Wannabe Runner-Any advice?? :)



  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    I tried the Couch 2 5k program a week before cross country. It didn't help that much because my lack of motivation, but it WILL work if you stick to it.
    In cross country, we started at 5 miles. I walked most of it and got cramps. But I kept getting forced into these runs with the team. The team definitely motivated me to catch up. Everyone on the team lost belly fat and gained leg muscle within the first month. I was able to run 5 miles within a month and a half. It's about pushing yourself. I can now run 6.5 miles.

    1. Avoid cramping (Try not to eat within 1hr before running).
    2. Start light. Maybe a 2.5 mile jog. Walk when you have to, but try to push through. When you can run 2.5 miles easily, up it to 3, then 3.5, then 4, then 4.5, then 5, then even 5.5 and 6.
    3. Run 5 days a week.
    4. STRETCH and eat a lot of protein after running. This will ease the soreness.
    5. Having a dinner of complex carbs REALLY helps (pasta, rice, etc)
    6. Have a pre-workout snack (less than 125 calories) an hour before running to fuel your run. (Or a light breakfast if you're doing this in the morning).
    7. Wear the right sneakers for you. The wrong sneakers will cause injury. I hurt my right knee and shin for 1 week because I had the wrong shoes.
    8. Try to get people to go through the journey with you. If it wasn't for the team, I wouldn't have the motivation to go on.
    9. Warm-up before running with a slow jog and/or plyometrics (jumping jacks, high knees, butt-kicks, march, leaps) and then stretch.
  • mostaverage
    mostaverage Posts: 202 Member
    There's a C25K group on here, got lots of advice in there..


  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Honestly, I just worked myself up to it. I started out doing 30 minutes on the elliptical, and one day went "sure, I'll try running" and I ran for like... eight minutes at a 15 minute mile pace. But I slowly started getting better. Each time I would challenge myself to run longer or faster, and I would stop and walk when needed. It's been about five months, and now I consider myself a runner. I've run four miles without stopped, and three miles in under half an hour. I'm doing my first 5k in April. It just takes time a patience, and a little perseverance.

    I know some people love C25k, but that program never appealed to me. I just ran until I was tired.

    See if I ran till I was tired, I wouldn't get half as far as I would if I was pushing till the lady said walk now. lol I NEED someone to tell me what to do. No matter if it is a friend or the C25K APP.

    I was just like you. Hated running with a passion. My good friend at work and I decided just to do it. We were so pitiful. but now I can run for 3 minutes in a row. I did my 1st 5K in snow and mud in 47 minutes. My second race was 41 minutes a week later. Remember with a race it is not the place, just that you finish!
  • kbailey33
    kbailey33 Posts: 2 Member
    I started running around 3 yrs ago. At first it was, "how far can I make it w/o stopping?", then every time I would go for a run, I would tell myself, "I know I can do it! I did it last time!" and I found myself pushing harder, even just a few seconds. The accomplishment I felt would bring me to tears. However, as I've developed as a runner, (ran my first 5K last year) I've learned that I have to listen to my body. I tried to do an easy day (1 mi for me at that time) and I went .5 mile. I was down. Then I told myself that It would be better the next time. You will have ups and downs. Just don't stop. I've entered my first 1/2 marathon for November. It keeps me motivated. You can do it!! Good Luck!!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Get awesome running shoes. They're pricey but worth it. Shin splints are huge pain in the *kitten* and you can't really avoid them 100% but the right shoes help a lot. (they did for me anyway.) I also highly recommend the couch to 5k plan. I'm starting it and don't have a phone that gets the app so I download a free podcast:


    There is also one on the c25k website but it's techno music which I hate. This music is way more me. It tells you when to run/walk so you don't have to try to keep track of the time yourself.
    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Tiffany789
    Tiffany789 Posts: 42 Member
    Did you think about trying the C25K programs ?

    Hope this helps you out a bit......

    I found an application for iTouch/iPhone/iPod on iTunes and it is called Ease into 5K by bluefin software which is very good but not free, maybe around $2.99 This app has good ratings and lets you use your music playlists from your iPod in it.

    I believe there is anothe app similar to the one above by someone else and is free but don't know about it......

    I also found a podcast on iTunes called NHS Couch to 5K which is "free" and like that one too but it doesn't let you use your own music and it has its own music built in......

    C25k is awesome. I highly recommend it. I started last summer, and will now complete my first marathon at the end of the month.
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    i was never a runner in my life. about 2 years ago i decided one day i wanted to be a runner. so i hopped on a treadmill and boom went. (well more like slowly went hahaa ) i started by just seeing how long a mile took me at the gym. nice jog comfortable pace. then from there increased the speed just a bit to make it more challenging. then i wanted to add millage so i said how about 1.25 1.5 1.75 etc. to increase speed times i did intervals. 2 min my jog pace, 1 min hard pace. every other day. the other days just regular jog. slowly times got faster! millage grew to 8 miles. now my 3 miles is about 17.5 min single mile once was 13 min now its a nice 5.50 - 6 min :D
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 1 week into the "Ease into 5k Program" myself...basically spreading out 6 minutes of jogging through a 26 minute walk at this point. I was never a runner either, but decided I wanted to try it! I go to a local trail and run there! its hard, but it's starting to get easier, and the time spend outside in this gorgeous weather is TOTALLY worth it!! :OD
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    I've read all the posts ahead of me and you have really good info, but the "head game" you play on yourself is the worst part. I HATE running.
    First I started out by playing the same playlist every time i ran. Each time I'd try to add a song to my time. I'd walk whenever I had to and pick up the pace so I never stopped moving.
    next, I ran really slow- 4.8 on the treadmill until I finally hit 3 miles. if you want it you can do it. Focus on sometihing else and go slow- I learned to enjoy it once i was able to add songs on the playlist. You can do it!
  • NoUserName83
    NoUserName83 Posts: 44 Member
    Dowload the NHS c25k podcast from the itunes and download it to your ipod. It is ac25k program that will help you to learn or to run for 5k/3miles non stop. I'm a c25k graduate and i used this program. i was an ex-smoker. Before i started the program i couldn't run for 30 seconds. i tried once and i felt my heart and lungs are gonna explode. this programs helps me a lot. now i'm a runner and i love it. you will love the vouce of Laura and they play great songs too.
  • happystars82
    happystars82 Posts: 225 Member
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I can't even believe I can reply to this...I never thought I would be a runner. I started with the C25K program and built my way up. Today I ran 5 miles...without stopping (and loved it). Running has really helped with my weight loss...so I am very supportive of people doing it! I recommend researching good shoes (and getting some) and downloading the C25K app. You can be a runner!!!

    Oh...one more thing...another cool app (free) and website is Mapmyrun. It helps you determine your speed/map a route to run by your house. I used it today for the first time...and I am hooked :)
  • ltmaas
    ltmaas Posts: 10
    I'm 32 and just started to love running in the last 6 months! My favorite book is Jeff Galloway's Marathon book. Did I run a marathon? NO! I just love the history, the tips, and the encouragement! His whole theory is that you MUST take walk breaks! Start with jogging for 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes, jog 30 seconds, walk 2 minutes, repeat for 30 minutes... or some sort of pattern. You will be amazing that one day you run one minute and not be out of breath! LOVE IT!!!! Last December I completed a 15K (9.3 miles) weighing 212 and was smiling at the end! If I can do it, anyone can!!! Good luck and just start moving!
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    I am really surprised no one has brought up runkeeper app for androids and iphones. It is free (you can upgrade, but i love the free version.) It has different workout runs you can do, keeps your milage, tells you your pace, how many calories you supposedly burn,maps out your run, gives you your distance and you can make your own playlist. I like it a lot. Oh, it also has coaching for those of you who needs someone to tell you what to do (sometimes I need that as well). For those who love social media, it also has a website where you can add friends and join classes to motivate you with your run.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't have anything to say, just wanted to Bump for later :)
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Fabulous replies people-thank you!

    I went to a running store this afternoon and purchased some New Balance shoes. Most expensive shoes I have ever bought-so no backing out now!! :)

    Thanks for all of the tips and advice. Can't wait to get going!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    RunKeeper app - Great advice! I use it religiously and LOVE it! There are several other apps you can use - miCoach, Endomondo, etc Just find what works for you! I love being able to see my pace, mile times, routes, etc. It's great being able to see your progress every run and that you're getting faster, stronger, more capable. Check out my profile and activities if you want for reference. Here was my run yesterday: http://runkeeper.com/user/MeagAlayne/activity/75964614?

    Head games - YEP! You are your own best motivator and also your ONLY barrier to success. The head games and how you choose to deal with them will define your success at running. You have to find a way to use that "Godddd I want to stop running" feeling to FUEL you for your journey. Overcoming that feeling on each run will give you more satisfaction than you know. Just trust in the process and those who have come before you. It DOES happen. It just takes time! :bigsmile: