Weight Watcher

Has anyone tried weight watcher? I've been thinking of trying it, I need something to help me eat right. I'm not doing to good on my own.


  • mrshamm
    mrshamm Posts: 62
    Has anyone tried weight watcher? I've been thinking of trying it, I need something to help me eat right. I'm not doing to good on my own.
  • hallusmc
    hallusmc Posts: 51 Member
    I have known a lot of people that have been very successful on WW. It is great if you need more accountability, becuase you have to go to the meetings, and because you are paying for it. If that is the motivation you need - I say go for it!!!
  • prinzess44
    I have been On WW for the past 9 weeks and have lost a total of 16lbs. I do the point system.
    I have found that this helps me stay an track and know with this site to go with it I feel I will reach my final goal. Another 20lbs

    Have a great day:smile::smile:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    My mother and my sister just joined 2 weeks ago.
    So far they like it a lot. They claim that its like an AA meeting for hungry people. haha.

    I have a few friends who've been very successful on weight watchers. It keeps you accountable and thats a very good thing.

    To me, this site is essentially weight watchers without the meetings and whatnot.
    Weight loss is all about what works best for each person. And the accountability at weight watchers is a strong motivator for most people.

    I wish you the best!
  • FletcherChic
    i did WW and followed the Core program (no real counting - only the flex points are counted in)...i loved it and it helped me lose about 40 pounds (i also walked 3-5 miles everyday during the process)...i went from a sz 16 to a 4!!!...i reached my goal weight and don't have time to attend my monthly meetings but i still follow the program (and since i did Core it was more of a lifestyle change as opposed to a "diet")...i pretty much still eat the foods that i know are core...if i eat anything not core, i keep a mental tally, and i still workout. a lot...i gained back about 10 pounds :angry: but i really think it was because i gave up the walking and started doing a ton of strength training (note to self: walking is way better than lifting all those weights! ha ha ha)....so even though i weigh more i still wear the same size etc etc....i loved the program and i will tell you that i think the key to success is REALLY being ready to commit (trust me - i tried WW 5 times before and didn't work for me) and if you can do it with a friend - that helps a lot too...you'll keep each other honest and out of trouble! :laugh: best of luck to u if you do try it!....also if you do - here is a link to a great website that has tons of foods, recipes, and restaurants with the WW points figured out
    Dotties Weightloss Zone
  • littlespoon
    littlespoon Posts: 165
    I started WW three and a half weeks ago and I think its great. I have lost a kilo a week so far. I found all the info on the net, so I havent had to pay for anything. A couple of my friends find it easier when they go to meetings though. I would say absolutely go for it, I wish I had done it earlier.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I have done WW in the past and have lost weight but not as well as I am losing just counting calories myself. WW is a great program and makes it a no-brainer to keep track of food. I just personally find myself being more honest with myself when I am keeping track of calories myself. On WW I would tend to be like "well, this SEEMS like 4 points or that is ABOUT 3 points"....and my losses would often be pretty small and I would end up giving up. But, if you can be completely on point with it, then go for it! I just use a food journal to keep track of every single calorie I eat (even down to every tsp of mustard!) and exercise and it has worked very well and also teaches me about portion control. I need to have the knowledge to keep the weight off if it is going to work.
  • pbkfit70
    pbkfit70 Posts: 38
    I tried weight watchers many years ago and it didn't work for me. I know the thoery, eat sensibly, exercise more etc. etc. and I found the meetings time consuming and too "groupy". There again I did follow their principles and lost about 10kg.

    I later joined Rosemary Conley, which I enjoyed more because there was also an exercise class included.

    Ultimately though the cost was the deciding factor. I couldn't afford to keep paying out £5 per week, even when I didn't go.