When do you adjust your calorie intake?

I have been using MFP for a month now and have lost an amount of weight I am happy with in that this time frame. My intake for this month has been 1320 and I have done fairly well adhering to it. I do find that some days however I am lethargic and more moody than usual. I’ve noticed on my workout days when I consume a little more food I feel so much better. Because of this I have changed my workouts to five days a week rather than 3 (with the exception of last week, I will ill and the doc said no gym) I am also considering moving my intake to 1450 or 1500 but am concerned that this may slow down what has been working so far.

After my weigh in today I took a gander at what MFP would set my calories to for my current weight and goals. If I keep going after 2 pounds a week it set me at 1240, which isn’t going to happen, but at 1 ½ pounds its 1490 which I think is probably best though less than I would like to be losing as I have a very long way to go. Still need to lose 100 pounds at least.

So, should I just keep going with what has been working and try to avoid people on my non workout days or should I attempt to add in some more calories?


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    i'd have the extra calories. remember everyone's different and there's a good chance you'll lose more or less than MFP's estimate. I just upped my calories by around 300 and i lost 2 lb last week after 2 or 3 weeks of losing miniscule amounts. go for it - you can always cut back again if you're not happy after a couple of weeks.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    What is your bmr?
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    The MFP calorie goal does not take workouts into consideration so if you are working out, you'll need more than the 1300 cals a day to do it right. That's why you feel better on those days- your body needs more than the base rate when exercising.

    Keep your chin up, you are already past the worst part- which is just getting started and adjusting the lifestyle. Steady wins the race. Keep it up!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I switched to 1.5 pounds to lose per week to up my cals ( im at 1540) and i still lost like 3 pounds in ten day>
  • My BMR is 1869.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I increased my calories from 1250 up to 1695, continuing workouts 5 days a week (not eating calories back) and following a low glycemic index diet (basically good carbs, low sugars, lean protein, whole grains) and feel much more energetic. You should not feel lethargic or cranky so I would adjust - do some experimentation. You can customize those numbers to whatever macros you want to fit and see how it works for you.
  • HenriLusk
    HenriLusk Posts: 2 Member
    I rarely stick to the amount of calories that this app says I should have. Remember that this is just a guide, and not the final answer. You should never consume less than 1200. Maybe the foods that you are eating are not giving you the nutrition you need to function properly. Your body needs good clean fuel to work for you. I have had great success over the last 6 months, and I have never had less than 1350 or 1400 a day. I aim for 1500 every day.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Oh I certainly use this as just a guide but in saying that this guide has opened my eyes so wide. I didn't realize how bad some of the food I was eating was or what a portion of something should be compared to what I was actually eating until I started to log everything. I've been doing better than I expected I would so far, I've also quit smoking as of March 2nd and having to log everything has kept me from snacking too much when I have a craving.

    I guess I am just afraid to mess with a good thing. I understand that as I continue I will have to adjust my intake. Mostly, I'm confused on to when to do it and by how much.