some advice please

when i was pregnant i weighed 195 lbs im 5/5
i lost the weight the wrong way and i now weigh 115
due too losing to quickly i have some sagging area below my belly button
i want to lose more weight and firm that area up but im having trouble any suggestions on firming my lower abdomen.
and neone know of diet pills that actually work


  • Scottslass
    Scottslass Posts: 76
    Just go on a health eating plan......FORGET THE DIET PILLS!!!!!! They are not good for you:flowerforyou:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Eating Healthy and exercise.

    It doesn't sound like you need to lose more weight just build muscle in place of fat. It takes time.
  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    Any exercixes that work the core abdominal muscles (the ones that are deep inside and go around you horizontally like a girdle) are great for this. But they won't give you a 6 pack or anything. Lie on your back and raise your legs a bit off the floor and you will feel them work. There's tons of variations of these exercises and I think they all work. My favorite is to slowly raise my legs and my body at the same time so I touch my feet up in the air and then as I drop my legs gently back to the floor I lie down with my arms overhead and do it again. I got this info from a physical therapist when I hurt my back.
  • Robin9
    Robin9 Posts: 20
    You do not need to loose anymore weight!!! Your BMI is underweight! After having children it is tough to get rid of that midsection, eat plenty of protein to help build muscle and work on your abs and overall muscle, and please eat.
  • tinker09
    tinker09 Posts: 3
    i get so frustrated though because i dont want it too b a long process.
    im very impatient and my son is 3.
    i dont want a tummy tuck cause surgery is too risky..i just want fast results.
    im going to follow the calories and stuff the site suggested....but 1lb a week dont seem like much...
    and 30 mins of exersice 3x a week dont seem like much either.
    i have a exercise ball no weights though ne suggestions on exersises that will tighten my lower abdomen.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    Again, you do not need to lose anymore weight.

    The sagging skin is due to gaining and losing weight to quickly. I am not sure if ab exercises will work but they can't hurt either. I would talk to your doctor about what is available for you to get rid of the excess skin. hth

  • Adventuresis
    Adventuresis Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on losing all that baby weight! No pill will deal with that lower belly issue!!! I think the advice to work on abdominal/"core" exercise is good. Yoga, pilates, etc. Another idea I'm going to try once I get some of this baby fat off is: herbal body wraps. There's a lot of info on the net out there, there are spas you can go to but it looks like something you can also try at home.
    There's also a lot of skin-toning lotions and stuff too. Just be careful what you do. You've got to stay healthy for that baby!!!
    Best wishes!