Curious has anyone ever tried the Jillian Michaels Clense and Detox program??? Any suggestions on a good detox/clense program?? I need to jump start my body... Thanx XOXO



  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I really have the sense of humor of a 4th grader.

    Cleanses aren't anything but a money making scam. A healthy diet + you liver and kidneys is all the "cleansing" you need, and there's no evidence that any of these products provide any additional benefit.
  • Can't say I've ever tried a cleanse but have been researching into them and the Jillian Michaels one, based on other's opinions sounds like the best one, and the most reasonably priced as you can buy it at walmart. If you try it give me a heads up on whether or not it works. I have been eating healthier nad laying of the fast food joints and any restuarants so I would love to do a cleanse as well.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    The thing that is really funny here - I read one of Jullian Micheals Fitness Books, after she first became popular. And in the section talking about "Supplements" - she addressed, the good, bad, and bogus.

    Without going over all of it, she pretty much addresses the fact that "A cleanse is a waste, both because your body does not need it, or benefit from it, and a waste of money" and she addressed the ingredients used, and why thay are not "all that"

    She was not a fan - nor recommended them.

    (I have also seen many Legit Medical sites address the same issues, in the same way)

    and Now she has her own special cleanse - and it has really the same basic ingredients of a gazillion others out there - nothing magical, special or unique. So "now" they are great.....hmmmmmmm

    We have had no major scientific breakthroughs in this area recently. :)

    The body is not sitting around hoarding all this toxic sludge, chemicals, and gunk - that we all have to "remove" - in spite of what "Marketing" may tell you. The body really does a pretty darn good job doing that, we have all the tools, and barring a malfunction - it handles cleansing as a normal function pretty good.

    Humans are really adaptable, made to survive in variety of environments, food sources, diet ranges etc.

    Many studies have shown the intestines and gut are not packed full of "bad stuff" - . these rumors started many many years ago, and was researched pretty well on Cadavers at that time. And guess what, the innards are pretty much nice and relatively "clean" unless you have medical issues that prevent proper body function.

    Which, if you do have a real medical concern/issue - a cleanse will not properly address or fix the issue.

    Any weight lost will be water, and possible lean muscle, and glycogen stores - not fat.

    Just cleaning up your diet for a few days, adding in enough water, and some fiber will do alot of good things. :)
  • leahbk22
    leahbk22 Posts: 7
    ..although many people like a "cleanse" the best one you can get is 'ah natural! drink lots of water eat healthy (even things that are proven to make you "go") like prunes for example and have some fiber! They are healthy, non harmful to the body & you can even eat them for a snack... kill 2 birds with one stone :)
    I tried cleanses in the past and i saw no change but hey everyone is different.