Just getting started...

So i started working out yesterday after a really long break. I am 234 now and am looking to loose fat but also gain muscle, mainly in my arms.. I was a highschool athlete, so the muscular legs are still there, just a little fat to loose. Are there any really good exercises to trim fat on my arms and legs while building muscle?? I work out at home doing turbo kick but also go to the gym. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!


  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    You can't spot-reduce fat. Cardio will cut down on fat (running, swimming, biking, elliptical, anything that really gets your heart rate going), but unfortunately you don't get to choose where it comes off first--genetics or the Powers That Be do. :laugh:

    But it's still a good idea to be doing strength training in the meantime--that way, as the fat does come off, your muscles are lookin' good underneath! Pick up something like Weight Training for Dummies or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I've personally read the first and it helped me immensely with getting started on a lifting regimen.
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I was going to comment, but all that I was going to say has been said.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    Never underestimate the awesomeness of pushups.
  • Commit2BFit2
    Hey! They're right about no spot reducing, it just takes patience while you lose all over! When I started out strength training I focused mostly on my triceps. Of course I did all over arms and upper body, but the tricep is the fastest muscle to tone up on women! So it helped give me motivation to start seeing quick results! I started with scull crushers bench dips and Standing Bent-Over Dumbbell Triceps Extension all of which you can get examples of at this website. they also have many more great workout ideas to get you going!!! good luck!

  • Faunadhill21
    Thank you all for your responses!!!
  • Faunadhill21
    Also new to the online program, so im looking for friends and motivation!! Thanks again for the help.