why am i hungry all day if i have a big breakfast?



  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I can usually manage until 1-2pm before needing to eat if I don't have breakfast. But if I do have it then that's it, i'm craving food all the time and feel genuinely ravenous.

    But, yesterday I had a massive bowl of wholewheat muesli (100g of the stuff!) with some skimmed milk at 5am, as I was at work for 6 and wouldn't get a break until 10.30 and didn't want to go hungry... It's the best i've ever felt in the morning! I didn't feel hungry at all yesterday. I don't know if it was a fluke and I would have been less hungry yesterday anyway... but i'm tempted to try it again just to see. Maybe getting the right amount of the right thing is what works??
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm the same way. I think it's because the first thing you eat for the day speeds up your metabolism and makes you hungrier, as a pp mentioned. Once I start eating for the day I want to eat more, but if I don't eat breakfast, I don't get hungry until 12-1. I don't think that's a healthy way to control eating though, so I just eat every 3 hours or so instead. Breakfast at 8:30, lunch around 11:30-12:00, a snack around 2:30-3:00, etc. It works for me.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    For me, it matters WHAT I eat for breakfast. If it's mainly carbs, then yes, I am ravenously hungry all day. If it has a good amount of protein and few carbs, I'm fine.
  • try eating breakfast in the morning. Something wholesome and filling like oatmeal. then between breakfast and lunch snack on a few almonds and drink at least 4 glasses of water. It's easy to mix up thirst with hunger. I usually feel hungry mid way through the morning but I big drink from my water bottle takes care of it. I'm not sure how long you've been at this but it takes time to train your mind and body to new things. You have to stick with something for at least a week or two for your mind and body to realize you're serious or it will keep trying to revert you to what it knows best.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    When I was in my high school health class they explained that eating breakfast kick started your metabolism so it actually makes you hungrier though the day.

    This sounds about right to me! I have a protein rich breakfast, and then an hour or so later I'm hungry again. I usually have lunch about 2 hours after breakfast. I don't get this with the rest of the day/rest of my meals though, just breakfast. Always ready to eat again an hour or so later! So sometimes, I do.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    ive just found this on the internet


    I think its interesting. I was actually looking for "reasons TO eat breakfast"

    I don't really know if I buy into that guy. Most of his "7 reasons" aren't really reasons not to, they are just disputing some of the common reasons people say you have to. With that said, and I'm no expert, I'm all about listening to your body. If you don't feel that you need breakfast and you have enough energy or feel better without it, then I don't see why why you should force yourself to eat it. As long as you are taking in enough calories and nutrients during the day, you should be just fine.

    If you feel like like you should be eating breakfast or feel better when you do but your worried about it making you hungrier, I'd take a good look at what kind of breakfast your eating. I think the main cause for people being hungrier when they have breakfast is because of the types of foods they eat. It is very common for people to eat foods that are high in carbs/sugar for breakfast (bagels, toast, pancakes with syrup, cereal, french toast.) Eating a breakfast too high in carbs/sugar can cause a later blood sugar drop that is going to make your body crave more. So if you really want to try to work in breakfast but notice it makes you hungrier, maybe switch some carbs for some protein?
  • cthomps
    cthomps Posts: 31 Member
    I am the same way - I have to wait to have breakfast till I am at work or I am starving all day. On the weekends I eat it later too. Doesn't matter what I eat either - I have tried all kinds of filling things and I am still hungry an hour later.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think i "should" be listening to my body. i think its telling me to put on weight, but obviously i dont want to, and to stick to the calories MFP gives me, but if i do the healthy thing of eating when its trying to tell me to, i gain weight, so i need to work out what times of day i find resisting easier or hard, as long as i get the right amount of calories in general over the course of the day, im not sure it matters much if i eat them at 6am or if i wait till 10.30/11am
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    i think i "should" be listening to my body. i think its telling me to put on weight, but obviously i dont want to, and to stick to the calories MFP gives me, but if i do the healthy thing of eating when its trying to tell me to, i gain weight, so i need to work out what times of day i find resisting easier or hard, as long as i get the right amount of calories in general over the course of the day, im not sure it matters much if i eat them at 6am or if i wait till 10.30/11am

    Ah I see. So you are underweight? If so, it's a totally different story. Eat your calories when you can how you can whenever you can. Good luck!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Here is the reason breakfast is important (and not just another eating opportunity that you can make up for during the day). Since it is hormones that control our metabolism, we have to be aware that different hormones are released when we sleep (also very important) than when we are active. What we eat first thing in the morning can take advantage of those hormones and give us a metabolic boost. The number I often see recommended is 500 calorie breakfast, with at least 30% of those calories coming from protein.

    The fact that we continue to be hungry throughout the day means that our fire is actually burning, our metabolism is working. But it does mean having food choices on hand that won’t send us over our calorie goals or that are nutritionally poor. Just take some time to adjust and make tweaks. You will find balance. Don’t beat yourself up for not having it al figured out the minute you make change.

    Here is another explanation from Fitness Magazine:

    "It will switch your metabolism from idle to high speed. That's because your level of cortisol, a hormone that helps you use calories to build muscle, is highest just before you get up in the morning. When you eat an a.m. meal, your body is primed to turn those calories into muscle pronto -- the only time during the day this happens. Take advantage of the natural torching process by having a healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, low-fat turkey bacon, and a piece of whole-grain toast.”

  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    no im not underweight, my bmi is 19.2 :) but i dont want to lose anymore, i just dont want to gain.

    ive decided to still have breakfast, but just try and not have it immediately on waking, because i get up really early, so if i have my breakfast at 6 or 7am, theres no way i can get to midday without wanting more, but if i can hold out till 9.30 or 10ish, then its much easier to get through till lunch. If i dont do that, i can easily eat the equivalent of another small meal at midmorning, which screws my calories up for the whole day.

    Ive just had eggs and toast, and i actually feel much fuller than i normally do after breakfast, so maybe this is the way to go.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I find just the opposite. If I eat little or nothing at breakfast I tend to feel hungry and can't get enough. When I have a larger first meal, it really helps my hunger the rest of the day. Is there anyone else out there like me?
  • I usually eat an apple and have coffee, then a couple hours later eat yogurt with low sugar and am in control the rest of the day. I recently started eating a whole grain hot cereal in the morning and OMG, I was out of control all day and craving cookies and candy that I usually have no proplem staying away from. Im back to my old routine and will see if the diet change in the moring was to blame. It was frightening. :)

    I've lost 50 lbs in the last year and don't wanna go back.
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