Okay Ladies, Need some advice from others with PCOS

I've decided to get back on track with my eating, and start being healthy again.. Problem is, I'm a little concerned with my calories and what not this site allows me. I would like to know what you're ratios are for carbs, fats, and proteins.. At one time a doctor told me to have less than 100grams of carbs a day for PCOS, please help.:ohwell:


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I've decided to get back on track with my eating, and start being healthy again.. Problem is, I'm a little concerned with my calories and what not this site allows me. I would like to know what you're ratios are for carbs, fats, and proteins.. At one time a doctor told me to have less than 100grams of carbs a day for PCOS, please help.:ohwell:

    If your doctor advised you of no more than 100g of carbohydrates per day, that means you should focus on the foods that offer the highest nutrition with the lowest amount of carbs...that means being extra diligent in the food choices you make.

    If your doctor advised you to do this, you should go right back to the doctor and ask about what your individual situation requires...all women are different, PCOS symptoms and severity will be different from one woman to another, and therefore the medical care could vary.....especially the numbers...

    Please consult with your doctor where you are already being medically advised to follow a carb restriction.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    what is pcos?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    what is pcos?

    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.... Also referred to as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome.
  • I didn't mean to start an up roar. I know what I need to be doing, per my doctor. I was just curious as to how other people with PCOS had their ratios set. That was all.. =(
  • Sascha
    Sascha Posts: 204

    We apologize for the brief locking of this post- we have just unlocked it. We would like to mention though, to be aware that requesting medical advice or diagnosis in our forums is not a safe alternative to consulting with your physician or emergency care provider.

    In many countries, including the US, it is actually considered an ethics violation for medical professionals to respond to such posts. The likelihood of your receiving valid medical advice pertinent to your exact situation is therefore extremely low.

    This is why every page of the forum is followed by the text: "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy" .

    - Julie
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I didn't mean to start an up roar. I know what I need to be doing, per my doctor. I was just curious as to how other people with PCOS had their ratios set. That was all.. =(

    I dont believe anyone thinks you did.. I know I didnt..8-)

    I only posted what I did because your inquiry is actually focusing on the fact you mentioned you are being instructed by your physician to follow a carb restriction, and what should your other figures be (macros)... Without knowing your complete medical history, labs, prescriptions, etc - Thats why I suggested that you should consider talking with the physician that ordered you to be on a carb-restriction in the first place.... everyone else has their own individual predicaments and they may not be the best source of information to obtain from.

    I work in healthcare - over 15 years. And we struggle to get our patients to always talk with their doctors when its regarding their medical situations/health/questions. Thats why I was saying earlier, you really need to talk with the ordering physician about this, and not ask here on MFP....

    (No I didnt lock this previously, in case you were wondering..lol)
  • I didn't mean to start an up roar. I know what I need to be doing, per my doctor. I was just curious as to how other people with PCOS had their ratios set. That was all.. =(

    I dont believe anyone thinks you did.. I know I didnt..8-)

    I only posted what I did because your inquiry is actually focusing on the fact you mentioned you are being instructed by your physician to follow a carb restriction, and what should your other figures be (macros)... Without knowing your complete medical history, labs, prescriptions, etc - Thats why I suggested that you should consider talking with the physician that ordered you to be on a carb-restriction in the first place.... everyone else has their own individual predicaments and they may not be the best source of information to obtain from.

    I work in healthcare - over 15 years. And we struggle to get our patients to always talk with their doctors when its regarding their medical situations/health/questions. Thats why I was saying earlier, you really need to talk with the ordering physician about this, and not ask here on MFP....

    (No I didnt lock this previously, in case you were wondering..lol)

    lol, I was just mainly trying to see what other women with this lovely blessing have been doing. It got flagged and I got an email, and was like great.. I reread what I had wrote, and I get it lol. I don't have access to the doctor who told me this, being how it was years ago. My new doctor, told me about a program through the clinic, so with all the info, I had gotten, I just feel a little overwhelmed. =/
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I didn't mean to start an up roar. I know what I need to be doing, per my doctor. I was just curious as to how other people with PCOS had their ratios set. That was all.. =(

    I dont believe anyone thinks you did.. I know I didnt..8-)

    I only posted what I did because your inquiry is actually focusing on the fact you mentioned you are being instructed by your physician to follow a carb restriction, and what should your other figures be (macros)... Without knowing your complete medical history, labs, prescriptions, etc - Thats why I suggested that you should consider talking with the physician that ordered you to be on a carb-restriction in the first place.... everyone else has their own individual predicaments and they may not be the best source of information to obtain from.

    I work in healthcare - over 15 years. And we struggle to get our patients to always talk with their doctors when its regarding their medical situations/health/questions. Thats why I was saying earlier, you really need to talk with the ordering physician about this, and not ask here on MFP....

    (No I didnt lock this previously, in case you were wondering..lol)

    lol, I was just mainly trying to see what other women with this lovely blessing have been doing. It got flagged and I got an email, and was like great.. I reread what I had wrote, and I get it lol. I don't have access to the doctor who told me this, being how it was years ago. My new doctor, told me about a program through the clinic, so with all the info, I had gotten, I just feel a little overwhelmed. =/

    The one thing I cant STAND nor handle is a doctor who says a blanket statement, and doesnt explain his/herself. That leaves the patient saying to theirself "WTF was that?" I worked in one large hospital-provider network and the doctors offices was NOTORIOUS for leaving patients feeling like they had to learn medico-legal language in order to translate what they were educated about... They would call me and ask for help - especially if it meant it was going to reflect a patient balance against them from their insurance because they are about to have a procedure or visit done with someone...

    The current hospital I work at now, thankfully shares everything in a simple english manner.. the way it was meant to be!!!!!!!! No one leaves the office unless they have a clear and concise understanding of what was explained.

    I must admit, it angered me that you were left in a bit of a pit about this. They should have explained MUCH better and in great, but simple detail... 64 lashes with the stethoscope to that doctor, or ANY doctor that pulls that crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dahlialia
    dahlialia Posts: 16
    I have pcos, and I aim for under 100g carbs and over 100g protein. I don't eat potatoes, grains, or sugar except for the occasional treat. I do eat some fruit though, as well as veggies. And lots of eggs, fish, chicken, pork, etc.

    I also do interval training (just with jogging) 3x per week.

    I have lost 20 pounds since the beginning of the year so it seems the right approach for me :)