
Hey everyone I was just wondering if anyone here runs and have they lost much weight with running?? I use ti do a lot of running but not for weightloss but now as I need to lose weight I've started it back up I need to lose 50 pounds by august my routine is 4 days running for 90 mins each time I lift weights for an hour twice a week and also use a stationary bike for an hour once a week I am eating 1300 cals a day do you think I will lose a good amount of weight from the running???? I love it always have but I need the best form of exercise to lose weight any help and anyone who has had success with running feel free to give your input thankyou :).


  • melpap12
    melpap12 Posts: 50
    I just started the c25k program 4 weeks ago. It helped me get through a plateau and I have lost 5 pounds since. Not only that I notices the thighes and butt slimming down and my endrance is a lot better. 1300 calories a day is fine when you are not exercising. But when you are, your should be eating more calories.
  • LowKal
    LowKal Posts: 7 Member
    I have been running for a little over a month now, as well as watching what I eat pretty closely. I have lost 20 lbs. I find it to be super easy. I love to run too. I am running 2 1/2 miles 4 times a week. You should lose a pretty good amount but I would caution you when you lift, to lift small weights & high reps. This will help you get cut as opposed to putting muscle on. I hope this helps & good luck!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'm not sure I can attribute my weight loss (lost about 35lbs last year still have 20 or so to go) to any one particular exercise as I run, bike, swim, row, play soccer and do weights. I think you'll also get a lot of divergent points of view as to what the "best" exercise is.

    Based on the information you've given us it's impossible to say if 1300 cal per day is enough (with this amount of exercise my gut feeling is that it's low) and your weight loss goal is pretty ambitious.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have been running for a little over a month now, as well as watching what I eat pretty closely. I have lost 20 lbs. I find it to be super easy. I love to run too. I am running 2 1/2 miles 4 times a week. .......

    Are you saying you lost 20lbs in a month? You must be doing something else too, running 10 miles a week (even if you average 200 cal/mile) would account for a little more than 2lbs of fat loss per month.
  • beautybandit1
    I as well, love to run.... I have not seen anything crazy as far as the scale, but I notice my legs have way more definition, and my clothes are starting to fit differently. Keep running if this is what you love... it gives you a clear head and takes away stress which is a MAJOR component of weight gain. I use running as a form to relieve stress and have ME time... since then, I feel so much better and am more clear headed about the goals I have set for myself. Keep up the good work and HANG IN THERE!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I You should lose a pretty good amount but I would caution you when you lift, to lift small weights & high reps. This will help you get cut as opposed to putting muscle on. I hope this helps & good luck!

    PLEASE!!! that is pure junk - with 50lbs to lose you need to keep your muscle, and heavy lifting (and NOT small weights and high reps:explode: ) will help you do that!

    Running also works, I lost 50lbs by mainly running and doing WW, but I ate my calories burned through running, and I should have started heavy lifting with the running a lot sooner...
    Good luck, running is fun too!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I You should lose a pretty good amount but I would caution you when you lift, to lift small weights & high reps. This will help you get cut as opposed to putting muscle on. I hope this helps & good luck!

    PLEASE!!! that is pure junk - with 50lbs to lose you need to keep your muscle, and heavy lifting (and NOT small weights and high reps:explode: ) will help you do that!

    Running also works, I lost 50lbs by mainly running and doing WW, but I ate my calories burned through running, and I should have started heavy lifting with the running a lot sooner...
    Good luck, running is fun too!

    Heaven forbid we put some muscle on.
  • bikini1234
    Thanks everyone for the input I adore running everyones answers has giving me the motivation I needed ! XxX
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I started here a year and a half ago.. and I also began running.. I lost about 47 pounds! I went from a 14/16 to a 4/6 in about 8 months, and I'm pretty sure it was mostly on a 1200 cal diet.. but once I hit 143, that was all she wrote. I ran a half marathon in October, which marked my one year anniversary, and then took two weeks off. It became apparent to me that I'd need a new goal to focus on over the winter because unless I was pushing for something, I wasn't even going to get out of bed, and I'd gain all the weight back. Since another half marathon was out of the question (I can't run in the cold and there's no way I'm doing 10 miles or more on a treadmill), I signed up for a couple of Warrior Dashes this Spring. I kept running 3-5 miles a few times a week on the tread (it was torture) until the New Year. Then I joined a local gym and began a brutal lifting schedule to prepare for my Dashes. It has paid off in spades.. I am up 9 pounds now, but am in the same clothing (4/6). I am toned now, where last summer I was thin but flabby (fat skinny, or is it skinny fat?).. Running really burned off my belly fat, which I've always had, even when I was a small teenager playing high school sports. Now my stomach is flat, but since I've been on the weight training schedule, it's also tight. I would definitely recommend running as an awesome fat burning tool.. and I'd also recommend that once you've got the fat off that you want, you begin to incorporate weights to tone up. The results are amazing.