Insanity and Prego?

I just finished week 4 of the insanity workouts... I also just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant. When I do my insanity workouts, I'm finding my heart rate as high as 175. I was doing a lot of high intesity workouts pre-pregnancy (as well as for the last 5 weeks)... but I know this insanity is about to get more intense. and that it is recommended that during pregnancy you exercise to maintain rather than improve.
I'm thinking about putting the rest of insanity on hold. Thoughts anyone?


  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    If it were me, I would hold off on it and do a walking routine instead. Definitely talk to your doctor and see what level they recommend.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    If it were me I would not do the second half. I completed insanity and the 2nd half is even more intense. If anything I would check with your dr before continuing.

  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I was actually just wondering to myself if I can keep running while pregnant (I'm not pregnant yet, but we are considering it soon), and everything I've been able to find says it's fine to keep doing the same intensity of a workout that you did pre-pregnancy, unless there are other reasons to stop. It isn't advised to increase intensity or start a new or difficult routine during pregnancy, but continuing at the same level should be fine. I'd also see what your midwife or doctor has to say since they can see you in person and will have a better gauge of your fitness level and medical history. :smile:
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    @ Virginia- I definitely plan to keep running for as long as I can. I love running, I run often, and I'm good at it and based on what I've read as well there's no reason to stop!! =)

    @ Tricia- thanks. It's helpful hearing the opinion of someone who's finished the workout!!
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    I wouldn't do it. It's too intense even if you are used to it. I ran half way through my pregnancy until it hurt & 'ran' a half marathon at 12 weeks. I just took it slow & walked any time I started to get winded. I don't buy the you can only walk thing. Working out is good for you & the baby. Get the book Exerising through your pregnancy by Dr. Clapp. It's a very good resource.& a must for an exerising mama. Good luck!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Uh I wouldn't be doing insanity if I were pregnant. Probably not a good idea...
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Ask your doctor. It depends on your medical history and your current level of fitness.

    Mine said I can do anything I did pre-pregnancy - running, skiing, whatever I like. He said exercise does not cause miscarriage and I will have an easier pregnancy if I stay as active as possible.

    I just entered my 2nd trimester, still doing my normal routines, still sweating like a mofo in cardio and Zumba classes.

    Listen to your own body and the advice of your doctor. You are the experts in this case.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Another vote for talking to the doctor. In my opinion Insanity may be too much during pregnancy. but I think an MD's opinion is more valuable than mine.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Definitely ask your doctor, just to be sure and get the go-ahead, but honestly, as long as you're not adding anything new, you should be able to maintain your current intensity level without an issue. You just have to be super-aware of your body, make sure you stay hydrated, and don't push yourself past a certain point. Which, since you're physically active already, you'll be able to understand, because I'm sure you know when you've pushed yourself too far.

    I ran regularly, went snowboarding, light horseback riding (no jumping or crazy things, and always on a horse I completely trusted to not buck me off), and I didn't lighten up on any of that until at least 6 months into my pregnancy. I continued to jog, and then finally just walked towards the end, more because I just stopped feeling comfortable with a belly and having too much bounce going on than anything else. But you can definitely maintain your activity level and adjust as you go, because being pregnant does not mean you're going to break.

    Good luck trying to get the energy for Insanity during the first trimester, though, haha. I was EXHAUSTED for the first 12 weeks, and slept like a rock. Only time the entire pregnancy I could sleep like a rock, actually.
  • angiry
    angiry Posts: 1
    I am pregnant and in my 3rd month of insanity. just found out I am 9 weeks, the dr told me its fine just modify some stuff to keep the heart rate about 140. I keep it around 140-150. I think if you modify your fine. Like someone already said, if you keep the same routine from before you were pregnant, you are fine, maybe a little lighter if needed.