Who else is on the injured list?



  • Ooh - Aqua Zumba??? Now that would be fun! We belong to the YMCA right down the street, so I definitely have access to a pool. I'll check out the scene!

    Again, really appreciate all of your ideas! I tore my achilles in college on the first day of track practice, and was ordered to the pool for 6 weeks thereafter, every day, twice a day. Only those workouts were a lot of timed "sprints" by running in place, etc. I like your ideas about switching up laps and swimming by using no legs/no arms (well, maybe swimming laps using no arms would be a bad idea :)).

    Also, for you Yoga fans - tell me more. I have never done Yoga or Pilates. What is the difference? Do you prefer one over the other? And will they both make me sweat/feel like I've done something? Also, if there is a certain DVD you'd recommend please let me know. We do have Tony Horton's Beach Body at home, which I've tried to do, but I have to modify almost all of the exercises so I get frustrated too quickly.
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm just nursing a strained hip flexor and some sore knees but I know how frustrating it is to not be able to workout to your full potential. Good luck to everyone on their recoveries!
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    In regards to the yoga/pilates question, I've tried both at beginner levels so I can't really comment much on the difference but if you have streaming netflix there are a few available to try. There is also a good selection of yoga and pilates on hulu plus, one yoga video I just watched in awe, way too advanced and challenging. Both will make you feel like you did something, especially good for posture and muscle toning/lengthening but I don't really get a good sweat from them, then again it's beginner levels...
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    gee must be something in the air, Broken Patella (Knee cap) since before Christmas finally just started walking this week, hopefully can start running again soon.
  • Hang in there, my fellow injured friends!!! If you need an empathetic ear, I'm your girl.
  • jcarter2569
    jcarter2569 Posts: 13 Member
    Threw out my SI ligament in my lower back/hips on Monday, and can barely walk...like a crippled old lady...super frustrating as I was on a roll at 1-2 lbs a week! Trying to keep calories low to compensate, but scared this is going to derail my progress, as it has always done in the past... :-(
  • I was in a terrible car accident 2 years ago, and even after months of PT, my shoulder still gives me pain. I really want a sign or shirt that says I have an injurty, as I feel people at the gym are judging me. EG: Older lady besdie me is using 10lb weights and I'm struggling with 5lbs, barely able to do all the reps.
  • OaktownPicasso
    OaktownPicasso Posts: 2 Member
    I also have PF in BOTH feet and a left hamstring that has sprained, and understand your frustration. I wear the Strassburg sock EVERY NIGHT, and was told to alternate the sock changing feet every two days. I got some Montrail Molokinis to wear around the house -- you bake them and step on it to mold to your feet. Awesome!

    I also avoided any high impact activities, and have been frustrated that I had to stay away from boot camp for the past three weeks while I recovered. :angry: So I did pilates instead -- and although its not high calorie burning, its a great way to work your core strength. As I got stronger, my back pain disappeared. I highly recommend!

    I did return to boot camp today, and the instructor was great to give low-impact modifications. :smile:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I did a half marathon on Sunday and it kicked my *kitten*. I don't think 6 weeks was enough time to train for it. My left foot hurts when I walk on it too much. :(
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I had hernia surgery at the end of January, it was an Inguinal Hernia in the groin area. Was diagnosed or confirmed what the odd lump was :laugh: by my Dr. back in November. So only light walking from then until the surgery. 4 weeks ago the Dr. cleared me for light walking again. Still no lifting, pushing or running. Some days I'm still in a lot of pain.

    Very depressing and mentally a lot harder to deal with than I thought.
  • PT yesterday was intense - I thought she was trying to kill me on that table!

    However, last night I went rogue and did some serious toddler-chasing (don't worry, it was my own toddler!) up and down our street for a half-hour. I had my orthotics in and running shoes on and it did not hurt. Not even a little bit. So I got really excited and thought, "The doctor and physical therapist were WRONG! I CAN RUN!!!!" and made all sorts of plans for how I was going to bust out a half-marathon in May.

    And then I went inside and took my shoes off. And have been limping for the last 12 hours. Whoops. Let's keep this secret running activity to ourselves, MFP friends. No need to mention it to the phys therapist... :)

    p.s. Racing my toddler is no joke. He may be only 4 1/2 but he is FAST. Like, he was legitimately beating me. Now, that may lead you to believe that rather than him being fast, I am simply slow, overweight and out of shape...but let's just go with the fast toddler theory and leave it at that.
  • nora110
    nora110 Posts: 24
    I ran a "secret" mile last saturday. No running and no heavy lifting are my restrictions, but I took off running to "test" and see how I felt. Oh, it was great, felt like a gazelle, la dee da.

    On sunday my spine was ready to leave my body. :noway:

    Your secret is safe with me!
  • I would love to say we've both learned our lessons....

    But in my opinion, if you run a "secret mile" (or secret toddler races) once, you've opened the door. :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Toe still hurts enough while standing on it, so still no real exercise for me. I'm getting super frustrated...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Started out with a R hip flexor strain, then a progessively worsening quad injury which was likely a stress fracture. I never got the testing because I threw my back out and was diagnosed with three herniated discs in my back.

    2 spinal injections later and a threat for surgery -- I am almost back to where I was before, albeit my running looks alot differently now (short run intervals followed by short walk intervals, then repeat).

    I am somewhat thankful for the injuries though (WHAT!) because it lead me to try other things like spinning and BodyFlow. I am a better runner for those injuries because I took time to work on cross training, something I previous neglected and just ran all the time. I know cross train either as much or MORE than running, even though running is my true love!
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    Yup. I have a torn MCL. Did it playing footie.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Any fellow MFPers sidelined from their regular workout routines by an injury? I have plantar fasciitis, tendonitis in my Achilles, and a bone spur - all from running in the fall. i wore a night splint for 6 weeks, a walking boot for 3 weeks, and am currently in week 3 of 7 weeks of physical therapy, twice a week. I have been banned from running or anything with impact on my foot.

    Let's be honest, all I know how to do is run. So tonight I went to the gym for the first time in 4 months...and I sucked. I did an elliptical for 10 minutes (that hurt), did bike for about 15 minutes (that hurt), and then pouted like a baby and went home and ate a bunch of chips.

    Clearly, I need some motivation/a swift kick in the pants.I am currently 195 lbs...and as a former competitive runner who was 120 in my prime, this is not the glorious start to my weight loss journey that I had envisioned.

    I can totally sympathize with the plantar fasciitis It's really horrible! But on the plus side it did make me go out and buy a decent pair of trainers that totally cured the problem and so far, are still doing that.
  • Zalissa
    Zalissa Posts: 23 Member
    I had arthroscopic knee surgery on my left knee in December. They cleaned up a medial meniscus tear and some excess cartilage. I'm cleared for the gym with the instructions that if it doesn't hurt, I can do it. I did a 5 mile hike last weekend in the beautiful Hocking Hills area of Ohio and it wasn't bad at all. I'm thinking of slowly attempting to add some running back in. I miss it!
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    I broke my tailbone also! TERRIBLE!! Makes abs difficult! I am currently on a heart monitor also for 30 days to make sure my tachycardia is not dangerous. I believe it is from stress from nursing school. I will get there. But Yes, I am currently not allowed to exercise. STINKS! But its ok it will get better stick with it!
  • scubaruby
    scubaruby Posts: 36 Member
    I've been having a pity party for two weeks, and y'all are making me feel better. So thanks.

    I'd finally gotten into a good exercise routine (gym, running, swimming, weights) and had lost 35 pounds when my shoulder started hurting and my left arm started going numb. Turns out I've got some bad discs in my neck--multilevel degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Basically, im getting old. Still waiting for the MRI results and a treatment plan.

    The pain is pretty intense at times, which is messing with my sleep, but there's no reason I can't do some exercise. Today I walked the dogs for over an hour, tomorrow yoga and possibly water aerobics, then we'll see. I just really need to move. And stop eating like there's no tomorrow.