Not new, but no friends...

Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
Hello everyone! I have been on this site for a little less than a year, but stopped logging in for awhile. I am back and ready to kick butt! I love the few friends I have on here and their words are very motivational. I am looking for new friends!
I am 22 years old. I work as an Executive Assistant at an IT Company. I attend school full time for Accounting and will have my BA in just a few years! My page has more information about my goals and why I am here!

Looking forward to meeting more people!


NEGU! (Never Ever Give Up!)


  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    Add me if you like.
    I tend to come and go on this site, but can always try to help. Got into MFP last July losing via calorie based diet control and exercise. Not following any specific diet though. Seem to be doing okay, though slowed down in 2012 (10lb in 10 weeks rather that 2011's 5 stone in 5 months) because life's worth living
  • I just joined and have only a few friends if you'd like to add me! :)
  • jasan1
    jasan1 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new to this. my goal is to lose about 35lbs. you can add me if you'd like.
  • New to MFP I started 2 weeks ago, I have 2 friends from work and i'm looking for lots more. I could use all the motivation and inspriation I can get. A year ago I was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer. The only real explaination they could give me other than it being hereditary was that it was caused due to being overweight. Four months after having part of my kidney removed I had back surgery to repair the herniated disk in my lower back. I had never fallen or been in any kind of accident so the Dr chopped it up to being over weight. I had 2 rods and 6 screws put in. This past December I had my gal bladder removed. Again caused by eating fatty greasy foods. Needless to say for the first time in my life I'm determined i'm gonna be healthy. I'm going to loose the weight! I work out daily and have limited myself to 1350 calories a month! I don't like to say i'm on a diet i'm just doing a life style change. Add me if anyone likes!