do you girls gain/not lose at your time of month?



  • crazybusymom
    crazybusymom Posts: 5 Member
    totally normal for me. i try to quit weighing myself until it's over and turn it into a private contest to see where i'll come out on the other side!
  • Crystler
    Crystler Posts: 67
    I blow up like a balloon during that month. I eat candy before I start, so if I am eating chocolate I know I'm going to start, but ever since 2 years ago My period is shorter only lasts 4-6 days. Most of all, I must add I look bigger because I'm retaining water, which is odd. I am blown up right now, I am not even sure what's going on, but I have contacted my doctor to ask for a OBGYN. :)
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    I gain/stay the same the week before and then straight after I have a big loss.

    Also the week before I am always so hungry, I am experiencing this now and will have to eat up to my daily allowance of calories when normally I would strugle! Normally though I would comfort it, I haven't this month!!!
  • chelleyr9
    chelleyr9 Posts: 22 Member
    Gain about 3-6 pounds...keep working out hard and eating right and those pounds drop off as well as a couple more pounds. I always look forward to how much I have actually lost when the water weight drops back off.
  • jenna_scott
    jenna_scott Posts: 56 Member
    I gain 5-7 lbs it starts a day or two ahead of arrival. The gain peaks at about day two and then slowly drops off by day five. That is how I knew I was pregnant with all of my kids because didn't gain weight. Although I have to say i was cracking up at all the names you guys have chasing the cotten mouse, Red Tide... it was funny to me!
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I tend to gain 2-5lbs depending on my sodium intake the entire week before. I just am not going to weigh myself around that time don't need the discouragement. Also I know that sometimes upping your exercise can change your TOM.
  • ebbtime
    ebbtime Posts: 35 Member
    I know I gain around that time b/c all I want to do is munch. Aside from that, you mentioned 1/2 weeks late w/no poss of preggers. I have PCOS & it causes periods to come/go when they please.
  • scrach
    scrach Posts: 19 Member
    I eat SOOO much a few days before until day 2, i actually look forward to my period starting so i don't feel hungry every 5 minutes!! Usually put on a pound or so then lose about 4 pounds after all finished. Us women have all the fun :)
  • Samie8183
    Samie8183 Posts: 5 Member
    I gain about 3-5lbs around that time. Sometimes a bit more if I'm irregular for some reason.
  • DDBeard
    DDBeard Posts: 50 Member
    My fluctuations are crazy. The week after TOM I barely lose any weight. The next week (ovulation) I normally loose a pound. The week before I lose a little bit more (1-2 pounds). Then tday 4 (or so) of TOM I normally lose 3-4 pounds. Only been doing this for 2 months but that’s what I noticed so far. I have an app on my I phone called “M.Calendar” (it’s free). It has helped me track things better including ovulation, cycle times, weight, mood, bloating, etc. I have other issues which is primarily why I use it but it may also help you track how it affects you.
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    i generally gain 2-3 lbs. I dont weight in that week
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    Not sure about the first question, I haven't had it in a long time due to birth control.

    But with amenorrhea, it can definitely be caused by the diet and exercise. Depending on how long it's been, maybe give your OB a call.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Since my second child, I retain boston harbor, so I will weigh anywhere from 3 to 7 pounds more depending on what kind of bender I went on. It takes me about a week after to get back to my regular weight, so I really only know my weight for 2 weeks out of a month...