Cheat Day...



  • queenxpeaches
    1 large pie?? holy **** lol my cheat day MIGHT be half a pie damn girl lol sorry im new XD
  • Jaloth
    Jaloth Posts: 28
    I do not believe in Cheat days because I find they do not work for me!! If I want that chocolate bar then I excerise a lot harder so that way I am earning it!! If you need chocolate try and eat dark chocolate it will help with the cravings and it is good for you!! Good luck and try to find a way that works for you and stick to it!! Everyone is different!!
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    I'm having a cheat day today because I'm trying to gain (muscle) weight and I lost 0.8 lbs this week. I usually have a cheat day on Fridays or Saturdays because that's when I'm hanging out with friends which means there's a lot of snacks around.
    If I was trying to lose weight, I'd only have a cheat day once a week to begin to not like bad food. Like if you eat healthy for a while then eat crappy food like McDonalds, you'll grow to not even like McDonalds. I already don't really like fatty foods because I take these cheat days.

    For Me Today: 2 slices of toast instead of 1 (w/ orange juice & banana, a 600 calorie breakfast)
    Planters Chocolate Peanut Big Nut Bar
    Chocolate chip muffins w/ banana for lunch
    Whey isolate shake after working out
    Whatever mom makes for dinner (Most likely barbeque chicken)
    Probably gonna have raisins and yogurt after

    I'm not going overboard binging, I'm just not eating how I probably should. But last week, I had 4 packs of toasty crackers and then 2 peanut bars (I love peanut butter)!

    Dude, you should not worry about cheat day... You should just eat and eat clean
    I take cheat days not only because I'm gaining weight, but because I like eating bad food sometimes. But if I'd get better results without cheat days, then I'd honestly be willing to drop them or have them once a month instead of once a week.

    I think cheat days are about learning what true food enjoyment is. It's not about the taste anymore. It's about the nutrition and how you feel AFTER you eat. I remember my first week eating healthy with P90x; I had a nice rotisserie chicken dinner and I didn't stuff my face, I ate a healthy portion. And for the first time in a while, I didn't feel bloated after dinner and it felt awesome and the food still tasted great. I could *feel* my fitness progressing.
    I don't think cheat days are about taking a break and stuffing your face. It's about learning that you don't actually want to stuff your face.
    On cheat days, eat to enjoy, not eat to stuff your face for the sake of stuffing your face. On regular days, eat better than you normally would. And on cheat days, some eat worse than they normally would and some eat the same as they normally would. That's just my repetitive two cents on it.
  • moonsforeyes
    For me it depends on your definition of a cheat day.

    A cheat for me is having a meal I normally wouldn't, but it still fits in my daily allowance of calories. Example: Olive Garden! I have it every now and then but make sure that I can fit it in my daily allowance.

    Sometimes I read about cheat days being an all day binge-fest which I think can make weight loss difficult.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    A cheat day is what keeps my sanity...Not had one for 3 weeks now...explains my insanity..
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I call mine my "treat day". It's all day on Tuesdays. I find I am much more motivated to stay on track when I can have a day planned to have those treats I don't have during the week. I'm a compulsive overeater. If I start eating a treat I'm not very good at portion control, etc, so I choose to just "save it" for treat day. Sometimes, on really difficult days, I write down what I really want to eat and keep it in my pocket. Then on treat day I pull out that list and see if I want any of those things. Lately, I'm finding that I DON'T want all of the things on that list!! This is a HUGE NSV for me!! I also am finding myself not wanting to stuff myself silly. Again, another big step.

    It works for some people, not for others, everybody is different. I think it's important to know what you need to be successful!
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't have planned cheat days. There are days when I eat more or maybe have a little treat and that's enough for me. Today I had 2 little organic oatmeal cookies for example. :smile:

    My body doesn't need junk food.
    I don't think anybody's body benefits from Mcdonalds or Burger kings food. I think it's harmful even if it's eaten only once a week.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I always have a cheat day a week...usually on Saturdays. When I first started losing weight last fall, my cheat day generally involved me going way over my calorie limit. Now that I am in the habit of eating well, I find that I am perfectly happy with a "cheat day" that, in actuality, involves me eating the amount of calories it would take to maintain my current weight. At this point, that is more than enough to keep me satisfied, and I don't have to feel guilty at all. I don't think there is a right or wrong just have to find what it takes to keep YOU motivated and on track.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I have a splurge meal or a treat on the weekends, but I don't consider it cheating. It's part of living life, and it keeps me on track the rest of the time because I am enjoying it, not fighting cravings for things I "can't" have. Don't diet, live it.

    Ditto...except I don't necessarily wait for the weekend. We met friends for dinner before a play last week on Thursday so I big splurge meal was then. I do little treats throughout the week as well.

    This is a life style change and shouldn't be about deprivation.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Had mine yesterday. 5 Coors lites yum yum and 1/2 steak sandwich with cheese and onions. Oh soooooo f........ good.
  • saxnviolin
    saxnviolin Posts: 159 Member
    I try not to cheat only because I don't have self control. My personality is like
    an addict's - I can't have a little bit of sugar or a little bit of chocolate. Once
    I start- I lose control. That's why when I gave up Coca-Cola I had
    to go completely cold turkey. It has now been 2 years soft drink/juice free. I only
    drink water and coffee. :-)
    I suppose I can count going over in caloric intake as a cheat.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I don't do it. I know some people swear by it, but to me it doesn't make sense.

    I think the best way to enjoy life is to go on living it!
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I don't want to have a cheat day ANY day. I don't allow any day for me to knowingly go overboard with food. If you want, ice cream or something, eat it! But make sure it fits into your daily goals or work out to earn it.

    Because, I mean, we all know it's a step in the wrong direction... who knows when that one "cheat day" will turn into 2 or 3 times a week, and soon you're eating bad EVERY day?
  • brock303030
    brock303030 Posts: 7 Member
    You can eat whatever you want. Portion size is the key. In the past when I have lost weight, I followed Body for Life. I love the program but I wasn't able to maintain just one free day per week. I love the work out part of the program and I follow the weight training part and cardio. I have lost 50 pounds in 10 weeks and I eat all the same stuff I ever had, I just have smaller portions. I am sure people don't buy calorie in and calorie out, I like processed carbs and I am never going to stop eating them. I can only eat clean for 2 or 3 months until I hate life. In my 10 weeks I have had fast food at least once a day and I do have a protien shake for breakfast most days. When you go out to your favorite resturant ask for a to go box as soon as you get there and put half of it away and have a meal for the following day. You can still have Chinese food, go to a Mexican resturant, or have Italian from Olvie Garden and you can still lose weight.
  • xafricanqueen07x
    xafricanqueen07x Posts: 98 Member
    Im really not into cheat days, because personally for me they reinforce bad habits. I'm just all about eating what I want and maintaining my calories. If I burned 1000 calories running and want a snickers bar and have eating healthy all day, I eat a snickers bar. If I want crackers or a piece of cake I eat it. There are no cheat days for me, I try to cook all my meals myself, I try to avoid going out or making healthy choices at restaurants. And I realize that for now I"m not really into fast food(burgers, taco bell..etc). Usually I have noticed that as long as I'm full, I usually don't want snacks. Its when I deprive myself that I find myself wanted cookies. SO i try to fill up on clean foods and protein, and if I still want something that day...I EAT IT....REASONABLY...but thats just me, and to each his/her own! :)
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    I am a big cheater!!! I take a cheat day each Sunday. I eat what I want (within reason) and I enjoy it.
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    MotorCityFemmeFatale Posts: 222 Member
    When I started I had a cheat meal once per week to keep me sane, at that point in my journey I needed it. That turned into a refeed day by the following year, eating about 300 calories extra, but clean foods since I no longer craved to junk. Now I eat clean.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I don't have a name for it, but I don't call it a cheat meal.

    You have to learn how to incorporate things that you love into your life, if this is really going to be a lifestyle change.

    No way am I going to cut out everything in my life.

    Everything in moderation, everything in it's own time.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    I do not believe in Cheat days because I find they do not work for me!! If I want that chocolate bar then I excerise a lot harder so that way I am earning it!! If you need chocolate try and eat dark chocolate it will help with the cravings and it is good for you!! Good luck and try to find a way that works for you and stick to it!! Everyone is different!!

    ^^^ This is me. If I know that I am going to be eating a big meal, I exercise harder. I pre-burn calories. Then my "cheat" becomes a well earned prize. And some days the opportunity to pre-burn isn't there, but know that I have been good, then I enjoy it. But I have never been a fan of regularly scheduled cheat days, because I think we just cheat for the hell of it. I don't like denying myself, but it's all about moderation!
  • MrsHumphrey2010
    i have a cheat meal, usually breakfast on saturday :D I have pancakes, or cinnamon rolls or french toast :D i think it's helped me maintain those cravings for chocolate or something..and it keeps me going because i know i will get something yummy on saturday lol