Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Question

Hi Pals!

what's a good DVD to alternate JM 30 Day Shred with? I don't want to get too bored but I want to see results.


  • rasptorte
    rasptorte Posts: 29
    How about Yoga Meltdown? It's my favourite. It's 30 minutes and you get great body weight resistance training, plus a good calorie burning workout. I also like Banish Fat Boost Metabolism which is a tough cardio workout, but is 50 minutes long.
  • aparrell
    aparrell Posts: 19 Member
    I have 4 different Jillian DVDs, and just alternate between them. I agree that it can get boring quickly, so it's fun to mix them up!
  • NYPetite
    NYPetite Posts: 19
    I like yoga meltdown too...Even on my rest days I like to get a light workout in and yoga is perfect for those days.
  • I started Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed & Shred which is a great variety...cardio, kickboxing, yoga etc...Ripped in 30 is also awesome:)