White Rice Linked to Diabetes Risk



  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I love white rice but don't usually eat it because for me it is also linked to insomnia issues.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Interesting. Wish I could see the full study and not the commentary about the study. One would think that people who eat massive amounts of white rice would be mostly diabetics and I doubt this is the case. So far I'd label this under alarmism.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    hmm looks like a correlation=causation study to me
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Sooo the millions of Asian across the globe that don't have diabetes from eating white rice....
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    Sooo the millions of Asian across the globe that don't have diabetes from eating white rice....

    bwahahaaahahaaaa. good point.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    This must be freak-out Friday. Relax people. The world is going to end this year anyway. So eat all the rice you want.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    It would only be if they didn't eat their white rice in small meals 6 times a day. :wink:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member

    Interesting. Wish I could see the full study and not the commentary about the study. One would think that people who eat massive amounts of white rice would be mostly diabetics and I doubt this is the case. So far I'd label this under alarmism.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Interesting. Wish I could see the full study and not the commentary about the study. One would think that people who eat massive amounts of white rice would be mostly diabetics and I doubt this is the case. So far I'd label this under alarmism.


    I HIGHLY recommend reading the "Strengths and Limitations" section of this paper.

    Authors admit their samples were biased and not representative and based on observational data that is not reliable.
  • WorkoutMaine
    Any food in large amounts will cause diabetes. Its all about the portion control. Plus Quinoa is better anyways :laugh:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Actually, diabetes is a problem in rice-staple Asia. Their diabetics just don't look like ours...they tend to be relatively thin rather than obese. Second, the idea from the study is that MORE white rice consumption is associated with INCREASED risk. I bet your bottom dollar that east asians are eating more rice than ever, because they are eating more food. As well as exercising less to make good use of that starch.

    Finally the study...observational study, mind you...used samples from China, Japan, Australia, and the US.

    So yes, its a correlation ("linked"). Not a trial. But its suggestive that there is, perhaps, a limit to how great a proportion of one's diet could be a "neutral" food like white rice, in the context of less exercise.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Interesting. I make pre-germinated (GABA) brown rice, which is said to repair neurological damage in diabetics (my husband is diabetic). I wonder why white rice would be so much worse.

    Here's a link to what I read many years ago about GABA rice: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080728192817.htm
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Almost all white carbs aren't good for diabetics. I never realized that untl my Grandfather developed it and I went to make a spaghetti dinner. Luckily I use whole wheat pasta but even that should be used in moderation.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Sooo the millions of Asian across the globe that don't have diabetes from eating white rice....

    Ha!! Love this!! Especially, because I'm a white rice lover lol :wink:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Link to full study, for those interested.


    There's nothing wrong with observational studies. They are simply meant to be hypothesis generating rather than conclusive. (Would you pay for a multi-million dollar randomized controlled trial with no prior, population based evidence? If so, I have a RCT I'd like you to fund...)

    Which is to say, the result is interesting. But doesn't really (or shouldn't really) say much about what any of us should be eating every day. Except, perhaps, not to eat too much (?).
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    This must be freak-out Friday. Relax people. The world is going to end this year anyway. So eat all the rice you want.

    Seriously? Pretty sure Julius Caesar is proof that those Mayans are way off! If it weren't for him changing the calendar, we'd be in 2013 (or something like that) right now, past the date the Mayans set... research.
  • Genghiskhannie
    Sooo the millions of Asian across the globe that don't have diabetes from eating white rice....

    I was in Asia a couple months ago. It seemed like everyone I met had diabetes.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    If he'll let you, sneak in some spaghetti squash instead... very nice substitute for pasta noodles and probably drops 150 calories out of the meal and all the starch.
  • Genghiskhannie
    Any food in large amounts will cause diabetes. Its all about the portion control. Plus Quinoa is better anyways :laugh:

    If I eat a pound of broccoli every day, it will give me diabetes?
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Interesting... I am not a huge rice lover but my boyfriend and his family (Latinos) LOVE their white rice. And I believe diabetes also runs in the family... hmmm...