What am I doing wrong?

I know there are probably a million of these threads, but here goes...

I'm 5'5" 21 years old and currently 185lbs.
I had baby last January and I put on a lot of weight after that. I've never really been super active or healthy, but this year I finally hit my breaking point.
I ran/walked a 5k last November, but that's pretty irrelevant.
In February I started running again (just because I love it) and started eating healthier and everything. I immediately lost 6ish pounds within a couple weeks. But I haven't lost a single pound since then. Ive been fluctuating between 187 and 183 ever since.

I drink only water...2 liters a day or more.
I cut out all fast food (sometimes I get chick-Fil-a grilled chicken like once a week)
I started juicing my own fruits and veggies, so I get lots more servings in in a day.
According to MFP I need to stay under 1200 calories a day, but I usually eat around 1300.
I only eat when I'm hungry, and usually eat dinner kind of late since my husband works late
I run 1-2 miles every day. I know I should probably take a rest day, but I love running so much and I feel gross if I don't run.
In addition to running, I walk 1-2 miles (roughly 3mph) with my sister 2-3 days a week.
I do pushups, situps and bridges after I run.
I'm preparing to do a 5 mile Mud Run in June.
I'm a barefoot runner.

I'm scared that I might be over doing it, but I just feel so good! I've gone down 1 pants size and I can tell my shape has changed slightly. But I'm just getting discouraged because I don't feel like I'm going to meet my goal by June. I'm sure there will be someone that will tell me to eat more, but honestly I'm just not hungry enough to eat more than I already do. Am I just at a plateau? Am I over doing it?


  • invadergrimm
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Sometimes our bodies hit a sticking point. Not really a plateau, but you just bounce between the same weight for a few weeks. I just got through one myself! Been bouncing between 186 and 189 for weeks. Now I'm at 184-186. New sticking point. It really sounds like you're doing every thing right. Have you thought about giving up on juicing and just eating those fruits and veggies? It's the only suggestion I have other than change things up a bit! Try a yoga class or start lifting. Do something other than walking and running.

    Have patience! The weight will come off in time! You just need to let your body decide this is really what it should be doing.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    1. You are not going to lose 65 pounds by June, no matter what you do.

    2. You need to NET 1200, (maybe more, I think) - which means you need to eat more like 1700 total calories a day, minimum. I don't care if you aren't hungry, just try it for a month.

    Put a cup of gasoline in your car and try to drive 400 miles. Yeah, that's what you're doing.

    3. This is a process. If something isn't working, change it.
  • invadergrimm
    1. You are not going to lose 65 pounds by June, no matter what you do.

    2. You need to NET 1200, (maybe more, I think) - which means you need to eat more like 1700 total calories a day, minimum. I don't care if you aren't hungry, just try it for a month.

    Put a cup of gasoline in your car and try to drive 400 miles. Yeah, that's what you're doing.

    3. This is a process. If something isn't working, change it.

    Ah, yes, my goal has changed quite a bit. I joined MFP last year, but didn't start using it until last month haha! Trying to lose 30-40 lbs by June. I need to update that thing.

    I changed my MFP app on my phone from "sedentary" to "active" and it bumped me up to 1300 calories a day.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Eat back your exercise calories
  • invadergrimm
    Eat back your exercise calories

    I already do this. :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I can’t see your diary so I don’t know:
    1) What you’re netting
    2) Where you have your macros set
    3) Anything about your sodium intake
    4) Anything about your lifestyle at all except what’s in the op, which isn’t enough info to make any sort of assessment.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I can’t see your diary so I don’t know:
    1) What you’re netting
    2) Where you have your macros set
    3) Anything about your sodium intake
    4) Anything about your lifestyle at all except what’s in the op, which isn’t enough info to make any sort of assessment.

    The default macros are usually WAY WAY WAY high in carbs, and much too low in Protein.
  • shygirlnot4u
    shygirlnot4u Posts: 26 Member
    My sugestion is to try and incorporate some strenght training in your exercise routine. I have been doing it since i started and although my scale numbers have been decreasing slowly... my inches loss are making up for that.... and i'm stronger and feel much better... when you do cardio you're burning fat while you are working it. but when u build muscle with strenght training , that muscle will keep burning fat for you all day long!... oh one more thing... i understand why u have late dinners... i always wait for my hubby to eat aswell... but dont go to sleep right after it... wait about 2-3 hours. Good luck and i hope u consider my opinion. :)
  • abraam
    abraam Posts: 25
    I would really try to eat more, like the above poster suggested. I've read a lot of similar people's issues with plateaus, and eating more usually helps. At first you may gain some back, but soon after you should continue to lose weight :)
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Strength training is key to all this. A couple days a week will help build up any lost muscle you may have lost, or never had, to burn off calories even when you are not exercising.
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    You should try to add some weight training in if you can. It will help your runs and help you to lose weight. Also, when you do your runs, try fartleks. What is that? Run at a little under your normal pace, then go as hard as you can (safely since you are a minimal runner) for like a 30 seconds or a minute. Or if you are outside - between houses, streetlights.....This will improve your overall pace and is interval training. Your body is used to the same routine and needs a change.

    Running worked for me for awhile - then stopped. So I added 30 Day Shred and that kicked started some weight loss.

    And I agree - try eating a bit more. As a runner, you need the calories.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    1. You are not going to lose 65 pounds by June, no matter what you do.

    2. You need to NET 1200, (maybe more, I think) - which means you need to eat more like 1700 total calories a day, minimum. I don't care if you aren't hungry, just try it for a month.

    Put a cup of gasoline in your car and try to drive 400 miles. Yeah, that's what you're doing.

    3. This is a process. If something isn't working, change it.

    Ah, yes, my goal has changed quite a bit. I joined MFP last year, but didn't start using it until last month haha! Trying to lose 30-40 lbs by June. I need to update that thing.

    I changed my MFP app on my phone from "sedentary" to "active" and it bumped me up to 1300 calories a day.

    Activity Multiplier
    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

    If you want to lose 0.5 pounds a week: (BMR*activity level*7) - (1750) = calories for the week, then divide this by 7 for calories for the day

    If you want to lose 1.0 pound a week: (BMR*activity level*7) - (3500) = calories for the week, then divide this by 7 for daily cals

    For every half pound more per week, add 1750 to the second set of brackets

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    You need to reset your MFP goals now. You are basing your calorie needs on a 60+ weight-loss goal. You need to be set at "Lose 1 pound per week" at this point. Your calorie needs change dramatically the closer you get to your goal. If you don't adjust, you will plateau.

  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    One reason people don't lose is that they are estimating portion and serving sizes and are actually, WAY off. How sure are you of the calories you eat? Do you weigh, measure and log every bite? Do you have cheat meals or cheat weekends? How big are they?

    Ie: If I eat at a 500 calorie deficit for 5 days, then eat over maintenance by 1000 calories (olive garden for example) the 6th day, then have a couple of cocktails and some bar munchies on the 7th day, I may very well have completely eliminated my deficit, leaving me in a zero sum situation.

    Be sure of your intake as this is a major component of the calories in vs calories out equation.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    Are you nursing? If so, you need to eat your nursing calories too. Do a search under food by typing 'breastfeeding' and pick the appropriate one.
  • Huke
    Huke Posts: 1
    Sometimes weight can stay in one spot for a few weeks before it starts moving again. Unfortunately, weight loss rarely goes in a straight line. If after 3-4 weeks your weight (more specifically your body fat %) hasn't come down at all, then try reducing your calories by another 150-200.

    Unless you're totally new to exercise and dieting, healthy weight loss is usually around 1-2 lbs per week.
  • earnestfarley
    earnestfarley Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I had a similar problem. I was burning 1000-1200 calories per workout 3 or 4 times a week with no weight changes. In January, I had my annual check up and asked for a copy of my lab results. Basically, I determined I was in Insulin Resistance (google it).

    I did the following:

    1 - For 10 days I reduced my carbs to 30 grams per day. On day 11 switched to 30% carbs. but mostly slow burning carbs (i.e. eliminated sugar, juices (i know i LOVE orange juice) etc.

    2 - Did 3-4 HIIT sessions per week. some steady state but not much

    3 - continued with weight training, 50 minutes or less to control Cortisol

    4 - still eat to your calorie goal

    Since, my body fat % has started moving down again. I also recommend you get information on Cortisol release, which can really cause problems if you are working out for more that 50 minutes at a time.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you're using MFP's database to calculate your calorie burn, be aware that it generally overestimates, especially for low-intensity exercises like walking.