
Does anyone have one of these? Do you like it? Do you think they are worth getting? I was going to get a heart rate monitor but then I saw this and thought maybe it would be a good choice.


  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I WANT one of those so badly right now. It's on my next shopping list.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    What is your plan for use? If you want to track your movements for the day, the Fitbit is what you want. If you want to know your caloric burn from a non-weight training workout, HRM is probably better.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I have one & I love it. That said it is not an HRM so it isn't going to give a true calorie burn for a workout.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I just got mine. For me, it works well because most of my exercise is walking. This device is a pedometer that tracks your steps throughout the day and calculates your calories burned based on the frequency of your step. It automatically updates to the FitBit site that turns around and updates to MFP. It puts you a little closer to calculating your TDEE. It also tracks sleep which is a feature that I like.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    What is your plan for use? If you want to track your movements for the day, the Fitbit is what you want. If you want to know your caloric burn from a non-weight training workout, HRM is probably better.

    ^^ This.

    I have both. If I had to choose only one to start with, I would go with a good HRM, as this calculates calorie burn more accurately, in general.

    However, I love how Fitbit motivates me to move more (walk, take stairs, etc.... anything to reduce the sedentary portion of my day)

    The interface between MFP and Fitbit works great. If I end up tracking more activity with fitbit beyond what my settings/goals expect, those extra "exercise calories" go right over to MFP and makes them available if you want to eat a little more on those days (or not...). I find the calories burned tracked by fitbit for general walking are pretty accurate.
  • grnice
    grnice Posts: 96
    I like the Fitbit but don't buy it for precision accuracy. If you take 30 steps, sometimes it will say 31 and sometimes it will say 45, don't know why that is. I think it's a good motivational tool and will give you a good idea of activity level. If you wear it the same place everyday you should be fairly consitent. If you are looking for something to give you an accurate calorie burn go with a heart rate monitor. I do love that it syncs to the MFP site but again, don't rely on the calorie burn.
  • I've never used a fitbit, but I have a bodybugg and find it to be very accurate. I absolutely love it!
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    What is your plan for use? If you want to track your movements for the day, the Fitbit is what you want. If you want to know your caloric burn from a non-weight training workout, HRM is probably better.

    ^^ This.

    I have both. If I had to choose only one to start with, I would go with a good HRM, as this calculates calorie burn more accurately, in general.

    However, I love how Fitbit motivates me to move more (walk, take stairs, etc.... anything to reduce the sedentary portion of my day)

    The interface between MFP and Fitbit works great. If I end up tracking more activity with fitbit beyond what my settings/goals expect, those extra "exercise calories" go right over to MFP and makes them available if you want to eat a little more on those days (or not...). I find the calories burned tracked by fitbit for general walking are pretty accurate.

    ALL THIS. I love my fitbit, I sleep with it and would marry it if it were a man. I also bought exercise clothes and shoes to match it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I like the Fitbit but don't buy it for precision accuracy. If you take 30 steps, sometimes it will say 31 and sometimes it will say 45, don't know why that is. I think it's a good motivational tool and will give you a good idea of activity level. If you wear it the same place everyday you should be fairly consitent. If you are looking for something to give you an accurate calorie burn go with a heart rate monitor. I do love that it syncs to the MFP site but again, don't rely on the calorie burn.

    It's a pedometer. Most pedometers have some margin for error. I find it to be pretty accurate at tracking my activity level meaning that it is accurately recording my most active times of the day. If you are like me and your only exercise is walking, then it works well. For other types of exercise, you will need an HRM.
  • robertlinn
    robertlinn Posts: 2 Member
    I think fitbit is a great tool if it motivates you to achieve your fitness goals. The price of $99 seems reasonable. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • TrishaGuy
    TrishaGuy Posts: 63
    I LOVE MY FITBIT.....if you are a competitve type person you are looking at your daily goals....I go out of my way to fill my daily goal was worth it to me .... good luck
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    For roughly the same you can get a HRM that will accurately track your burn. The HRM is a better investment, IMHO.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I love my fitbit. I am sure the HRM are awesome, but I went this route because I know that the calories I log are, no matter how hard I try, an estimate, and so is calorie burn. I just need to know I am on the right track. When I get to the level of going from 10% body fat down to 8% body fat, I will consider rewarding myself with a HRM.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I love my fitbit. Like others have said it motivates me to get active. I try to walk more each day...
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    What is your plan for use? If you want to track your movements for the day, the Fitbit is what you want. If you want to know your caloric burn from a non-weight training workout, HRM is probably better.

    ^^ This.

    I have both. If I had to choose only one to start with, I would go with a good HRM, as this calculates calorie burn more accurately, in general.

    However, I love how Fitbit motivates me to move more (walk, take stairs, etc.... anything to reduce the sedentary portion of my day)

    The interface between MFP and Fitbit works great. If I end up tracking more activity with fitbit beyond what my settings/goals expect, those extra "exercise calories" go right over to MFP and makes them available if you want to eat a little more on those days (or not...). I find the calories burned tracked by fitbit for general walking are pretty accurate.

    ALL THIS. I love my fitbit, I sleep with it and would marry it if it were a man. I also bought exercise clothes and shoes to match it.

    Wow, marry...LOL
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    I just posted the same question, then I see yours. I'm also contemplating. Like the fact of knowing the range of how many steps taken and climbed. But I need to know calories burned for workouts within a reasonable range.
  • foramanwhohashope
    foramanwhohashope Posts: 90 Member
    I have one, it's awesome. It automatically connects and updates MFP, so you don't have to log your food to two websites, only one. And it doesn't matter where you log your food or exercise, it'll transfer to the other site!

    It counts distance, calories burnt (by steps and BMR), floors climbed, and even has a personalized greet everytime you pick it up.

    I love my fitbit!!!

    The only thing about fitbit is you do have to log exercise that doesn't invole walking/running/stepping/etc. (weight lifting, sit ups.)
    Fitbit also doesn't count floors climbed on a step machine because it judges floors climbed base on sea level.

    The best part about my Fitbit, is that it tracks my sleep patterns with the awesome sleep wrist band!
  • thank you everyone for all your input! I was looking at HRM and I like something that is really user friendly! then I saw the fitbit and it seemed like a good option. I get most of my exercise through walking and I walk around for hours at my job so that's why I thought the fitbit is the way to go. Lots to think about. on a side note add me anyone who would like to! :bigsmile:
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    The steps will be more accurate if you set your stride...there is instructions on the site on how to do this