All cardio no strength training

Hey board,

I guess this is the opposite of the other thread relating to strength training with no cardio. I am curious if the more experienced ones here can answer this question for me, if it is possible to lose weight by just running and no strength training. I am 28, 5'11", weigh 185lbs trying to get down to 160. Whats your input on that?



  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Yes it is possible - I lost 30 lbs in 2 months with all cardio . I was 185 also but lost 5 lbs through water fasting (don't do this) so started from 179.6 got down to 150.4 in two months... but lost a ton of muscle - went from incline benching for reps at 180 down to 121... now im trying to rebuild muscle and up to 135
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I have lost all my weight just doing cardio (running, training for 10K, elliptical) However, I am not starting to add in strength training in hopes of getting more toned.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    What exactly did you do, as in how did you start. I have tracked 11 miles in 2 weeks at a pace of a little over 12:20. I use endomondo to keep track of my stats.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Sure you can, but you risk losing lean muscle doing it, so you may end up "flabby" at a lower weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I ran about 200 miles in the two months with 1220 net cals (ate ALL my exercise calories back). Yeah but like ninerbuff said I lost a lot of muscle - I didn't look as flabby as I did when I started... but I did use a fat burner about 1 month in.... though but since starting to lift again I've lost prob an addition 3-4 lbs (masked by my creatine use).. and can see my top two abs now... people say I look even skinnier than I did before I started lifting cuz I prob replaced a lot of the fat weight with muscle
    What exactly did you do, as in how did you start. I have tracked 11 miles in 2 weeks at a pace of a little over 12:20. I use endomondo to keep track of my stats.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    Sure you can, but you risk losing lean muscle doing it, so you may end up "flabby" at a lower weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I was thinking about adding strength training into the mix down the road. I do minor stuff, like push-ups 15 reps 3 sets. Thats about all. What would you recommend? I do not want to join a gym.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    I ran about 200 miles in the two months with 1220 net cals (ate ALL my exercise calories back). Yeah but like ninerbuff said I lost a lot of muscle - I didn't look as flabby as I did when I started... but I did use a fat burner about 1 month in.... though but since starting to lift again I've lost prob an addition 3-4 lbs (masked by my creatine use).. and can see my top two abs now... people say I look even skinnier than I did before I started lifting cuz I prob replaced a lot of the fat weight with muscle
    What exactly did you do, as in how did you start. I have tracked 11 miles in 2 weeks at a pace of a little over 12:20. I use endomondo to keep track of my stats.

    100miles/month, that is a lot! Good to know. Thanks again.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    If you want to see the number drop fast do what I did because the scale wont move if you try to maintain muscle..... but yeah I kinda regret it now cuz I was pretty huge back then muscle wise so I prob would have looked cut as hell if I kept lifting even though my weight loss wouldn't have been as dramatic.
    Sure you can, but you risk losing lean muscle doing it, so you may end up "flabby" at a lower weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I was thinking about adding strength training into the mix down the road. I do minor stuff, like push-ups 15 reps 3 sets. Thats about all. What would you recommend? I do not want to join a gym.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yeah but ... i mean... why do you only want to do one part of fitness? its like- half-assing it.

    just cardio and you'll be thinner and look better in clothes, add ST, flexibility, agility, etc and you'll look great naked.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    Good point! Ok, I got my answer.
    yeah but ... i mean... why do you only want to do one part of fitness? its like- half-assing it.

    just cardio and you'll be thinner and look better in clothes, add ST, flexibility, agility, etc and you'll look great naked.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    When you're obese sometimes the only way to lose fat FAST enough to feel good about yourself is the fastest way....
    yeah but ... i mean... why do you only want to do one part of fitness? its like- half-assing it.

    just cardio and you'll be thinner and look better in clothes, add ST, flexibility, agility, etc and you'll look great naked.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Running is strenght training somewhat for your legs. Sure you'll lose weight but you'll be skinny-fat. So basically you'll weight less but still look doughy. You'll also lose fat less fast than if you incorporated strenght training.
  • Running is strength training somewhat for your legs.

    No its not. Running doesn't provide enough resistance to cause hypertrophy
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I was thinking about adding strength training into the mix down the road. I do minor stuff, like push-ups 15 reps 3 sets. Thats about all. What would you recommend? I do not want to join a gym.

    You could buy free weights and create a strength training routine at home.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    I was thinking about adding strength training into the mix down the road. I do minor stuff, like push-ups 15 reps 3 sets. Thats about all. What would you recommend? I do not want to join a gym.

    You could buy free weights and create a strength training routine at home.

    Just pulled them out of the shed. Like I said I used to be heavy on weights and no cardio, just switched up but from what i understand i have to find that happy medium. Any tips on a good mix?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    When you're obese sometimes the only way to lose fat FAST enough to feel good about yourself is the fastest way....
    yeah but ... i mean... why do you only want to do one part of fitness? its like- half-assing it.

    just cardio and you'll be thinner and look better in clothes, add ST, flexibility, agility, etc and you'll look great naked.

    Fast is not always the healthiest or best for your body you are working toward. And that FAST self-esteem boost is superficial and wont last very long because its not meant to happen overnight.

    This is evolution people- not sea monkeys

    If you wanna go really fast- here's what'll happen.

    Your skin wont shrink as fast as your mass...
    Your brain may not be able to keep up with the mental changes that come with having a dfferent body
    You may lose some muscle and be smaller and have more endurance, but not necessarily stronger
    You will become so focused on reaching your goals at a certain pace, and not understand that as you get closer to your goal- its MUCH harder to lose weight, MUCH harder to lose it consistently- and you may not know how to shift to Non-Scale Victories as easily.
    You may get frustrated after so much fast loss at the beginning, that when you stall at 40 pounds gone- and you havent been at it long enough to understand why- you may get discouraged and start regaining.
    What you are revealing under the fat may not look like what you thought it would, because you're only shedding fat and muscle and not creating your new shape

    THis is supposed to take long enough for you to take off the extra and shape your new body from scratch all at once- WHILE being able to strengthen your self-esteem and thicken your skin and learn that what you weigh is not wh you are.

    People dont realise how much time they spend agonizing over what they weigh all the time until they arent there anymore. You may say- Oh my weight doesnt define me... but how often do you pass up things that seem fun because you think you cat, think youll injure yourself, look stupd, feel out of place, break something, humiliate yourself... so you punish yourself and say No.

    If you take your time to do this right and not rush to meet a fast ft loss goal right at the beginning, then you are off on your way to doing this the right way- body and mind.

    The only way to do something is 100%.

    If you rush, take shortcuts, (by shortcuts- i do NOT mean science, math or common sense - I mean skipping the nutrition portion f all this) or dont take care of you are on the inside.... well then enjoy the flabby man titties and identity crisis later -giggle-

    Good luck!!!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I was thinking about adding strength training into the mix down the road. I do minor stuff, like push-ups 15 reps 3 sets. Thats about all. What would you recommend? I do not want to join a gym.

    You could buy free weights and create a strength training routine at home.

    Just pulled them out of the shed. Like I said I used to be heavy on weights and no cardio, just switched up but from what i understand i have to find that happy medium. Any tips on a good mix?

    Jillian Michaels workout DVDs (Ripped in 30 is very challenging for me), P90X, or Insanity! Pull out the heaviest weights you can safely handle and challenge yourself to get to and through the highest level you can. Then increase your weights and go for it again.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Everyone I know who has had the balls to finish P90X came out the other side in a brand new body- cause it combined all the different parts of getting fit, nice and neat and challenging
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Fast is not always the healthiest or best for your body you are working toward. And that FAST self-esteem boost is superficial and wont last very long because its not meant to happen overnight.

    This is evolution people- not sea monkeys

    If you wanna go really fast- here's what'll happen.

    Your skin wont shrink as fast as your mass...
    Your brain may not be able to keep up with the mental changes that come with having a dfferent body
    You may lose some muscle and be smaller and have more endurance, but not necessarily stronger
    You will become so focused on reaching your goals at a certain pace, and not understand that as you get closer to your goal- its MUCH harder to lose weight, MUCH harder to lose it consistently- and you may not know how to shift to Non-Scale Victories as easily.
    You may get frustrated after so much fast loss at the beginning, that when you stall at 40 pounds gone- and you havent been at it long enough to understand why- you may get discouraged and start regaining.
    What you are revealing under the fat may not look like what you thought it would, because you're only shedding fat and muscle and not creating your new shape

    THis is supposed to take long enough for you to take off the extra and shape your new body from scratch all at once- WHILE being able to strengthen your self-esteem and thicken your skin and learn that what you weigh is not wh you are.

    People dont realise how much time they spend agonizing over what they weigh all the time until they arent there anymore. You may say- Oh my weight doesnt define me... but how often do you pass up things that seem fun because you think you cat, think youll injure yourself, look stupd, feel out of place, break something, humiliate yourself... so you punish yourself and say No.

    If you take your time to do this right and not rush to meet a fast ft loss goal right at the beginning, then you are off on your way to doing this the right way- body and mind.

    The only way to do something is 100%.

    If you rush, take shortcuts, (by shortcuts- i do NOT mean science, math or common sense - I mean skipping the nutrition portion f all this) or dont take care of you are on the inside.... well then enjoy the flabby man titties and identity crisis later -giggle-

    Good luck!!!

    Awesome. So well put.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    Lol @ the last part, nicely said! I like you, you say it as you see it.
    When you're obese sometimes the only way to lose fat FAST enough to feel good about yourself is the fastest way....
    yeah but ... i mean... why do you only want to do one part of fitness? its like- half-assing it.

    just cardio and you'll be thinner and look better in clothes, add ST, flexibility, agility, etc and you'll look great naked.

    Fast is not always the healthiest or best for your body you are working toward. And that FAST self-esteem boost is superficial and wont last very long because its not meant to happen overnight.

    This is evolution people- not sea monkeys

    If you wanna go really fast- here's what'll happen.

    Your skin wont shrink as fast as your mass...
    Your brain may not be able to keep up with the mental changes that come with having a dfferent body
    You may lose some muscle and be smaller and have more endurance, but not necessarily stronger
    You will become so focused on reaching your goals at a certain pace, and not understand that as you get closer to your goal- its MUCH harder to lose weight, MUCH harder to lose it consistently- and you may not know how to shift to Non-Scale Victories as easily.
    You may get frustrated after so much fast loss at the beginning, that when you stall at 40 pounds gone- and you havent been at it long enough to understand why- you may get discouraged and start regaining.
    What you are revealing under the fat may not look like what you thought it would, because you're only shedding fat and muscle and not creating your new shape

    THis is supposed to take long enough for you to take off the extra and shape your new body from scratch all at once- WHILE being able to strengthen your self-esteem and thicken your skin and learn that what you weigh is not wh you are.

    People dont realise how much time they spend agonizing over what they weigh all the time until they arent there anymore. You may say- Oh my weight doesnt define me... but how often do you pass up things that seem fun because you think you cat, think youll injure yourself, look stupd, feel out of place, break something, humiliate yourself... so you punish yourself and say No.

    If you take your time to do this right and not rush to meet a fast ft loss goal right at the beginning, then you are off on your way to doing this the right way- body and mind.

    The only way to do something is 100%.

    If you rush, take shortcuts, (by shortcuts- i do NOT mean science, math or common sense - I mean skipping the nutrition portion f all this) or dont take care of you are on the inside.... well then enjoy the flabby man titties and identity crisis later -giggle-

    Good luck!!!