shower, peeing, dating life, s*x, loosing wieght, and soo much more!
    if you would like to comment or extend on one of these topics or another feel free, because i hope its not only me!:ohwell:

    I would like to know exactly why you think these things are easier for men, Just wondering ofcourse with no judgement just makes me curious?

    Also, I dont think men have it easier in many of these respects, I think its pretty much equal on all those fronts. Some men even take longer with their appearance then some women do.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There are times I think men have some things easier, but I wouldn't want to have 'nads. Something that delicate, so vulnerable... I'd be at panic-attack level anxiety 24/7.
  • kaf330
    kaf330 Posts: 61
    I'd like to add that most of womens issues start with "men"
    - we have MENstration
    - then we go through MENopause
    - and we have to see a GUYnocologist
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    O my gosh I have this argument with my boyfriend constantly. I work, go to school, do homework, cook dinner, do the laundry, clean the apartment, do the dishes, and have to find time to work out on top of that. He goes to work and comes home and asks what is for dinner. Then plays xbox all night..... GAHHHHHh
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    accidently sit on your junk and then tell me its better being a man.