Is it possie that not everyone is meant to be a runner?



  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Running is my favorite type of exercise (even though I kind of suck at it)...but I absolutely HATE anything related to weight-lifting, and I REALLY hate anything that requires rhythm or coordination (my gym has tons of classes that are based on dance, etc.) Like some others said...exercise is about finding what you like to do and sticking with it. If you don't like running...don't do it. Just find something you do like.

    That being said...if you really WANT to be a runner, do it! I started off barely able to run for 2 minutes without taking a break. Nothing is easy at takes time. Don't get frustrated, whatever you decide to do.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I didnt learn to love running until just recently and I'm 39. I always felt like I didnt know how far I was running and I didnt know how many calories I was burning...felt so I couldn't run for more than a minute at a time. THEN....I had to give up my gym membership and needed to find something else to do....I discovered the Couch 25k running program, I purchased a polar HRM, and used mapmyrun to map out how far I was walking/running and now I can run for almost 1 hour straight. If I dont get to go on a run for a couple days, I get's definitely the cure for my insanity....

    The key is to take babysteps. If you really want to run, try looking at the Couch 2 5K can also download music at where the gal will tell you when to run and when to walk....

    Good Luck!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I do believe that certain physical limitations can hinder someone from being a runner. I thought I was one those people who just wasn't able to run. I always hated doing the mile run on the school track when I was young. I can remember walking most of it, because after a minute of running I would feel like I was going to keel over!

    But now, at 28 years old, I decided that I wanted to give it a real try. I've always admired runners, and what the sport can do for the body. So I started C25K in mid February, and have stuck with it for 4 weeks now. I start week 5 on Monday, and for the first time in my life, i feel like I COULD be a runner. I'm starting to enjoy the sport and set goals for myself. When i achieve them, it feels amazing!

    That being said, it's not the sport for everyone. Only do it if you enjoy it! I enjoy a ton of other exercises, and I want running to be one of them so I'm focusing on building up my endurance. If you are motivated and curious, I say give it a try...a REAL try!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm not a runner either. I used to be. Years ago before kids. I want to be a runner again. I can do kickboxing, zumba, elliptical, cycling, spin classes, etc., for an hour or more but I can barely run more than 40-50 feet before I'm gassed out. But I keep trying. For some reason it's the hardest exercise for me but, I guess, that's one reason why I'm determined to do it. I want to be able to run at least a 5k. Not to win it, just to do it.

    Besides, I want to be ready to run in case of a zombie apocalypse (probably not going to happen but who really knows?) or from a tsunami (where I live, predicted to happen sometime this century so, if I'm still alive and kicking when it happens, I'm gonna need to be able to run).
  • I think so! I HATE running. I'm fit- I can bike 15 miles before I feel a little fatigued. I can do the elliptical for 45 minutes at medium level before getting fatigued. Running or jogging? 90 seconds. It hurts my knees and ankles the next day. I started out thinking the only way I could be fit was if I could be a great runner but I don't think that anymore. If you are a good runner more power to you, it's just not for me :)
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I spent 38.5 years thinking I wasn't meant to be a runner. And I wasn't. Then.

    I am now. :smile:
    ^^^This, except it took me about 10 years longer, lol!
  • Thank you!
  • I'm not. I hate it and my knees can't take it