Frustrated with BMI chart



  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    I think people frequently talk themselves out of a healthy weight by saying they would look too skinny.

    If that's what you want to tell yourself, then go for it. But don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: an excuse.

    Why would it be an excuse? I think it's more an achievable goal for many people, how many have picked a weight which is borderline overweight as a goal but then reasses this when they meet that.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think people frequently talk themselves out of a healthy weight by saying they would look too skinny.

    If that's what you want to tell yourself, then go for it. But don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: an excuse.

    Um. I don't think it is an "excuse" for everyone. My "ideal weight" is somewhere around 118lbs. I was around that in high school and I DID think I was too skinny (but, I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight - I didn't gain no matter how hard I tried). I'm now 36 years old and there's NO WAY I would want to see 118lbs on my frame. I'm not "talking myself out of a lower weight" nor am I "coming up with an excuse". I have no desire to be 118lbs. I had people asking me if I was sick or there was something wrong when I went down to 140lbs - I can't imagine what they would say if I were 118lbs.

    So, please.. don't judge someone when they say "I don't want to weigh _________, because I'll look too skinny". You don't know their situation and therefore don't know if they are being genuine or making excuses.

  • Embell0830
    Embell0830 Posts: 105
    This is how I look at BMI, it takes your weight and height, but it doesn't account for muscle.

    Let's say as an example you're 5'7 and weight 200lb and not very active BMI says you're overweight. Also let's say there is someone at your gym same height, same weight, but this person works out all the time with weights and is just solid muscle, guess what BMI says that person is also overweight. I would go by body fat percentge. There are scales out there that will tell you weight, body fat % and water%. I don't know how accurate they are, but it might be something to look into.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I measure my weight loss goals on all different levels. I look at the BMI chart, body fat percentage, the scale, inches lost, etc. But personally I am more focused on my Body Fat percentage versus my BMI. That said, "for me" the BMI charts goal weight for me is reasonable. But I am sure that varies for everyone. I personally would just work with your doctor and see where a "healthy weight" for you will be.

    On the plus side...I did pass over from the "obese" to "overweight" portion of the BMI chart this past week... so thats a plus! :smile:
  • daisysmamu
    daisysmamu Posts: 29 Member
    Agree with sweet110 - the BMI represents a Range - not one specific weight. The range is to take into accout those individual differences ("excuses"?) everybody complains about (big boobs, big bones). I'm 5'5" and "normal" for me ranges from 114 to 144. That's a 30 lb. range! At 114 I know I'd be skeletal (I got down to 130 for a few days a few years ago and that was a size 4 and I couldn't maintain it - what would I be at 114?). I'm going for 135, where I feel and look good.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think people frequently talk themselves out of a healthy weight by saying they would look too skinny.

    If that's what you want to tell yourself, then go for it. But don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: an excuse.

    I agree with you here. Im a size 2 and do not look ill or twiggy at all.

    BMI is not what I would go by though. Have your body fat % tested

    A size 2 looks great on YOUR frame. You don't look too skinny or whatever, but to generalize that anyone who doesn't want to be on the low end of their weight range is "making an excuse" is just plain ridiculous.

    I'm at the high end of my weight range for my height. I have NO desire to be at the low end - call it an excuse if you want, I call it reality. I KNOW how to lose weight and would have no issue doing it if I truly felt it would look good on me. I would gaunt and sickly at that weight. Ick. I would rather be on the high end of my weight range and be healthy than be on the lower end and look like I was the walking dead.
  • Google 'athletic bmi'
    Also, what are your insides telling you? As in, cholesterol, glucose, etc
    If you are feeling good, those numbers are good, and you like how you look then, meh maybe don't worry about the bmi chart. The bmi is a tool and one of many.
    Astor the poster saying it's an excuse to not get to that weight, I semi agree with you. If a person is not doing anything for themselves then, yup, they are making excuses!!! But if a person is getting in shape and they are happy-ish with their size, then I dontthink its an excuse.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    We aren't made from a cookie cutter so BMI and weight charts don't concern me. I'm a solid gal and have never looked like I weigh as much I do. As long as I'm healthy and fit, that's all that matters. We shouldn't let Hollywood decide for us what the perfect size is either. Everyone is different, just work at being the healthiest you, you can be.
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    I have one of those EPIC scales that measures everything in your body (fat, water, muscle, bone) and it weighs you. Then it tells you how many calories you need to eat to maintain. then it gives you a GW and tell you how many cals you need to get also have to enter your age, gender, height, and activity level....based on my info, my GW is between 150-155 so I only need about 13 pounds to be in that range. My main concern is dropping my Fat % since it's higher than it should be....but i'm 53 lbs of muscle...and even when i DON'T work I have a muscular build and I rather like it. I've wasted enough of my youth chasing the image of the waif that I'll never be. Now I want the best body *I* can have.

    And I'm 5'4....150 SOUNDS big on me...but BUILD MATTERS!

    PS my GW is "overweight"! :p Screw the chart. Ima do ME!
  • I think that BMI is a generalization and as far as it being an excuse to not lose anymore weight thats rediculous and rude because for some it can take just as much to maintain weight as it does to lose it....I think that people should be at a weight that makes them happy and comfortable and it doesnt matter what any chart or other person says about it....
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    BMI is an estimation, and is not always accurate. Many fit individuals actually fall into overweight bmi section because of weight generally d/t their muscles. Instead, do body fat percentage with a caliper. I think that is the best way to judge where you stand.
  • rkpixler
    rkpixler Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, I guess as I get close I will decide I how feel, last time I lost the weight I did a lot of strength training so was heavier then I looked and will do that again. I think I would rather be muscular and tone and "overweight" by bmi standards than having to look at the girl with the sunk in face looking back at me in the mirror(cuz that is what happens When I hit about 125).
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    I feel the same way. The BMI seems to reflect society's definition of a healthy weight. Once I lose my pre determined weight (50lbs), "I" will judge wether or not I want to go any lower.

    Agreed! The BMI might be a good place to start but ultimately it's about how you feel. The BMI says I should be 125lb. I haven't weighed that since I was in Junior High. I don't want to look like I'm in Junior High Again and my husband doesn't want me to be that skinny either. I set my goal at 135 which is what I think I'll feel good at. Again it's just a goal and something to aim for the most important part is that you feel great and love the way you look. We shouldn't be obsessed with numbers, they should just be a starting point.
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    I am not a fan of the BMI chart, as it does not take bone mass, body fat %, muscle mass or even gender into consideration. It is a generalization at best. At 6' 0" 178 lbs, I come in at the high end of NORMAL on the BMI scale....only .8 points away from OVERWEIGHT. However, my last body fat rating was 10.8%, which is at the lower end of the healthy spectrum for my age/gender. Thanks, Mr. BMI chart, but I am happy where I am at this point in my life, as I feel fit as a fiddle. :)
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I think people frequently talk themselves out of a healthy weight by saying they would look too skinny.

    If that's what you want to tell yourself, then go for it. But don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: an excuse.

    I disagree with you. I'm 5ft1" tall and according to my doctor and the bmi (height/weight chart), I'm supposed to be 101 pounds

    According to your doctor, maybe. According to BMI, no. 101 is at the very low end of the healthy range for your height. You could be 130 and still in normal range.

    Bmi, yes. I will never get down to 130 either. That's not normal for me.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    BMI is CRAP
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I disagree with you. I'm 5ft1" tall and according to my doctor and the bmi (height/weight chart), I'm supposed to be 101 pounds and I'm never getting down to that size. I would not only look too skinny, I would be too skinny. The biggest I ever was, before gaining weight was 125 pounds and it took me four years go gain 20 pounds, raising my weight to 145 pounds. From there I have gained more weight. I don't even want to be 125 pounds or 145 pounds. I"m aiming for a healthy body fat percentage and when I get there, I will still be classified as being overweight on the bmi chart and I don't care. I will be healthy.

    Sidetrack -- is your doctor really telling you to aim for a BMI of 19?? A BMI of under 25 is generally considered normal, and 132 lbs would give you 24.9.

    I don't know why you have said sidetrack for. I have made my statement, to let the OP know that the bmi doesn't matter. I don't care about the bmi. It's not important to me. I will still be healthy, even if I don't follow the bmi chart.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I disagree with you. I'm 5ft1" tall and according to my doctor and the bmi (height/weight chart), I'm supposed to be 101 pounds and I'm never getting down to that size. I would not only look too skinny, I would be too skinny. The biggest I ever was, before gaining weight was 125 pounds and it took me four years go gain 20 pounds, raising my weight to 145 pounds. From there I have gained more weight. I don't even want to be 125 pounds or 145 pounds. I"m aiming for a healthy body fat percentage and when I get there, I will still be classified as being overweight on the bmi chart and I don't care. I will be healthy.

    Sidetrack -- is your doctor really telling you to aim for a BMI of 19?? A BMI of under 25 is generally considered normal, and 132 lbs would give you 24.9.

    I don't know why you have said sidetrack for. I have made my statement, to let the OP know that the bmi doesn't matter. I don't care about the bmi. It's not important to me. I will still be healthy, even if I don't follow the bmi chart.

    I said sidetrack, because I was changing the subject slightly. And whoever is telling you to aim for 101 is not following the BMI chart either. They are telling you to aim for the borderline of 'underweight'.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think people frequently talk themselves out of a healthy weight by saying they would look too skinny.

    If that's what you want to tell yourself, then go for it. But don't pretend it is anything other than what it is: an excuse.
    My Lean Body Mass is "overweight" according to BMI charts. If I were to use BMI to decide on a "healthy" weight, I'd have to drop over 20 pounds of muscle, without dropping anymore fat. BMI is a HORRIBLE method for determining a truly healthy weight. IF you want to choose your weight based on some arbitrary number that was only designed to quantify large population groups, and has absolutely no bearing on individual health, go ahead. Personally, I'd rather have a healthy body fat level, rather than just a healthy "weight."
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    BMI is CRAP

    ...and that's what the average person looks like. IN THEIR HEADS. Typically, its the body in the "before" picture who is screaming about how the bmi charts are crap. And, honestly, he's not a bad looking guy. Pudgy...but not gigantic.

    Its funny, I was wasting time last night on MFP, and I found someone's blog post who a year ago had a picture up with their measurements. To show how fit and muscular they were. 22% body fat (female). And a long explanation (involving math) about how if they got down to what the BMI said was normal, they'd be sick looking and have some ridiculously low percentage of body fat. And, they did look fine. It was a totally reasonable goal, given that they had lost 100 pounds. No one would argue that what she had achieved wasn't good looking and pretty healthy.

    Fast forward to their blog a year later? They had lost another 30 pounds. Down into that normal BMI that was "impossible for her body type." And she doesn't look even close to sick. She looked fit, healthy, and strong.