P90X, Insanity, Brazillian Buttlift or Turbo Fire??

Has anyone ever tried any of the above and if so, how did it do? Did you stick to it? Was it fun? I am looking for something fun to do at home. Something that won't easily bore me and get my butt into shape! I've tried the Ab Ripper part of P90X and it was good but bored me after awhile of it, but i also only had that one part of it and i know it consists of SO much more. I can use all the feedback you can give!


  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I tried Insanity twice. I made it through 2 weeks the first try and 4 weeks the second. It's hard. I don't know if I could have even handled month two. It's a great program and I want to try it again, but not now.

    I was looking into brazillian butt lift, it looked cheesy but I thought about trying it anyways. Instead I went with Chalean Extreme so I could get stronger and retry Insanity.

    I think you'll get out of it whatever you put into it. I have a hard time staying committed though, if I'm being honest!
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    They are all good and all work if you stick to them and skip precious few workouts. My profile picture was my results after doing P90X for 1 year.
  • I do and LOVE Turbo Fire.
  • Great Job!!!
  • I have done all of those, and love them all!! I think probably the one that was most fun for me was TurboFire though. :)
  • They are all good and all work if you stick to them and skip precious few workouts. My profile picture was my results after doing P90X for 1 year.

    Holy crap! One year!! It totally shows and I don't know how you did it because I couldn't even get through 2 weeks.
  • They are all good and all work if you stick to them and skip precious few workouts. My profile picture was my results after doing P90X for 1 year.

    Great JOb!
  • gobichick
    gobichick Posts: 16
    I have done parts of p90x, all of Insanity and am currently doing Turbo Fire. If you are looking for something fun that won't get boring then I highly suggest Turbofire. I love that workout. Insanity showed awesome results but it is intense and can wear you out. The only thing I am not liking about Turbofire is that I feel it doesn't have enough strength training. But I am doing a hybrid of p90x and turbofire and it seems to meet my needs. Turbofire by itself though is an awesome workout and very fun!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    P90X would bore me (personal opinion)
    Insanity would bore me (again, personal opinion)
    BBL ... the guy would annoy me

    Having said all that

    I LOVE Turbofire, and all things Chalene!! Including ChaLEAN Extreme.
  • estets
    estets Posts: 1
    I'm doing Brazil Butt Lift right now. About to start my second round. I'm 5'5.5" and around 120 pounds so I'm not overweight but I want to tone up. BBL is nonstop so at the beginning I really sucked at it, but now my strength has definitely increased. But the best part is the tone my bum and legs have got! Not just them, but overall. I use p90x ab ripper x in place of the BBL ab exercise. I also combine workout days if I don't feel like I worked hard enough. I think it's a great program and definitely says what it says it will. Can't wait to see my bum in 4 more weeks :) I did do p90x last summer and loved it too but more for upper body and not lower.
  • I love Turbo Fire... it's fun, and includes a low-impact person along side Chalene. It was fun, the music is fun... and you get like 15 DVD's of different classes and speeds. They provide a schedule, but I stick to just a few, because you begin to start getting muscle memory on the routines and queing... nothing worse than being 3 steps behind. LOL.

    I started at 271 pounds, and I'm down to 238. Still have a long way to go!!

    Good luck
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Has anyone ever tried any of the above and if so, how did it do? Did you stick to it? Was it fun? I am looking for something fun to do at home. Something that won't easily bore me and get my butt into shape! I've tried the Ab Ripper part of P90X and it was good but bored me after awhile of it, but i also only had that one part of it and i know it consists of SO much more. I can use all the feedback you can give!
    none of the above but im doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and OMG i love it 2days day 3 cant wait to do it!.. I wanna give up because im hurting so bad but then its over and im happy i stuck with it... and i love how its easy to understand
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    I have done P90X twice, I am in the 3rd phase of P90X 2, and after that I am going to either do a full on Insanity or do P90X/Insanity hybrid. They are all excellent work outs as long as you stick to it. You will see results.
  • I'm a Beachbody product junky, I have done Turbo Fire, lost about 15pounds with P90X, im now doing Insanity a few days a week and also Brazil Butt Lift, I don't follow the schedule I just do whichever one I'm feeling that day, kind of like the all.
  • kali2785
    kali2785 Posts: 42 Member
    TurboFire is my fave!!!! It's been awhile since I've done it because I won a gym membership from work.. but I REALLY want to get back to it. It's super fun!
  • harebearva
    harebearva Posts: 216 Member
    Holy crap! One year!! It totally shows and I don't know how you did it because I couldn't even get through 2 weeks. .

    First 2 weeks of ANY of the beach body programs will leave more sore than you've ever been in your life! LOL but it does get easier.
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    I've completed insanity 2x last year and currently on month 2 of round 3...i'm addicted & i'd highly reccomend it to anyone. Insanity changed my life ;) Best workout I've honestly ever done (even beats the gym..)

    I've done p90x with a few friends...just isn't for me..much longer and daily focus on certain body parts, I enjoy the full body workout and cardio of insanity. I'm interested in turbofire as well, but for me- INSANITY WINS :D
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I done P90x last year and loved it...doing Insanity now and loving it...moreso then P90x
  • cclamar8
    cclamar8 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm doing P90X and BBL! I love them!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Second time around with INSANITY, loving it. Going to do P90X next.