Game of Thrones (THE BOOK) fans



  • The first season is coming out soon. I would just watch the series, books are WAY to boring. Season 2 come out April 1.
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    If you end up liking the series, just be prepared for your favorite character to die.

  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I like it but less so than when I read the first book in 1995/6. Now I just want to see where it is going. Between that and Robert Jordan I am never starting a series again until all the books are written :)
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    If you end up liking the series, just be prepared for your favorite character to die.


    So true!

    I hated the way Lost ended. Game of Thrones better have a proper ending!
  • Andaw
    Andaw Posts: 35 Member
    I've heard the later books aren't as good. And if I don't like the first one, that doesn't bode well. lol

    I guess I'll keep going. But the writing IS that bad. It's technically good (he can write a proper sentence) but it's poorly constructed in other ways.

    I've read similar style, just never in a published novel. It's very, very, very bad.

    If you think it's 'very, very, very bad', give up then!! Why keep going if you think it's that bad???!!!!!!!

    I love the books and happen to think that they are all astonishingly well written but I guess it's horses for courses.