Post Baby Stomach

odm73 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I have had one son (who is 10) and twin girls (that will be 3 in a few months. I still have a "pouch" belly, especially after my twins, which appears to be alot of stretched/loose skin from getting so big with my girls. Is there any hope that I can firm that back up with just exercise? Has anyone out there accomplished that? I recently had hernia surgery and the doctor flat out told me that it can't be done. I'm hoping he might actually be wrong. :ohwell:


  • Allylc23
    Allylc23 Posts: 5
    I have only had one baby so far and I have that small pouch as well. I asked my doctor and he said that when you get pregnant it separates the abdominal muscles. He told me that no matter how many sit-ups you do, it won't go away! Bummer! I am determined to have mine gone for good. I have become a runner and I have found that since I started running it seems to have tightened up quite a bit and is not nearly as noticeable as it used to be! Good luck, I know how frustrating it is!

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  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I'm with you.. I'm really hoping that this can be done without cosmetic surgery. If anyone knows please post! :)

    love and light. xo
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    I HATE MY MOTHERS APRON :mad: But, there is a woman on here who I remember saying lost her pouch! So, she gives me inspiration to lose mine, and it gives me hope too :happy:
  • clarkcj
    clarkcj Posts: 18
    Let me know how you go with the pouch business. I haven't had a baby - i just let myself get too heavy and how I have a bit of a 'kangaroo pouch' myself. I'm hoping that I can tighten it up - at least it doesn't hang (I feel so sorry for those poor women who have it down low - that must be so uncomforatable).

    Anyone have success de-pouching? Do let me know! I want to hear that there is hope!
  • odm73
    odm73 Posts: 14 Member
    Bummer...another doctor saying we can't do it. Ha Ha. I also had a C-section with my twins, so I guess my abdominal muscles are pretty shot. It's kind of hard to stick to dieting and exercising when you know you won't get rid of that unsightly bulge...:cry:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I too have mommy apron. I had two c-sections about 19 mos apart. I work out so hard and nothing I do can get rid of it. Then again, I'm blessed with bad 'stomach' genes. My Mom was slender, until she turned to the side, when you'd guess she was 7 months preggo.
    I still get - "When are you due"... I hate it.
    I do have GREAT legs though! LOL... It's a bit of comfort until I see the docs about my pouch and distended belly.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    After my daughter it took me almost 2 years to loose the pouch:ohwell: We'll see how long it takes me to lose it this time after my baby (currently 3 months PP) I'm more motivated this time around.
  • I lost mine completely after a little while with my first daughter and I just had my second baby 2 weeks ago so I'm on a mission now to get firmed up before my husband gets back from his deployment. I know it can be done...without surgery. Keep working at it:)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I've had three c-sections, so to hear that some got better stomachs is good. I know I have a lot of scar tissue though, so hopefully I will have the same good thing happen to me too. I'm not counting on it though. I also have an upper belly, partially I think because my first was breech and I carry funny. Lovely. I guess the three kiddos are worth it though..:tongue:
  • I have had 2 babies as well and both were via c section. I am Down 100 pounds form my top pregnancy weight with my 1st baby. I have talked to EVERYONE including a plastic surgeon and he told me to come to terms with the fact surgery is the only way to get rid of the excess skin and fat. We can always pray though right?
  • odm73
    odm73 Posts: 14 Member
    Bummer..more docs saying it isn't possible. Oh well, guess if I did manage to flatten it I would still have the war zone stretch marks though. ha ha
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