
kellibe Posts: 11
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
okay i really need some help
i have a huge bad habit of going to mcdonalds if u ever see my diary, you will see, i have to have my ice coffe.. and burrito
and i love the salads and cheeseburgers.
i so need to stop... i stopped for about 8 months and lost weight...
i can really use some help, how do you wean yourself off this addicting salty food.......


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    okay i really need some help
    i have a huge bad habit of going to mcdonalds if u ever see my diary, you will see, i have to have my ice coffe.. and burrito
    and i love the salads and cheeseburgers.
    i so need to stop... i stopped for about 8 months and lost weight...
    i can really use some help, how do you wean yourself off this addicting salty food.......

    I still go to McDonalds about once a month. I get a double cheeseburger, and bring my own light chips to go with it, rather than the fries. :smile:
    I also make sure to have stuff like Pizza and Chinese one a month or so too! :love:
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    prepare your food at home, and make sure you keep barely any money on you so you can't go there to buy stuff. or, have a note/picture to/for yourself in your wallet.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I think you need to look up the amount of fat and calories your eating when you go to McD's.

    I know that stopped me, I didn't just wean myself off.. COMPLETELY STOPPED going there.

    I used to enjoy the burritos for breaky with hashbrowns and a medium pop before I started this new lifestyle.
    I was well over my daily limit in calories, sodium and fat in that one meal.

    Prepare food at home is the way. If you have to buy something outside, there are other choices.
    It's all about the choices we make. You know why your here, and it was because of the choices you made in the past.

    Start making good choices, and those cravings for fast greasy salty fatty food will go away fast.
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    I am exactly the same with the breakfast burritos! I LOVE breakfast burritos. Try making a bunch of them on the weekends or whenever you have time and then freeze them! That way you can pick how many calories you want in them exactly, and you can just bust them out and thaw them!

    As for iced coffee's, opt for sugar free syrups. I love sugar free vanilla latte's- even less in regular coffee.

    And for the burgers, after you cut em out don't they get kind of gross looking? Lol, but splurging is ALWAYS necessary.

    :smile: Good luck!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- this might sound tricky--

    When you're in your car and you're driving, and you see the golden arches-- don't turn the car into the driveway--


    Don't mean to sound so flip-- but there is no trick. You just stop going there. Your car is not on auto pilot.

    You have a choice-- choose wisely.

    Your body will thank you!
  • jess412
    jess412 Posts: 29
    just think of all the calories you can save to eat something better! and just think of all the money you will save if you stop going there!! i don't know how much a coffee and burrito is, but i'm sure it adds up. you could be rich if you stopped going there lol.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    If McD's is on your way to or from work, or wherever you drive to routinely, take a different route so you don't see it. Sort of like not going down the cookie aisle in the supermarket. :bigsmile:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member

    You can find recipes for your favourite restaurant foods here and recreate them with healthy ingredients.

    For example the breakfast burrito uses pork sausage, cheese and eggs, all of which brings it up to 453 cal each :sick:
    You can use a whole wheat tortilla, Yves "Veggie Mexican Ground Round", egg-beaters and low fat cheese.

    Lots of other foods - there are other websites too, like copycat.
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    okay, so i'm bumping this! Not too long ago there was a post with a website on it linked to a video on mcdonalds and if you eat that stuff, you need to see it! I LOVE mcdonalds...STILL, even after watching the video...BUT I HAVN'T EATEN IT SINCE, EVEN THOUGH IT STILL SOUNDS GOOD. The video was enough to make me never want it again, even though as i'm typing this my mouth is watering...hahaha....but, yuck, noway! If I find the post i'll put it on here but I beleive it was less than a month ago and pretty sure if you typed in fastfood it would bring it up becuase I beleive it was in the posts title.
  • kellibe
    kellibe Posts: 11
    thank you all of you for all your help
    and you are absolutly right... it is about a choice...
    thanks, im going to start making mine and freezing them.. great ideas..
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    LOL McDonalds is literally across the street from where I live [and subway down the road 2 min] so I really can't take another route to work...but when I get to that light, telling myself the whole way that Im going to McD's and then last min I turn and continue on my way to work without stopping LOL man that's tough but I won the battle! but when I really do need a fix I get a lil wimpy double cheeseburger with extra pickles, eat the pickles, take a few bites, and then share the rest with the dog! lol and then I feel not so bad! :laugh:
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I would also suggest looking into some mindful eating- mindful eating is a part of a lot of mindfulness courses, and is probably pretty accessible on line.

    I say this because imho, when I really think about what I am eating, and how it tastes, I enjoy healthier, smarter foods than when I just stuff something in my mouth. I used to eat at the McD's alot, and then I remember how it really really tasted, and to be honest, it wasn't as good as I anticipated, ever. So just make yourself a deal, you won't go there for X amount of days, weeks, months whatever and then when you do, really really think about how it tastes as you are eating it. It just may not live up to your expectations.
    Just my thoughts! good luck!:smile:

    Oh, here's a helpful link:

    I just googled this, so I'm not saying I agree 100% percent, but it sounds very much like what one of my colleagues teaches on campus....
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    LOL McDonalds is literally across the street from where I live [and subway down the road 2 min] so I really can't take another route to work...but when I get to that light, telling myself the whole way that Im going to McD's and then last min I turn and continue on my way to work without stopping LOL man that's tough but I won the battle! but when I really do need a fix I get a lil wimpy double cheeseburger with extra pickles, eat the pickles, take a few bites, and then share the rest with the dog! lol and then I feel not so bad! :laugh:

    Baby steps, they will get you there in the end. Maybe if you think of McD's as dog food anyway that would help too! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Actually it's dreadful for the dog, too-- table food is deadly for 'em--

    McDonald's helps no one-- make good choices, my friends.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    If it doesn't fit in my day I generally don't eat it and thats enough motivation for me not to but sometimes you can't help a craving for something... especially if it lasts for days (which is how long I will sit on it to make sure I actually want it)
    I don't really like mcdonalds but sometimes I do get a craving for something raunchy for my body so I will work out extra and even eat really low sodium foods for the day until that meal comes so that I don't go over on my sodium cause I am not one of those lucky ones that sodium doesn't affect very much.
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