Starting Insanity - Need advice


I am planning to Start Insanity Monday March 19th 2012. I need advice.... I have tried this workout once however did not lose any weight . I did not follow their diet. However i would like to know if you have followed their diet and seen weight loss (plus fitness gain) results...

I am also 45lbs over weight and wondering if Insanity is the way to go!!! Because I have done it before , I know the intensity of these workouts... But I want to lose weight in the right way....

Here are my questions
- Have you done it being overweight
- Did you follow the Insanity plan (it is 700 cal more than what MFP gives me)
- Did you lose any weight?

Please advice


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I havent' done it but just wanted to comment on your calorie question. You are saying it recommends eating 700 cals more than MFP. That is because it is an intense workout and you will burn a lot of calories. So, try their recommendation or at least eating back your exercise calories of MFP's suggested calorie amount, they will probably be close to the same calorie amounts at the end of the day because what Insanity suggests you eat is including exercise.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I just sent you a private message! I'd love to help you out :-)
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am on week 2 of Insanity.
    I might recommend staying with MFP's calories and eating back some of your exercise calories. Just make sure you are eating good healthy foods. If you do the workouts and eat right, staying in your calorie goals, you should lose weight.
    Good luck
  • kalyas
    kalyas Posts: 5
    Thank you. Marypatcasey.. I will take the help and join in:-)
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member

    Prior to Insanity I was not doing *any* exercise. I'm halfway through week 4 of Insanity and have not been following their food routine exactly. I have been eating what MFP suggests plus whatever I burn during Insanity (maybe 2200-2300 calories total @ 6' 2" 202lbs) During the first week or two my weight didn't move much at all(maybe 1 pound).

    In the last two weeks, I am finally not feeling sore after every workout and the weight(and especially inches) are starting to fall off now and my fitness level is improving by leaps and bounds! Expect to lose some weight if you're eating the calories you need to and stick with it. :)

    Stick with it for a month and see what happens! :)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Follow insanity calorie suggestion.
    1200 cal from MFP is too low. Unless your BMR is around 1200 cal ( less 160lbs), MFP set up won't screw up your metabolism.
    Eat low cal and do high intensity work out, will slow your metabolism.
    It sux and I learned it the hard way.
    Insanity set me up as 1850 cal a day and that already include the calorie I would burn on insanity work out.
  • airman42
    airman42 Posts: 2 Member
    yes it does work ....insanity does work.i been doing it for 3 weeks now and lost 10 lbs. ........i was 185 and now im 175..........and the question about the diet, its dont have to follow anything shawn t says.......just use common sense. ...........that means no junk food no sweets candy .no fast food.......keep everything in moderation.........dont eat until you feel like exploding......just eat until you are comfortable. lots of water lots of fruit lots of veggies. and LOTS OF MOTIVATION .....DIG DEEP PAL....YOU CAN DO IT :)
  • kalyas
    kalyas Posts: 5
    firedragon064, yes insanity put me at 1900 and MFP put me at 1200, also I got the BMR checked 6months ago and it is 1450 cal

    So maybe I should be eating around atleast 1600 calories with Insanity

    Airman 42, that is great weight loss... I wish I can say that in 3 weeks...Let's see
  • bf43285
    bf43285 Posts: 43 Member
    I have the same situation. I did insanity last year up to week six when I hurt my knee and could not finish the program. I saw no results but I did not stick to the nutrition program. I started again, on day 8, and I'm determined to stick with it. I don't know how many calories I should eat for such a HIT program. I really wish the Insanity/P90X workouts were on the exercise tabs already. I do have a HRM so I guess I can track it that way.

    Any advice on calorie consumption during HIT would be helpful!
  • spiritmachine
    I'm on week four and haven't lost any weight yet. Not sticking to the nutrition plan just eating how I normally would. Thought I would lose at least some weight since I am adding exercise and eating the same. Oh well, I am going to start ramping up the diet now. I do feel like I am in way better shape. My resting heart rate has even gone from the 70s to mid 50s in 1 month which I didn't think was possible. It seems like everyone who has lost weight has stuck to the exercise and diet pretty closely. Exercise alone won't do it, even with something as intense as this.
  • jennasuer
    jennasuer Posts: 19
    Im on week 2 of Insanity and was discouraged to see that I didnt lose any weight for week one. I am sticking to their nutrition program and it says I should eat 1900 calories. Im going to cut back to 1500 and see if that helps. Plus my endurance isnt there yet to fully complete the workouts. they are Insane! I feel good though after the workouts because I know I am moving in the right direction. Im going to keep going!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I lost 9 lbs my 1st 3 weeks and I went from running a 9 1/2 minute mile to 7 1/2 min mile. I DID follow the nutrition plan. Yeah, it works.