Headaches while running?

Does anyone else get headaches when they run? I've noticed it quite a few times, enough for it not to be coincidence. Is there anyway I can prevent this?


  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    stay hydrated.. also pretty sure hot weather causes this for some people.
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    I agree -make sure you have plenty of water before, during, and after. If you're running on an empty stomach try eating something...like a yogurt and banana, peanut butter toast, or something else carb/protein combo.
  • katkat1717
    katkat1717 Posts: 143 Member
    I get them as well! i might take a few of these suggestions too... THX!
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    I get a horrible headache running if I don't breathe in nose and out mouth. Since I'm asthmatic, Its easy to do the breathing wrong so I have to think about it. Sometime I notice I don't exhale all the way and that cheats me out of o2 then gives me the headache.

    breathe in nose out mouth like steady blowing out candles. HTH

    and if that's not you issue water, lots of water fixes everything, lol
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Also make sure that you aren't tensing up while you run. Keep your body loose, hands relaxed - not in fists, shoulders loose and relaxed, and roll your head/neck around every now and again to make sure you aren't locking it up. I used to run super tense and tight and actually had to run the last two miles of an eight mile run with an ocular migraine once. After that I make sure to consciously check my body every now and again to make sure I'm staying relaxed while I run.

    No more headaches or ocular migraines and almost no post-run body aches at all.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    anytime i get a headache while running, it's because i'm not drinking enough. my psychiatrist, who is a long time runner, told me (after i had a really, really horrible 5k race) that the amount of water you drink the night before is just as, if not more, important as the water you drink the day of and while running. make sure you're always going into your runs well hydrated!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I actually get rid of a headache by running!