Irritated at the weight gain

I have NO IDEA wth is going on and I am pissed off this morning. Been KILLING it with the weight loss lately - gave up alcohol completely in my diet and the weight just started melting away. Started out at 133, struggled until the wine went away and was tettering between 116 and 118.

Then I wake up, hop on the scale and I gained weight. Only two pounds but I'm wandering around like WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

I'm working my butt off. At the gym 4 days a week, running 3 miles, doing stairs, watching everything that I eat (and staying within limits) with a once-a-week splurge night.

Anyone have this happen??? It's driving me crazy. I'm on the scale so many times a day and I'm ready to toss the thing off the back porch.


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    If you stayed in a calorie deficit, it's more than likely just water fluctuations.
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I dont know whats happening but I am having the same issue, I work out 6 days a week and except once in a while i stay under my calories but I put two lbs back on two, I am asuming (not to be to detailed but) i think my is a time of the month thing. I am trying not to lose motivation because of it. Maybe some else will have a better answer, good luck keep up the good work too.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    First off you've very, very close to your goal weight. So it's going to be harder to lose weight.

    Secondly, if you're eating in a deficit you can't have put on two pounds of fat. It''s water weight.
  • Water weight or muscle gain. Don't toss the scale out the window just yet or stab anyone... if you have to, use a spoon.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I just peeked at a few days of your diary. Are you getting enough to eat? It looks like you're hundreds of calories under your goal some days, which can stall weight loss. Also, are you getting enough fresh fruits and veggies? Processed foods are high in sodium and sugar, and your body hangs onto that stuff longer. Fresh foods will give you more energy for your workouts, and your body can process them better. You look great and are very close to your goal. Keep your chin up :)
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I weigh myself every day at the same time and I always fluctuate at least a pound. If you have lost so much weight I am really surprised this hasn't happened to you before. MFP even says you are only supposed to weigh yourself once a week because of this fluctuation.

    Don't fret, you are either going to have your period or you had a couple glasses of water in your system more than usual. No big deal, keep doing what you are doing as it is working and will continue to work, don't get discouraged from a 2 lb hiccup.

    Nice job so far. Cutting out the alcohol is TOUGH but it does make a big difference. :)
  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't rely on the scale so much... it is just a tool. While yes we are all here to lose weight it is normal for the body to fluctuate it's weight, up to five pounds, each day. This could be due to water retention, that time of the month, or even the amount of blood pumping through your muscles if you had a good workout. Chances are good, it will be gone quickly. And if you are close to goal, you are going to be even more frustrated by this because you have to increase your intensity just to do get the same results as you were before... the stronger you get the harder you have to work. Good luck!
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    You had a lot of sodium yesterday, could be water! It takes a couple days to flush it out...
  • macw1_2000
    macw1_2000 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you!!! Just incredibly frustrating and I suppose I have to watch the garbage (even if it fits into the calorie count) and the salt. (And eating back the exercise calories.)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Now that you don't have much to lose, what is your weekly weight loss goal set to?

    I would suggest that you set it to 0.5lbs/week if you are not there already, as the less you have to lose the smaller your deficit should be, or you risk losing a large % of lean muscle as you lose the last bit of fat.
  • jbrehm28
    jbrehm28 Posts: 5 Member
    I hit a plateau for a few weeks.. (SO FRUSTRATING) but keep forging through and keep your chin up! Maybe split one of your daily exercise routines into two smaller routines.. sometimes the body just needs a wake up.
  • leesem26
    leesem26 Posts: 1
    i sympathize! I have been using this for over a month and have been VERY diligent about including EVERYTHING I eat. I've lost less than 1 pound, although my lowest weight was about 3 lbs lower. I think i went over my calorie count maybe 2 days out of 30?

    I only wanted to lose about 10 lbs so it's not a big deal, but I wonder what I would have to do to get that done? I find that days that I can get a walk in for an hour or so I tend to lose as much as half a pound in a day, where as other days I am way under my calorie count and still gain as much as a pound!

    Makes no sense much of the time. I'm just thankful that I am not overweight to begin with.