Six weeks to six pack (Jillian DVD) group exercise.. anyone

Hey all..
I really need some motivation to get me through the next six weeks!! Its 20 degrees here in Sunny Southern France and I'm still walking around in jeans and baggy tshirts hiding my flabby stomach... I have no excuse for it other than being a greedy cow! :angry:
So I'm trying to kick my butt into shape.. Jillian Michaels and here six weeks to a six pack is on the agenda..

Will someone do it with me please? :flowerforyou:


  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i would love stores are sold out:grumble:
  • Hey Airbear,

    Thank you so much! Amazon will have it maybe?
  • minit54
    minit54 Posts: 27
    i actually just started doing it last night. do u plan to do it every day for 6 weeks?
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Well, I've been thinking of looking into these DVD's. I will look for them this weekend! Will send you an invite.
  • Minit: Yeah I plan to do it 5 times per week with additional roller skating twice a week.. I started just before I wrote this and it killed me so thats why I came straight on here and asked for help! :)

    Squeeks: Let me know when you have it, I have all her DVDs, they are great but I find it hard to keep at it!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I'm starting the bellow one:

    I have 5 Kg (~11 pounds).

    After these chanllange, maybe I decide to do that one.

    Kisses, and lets goooo
  • Hey Tatyanne,
    The 30 day shred is a great workout and quite fun.. I have gone with the six weeks to six pack because i feel like it'll be easier to concentrate on one area to start with and hopefully the results will motivate me to carry on. I have 20 lbs to loose so I really need to get on it!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    But don't you think it's better to lose weigth first and add some definition during/after?
    After i finish with this one, i'll start with the six pack.

    So, let's stay in touch and motivate each other?

    When did you start? How is your plan? Are you cheating?

  • Hey Tatyanne,

    Yeah I thought I would do it at the same time.. Gets me off my butt as well! I find I eat when I am bored.. So i thought this dvd would give me something to do and do me some good! I started today! So no, havent cheated yet and I am not on a 'diet' just eating healthy and cutting out the daily chocolate bar and coca-cola! Also walking a lot more, 2 hours x3 per week which I really enjoy.

    How about you? Hows it going?
    Mandarin x
  • HilaryP22
    HilaryP22 Posts: 11 Member
    I will try to do it with you!! I did it a few weeks ago and lasted about 5 days, but then I lost motivation.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I''m starting tomorrow morning.
    All Jillian movies below are already with me:

    - Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred
    - Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six-Pack
    - Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones
    - Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs

    I'll start with 30 Day Shred. I'll try Level 1 for 10 Days, as sugested.
    I'm not dieting either, just trying to keep the 1200/1300 calories/day.

    I run 30min (~5K), 3 times a week, so I don't know how to adjust with Jillian's exercises all days, 'cause i usually run before going to work, at 6h30 am
    But I hope I can take it!

    I'll share later :)

    Kisses Girls,

  • Paislei
    Paislei Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join you! Going to start Day 1 on Monday morning. :)
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I'm finishing ripped in 30 tomorrow after doing shred and am going to start alternating 6 week 6 pack with Extreme Shred and shed for the next month