Cheat Day...



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    In my opinion - staying under you Daily Cal goal is not a cheat day... Thats just me, I like to go over.

    ^ This.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    When I cut, I do 6 days of food tracking at just a touch beyond 20% below TDEE, and 1 day of not tracking, where I end somewhere around +500 surplus, at a guess.

    I think there's psychological benefits to it.
    I think there is some evidence to suggest physiological benefits from it but I would speculate that this becomes more beneficial the leaner you get, and that the more overweight you are, the less physiological the benefit.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I usually have to include at least one 1800+ calorie day in my week to spike my metabolism, otherwise I have more trouble losing! I don't consider it a cheat and binge all day though because that triggers more binging and I have trouble stopping, instead I eat bigger portions. I scatter in unhealthy foods I'm craving throughout the week, just in tiny portions. Like, three bites of my friend's cheesecake or something. Keeps the cravings away and prevents binge days.
  • I have a cheat Day on Sundays, it's usually just 1 meal but I allow myself whatever I want, I still try to keep with in my calorie limit but if I don't it's no bit deal I just work out a little longer the next day.

    I find it helps me to work harder all week because I want to feel I have earned it, and it always tastes better then.

    last Sunday was Pizza and this Sunday is Chinese....Mmmmm!

    I also have a rest day in the week, (Wednesday) where I don't work out so hard, Just a walk or some light Yoga.
  • I'm actually finding that my cheats are not as bad as they have been in the past. Worst I've done recently is 5-600 calories over, and considering there's a 500 calorie built in deficit, I wouldn't say that's too bad

    Truth be told however, it's more circumstance than restraint, I haven't gone out as much as usual the last couple of weekends either.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I would speculate that this becomes more beneficial the leaner you get, and that the more overweight you are, the less physiological the benefit.

    me too.
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    Today, my cheat was over by 1165 calories. So that's bad. Don't do that. I can get away with it though because I'm trying to gain.
    The day after a cheat I do a recovery day where I eat under what I normally would on a diet and do extra cardio. It usually works out for me. I'm not sure how effective it'll be this time with the extra 1165 though.
  • I'm actually finding that my cheats are not as bad as they have been in the past. Worst I've done recently is 5-600 calories over, and considering there's a 500 calorie built in deficit, I wouldn't say that's too bad

    Truth be told however, it's more circumstance than restraint, I haven't gone out as much as usual the last couple of weekends either.

    Today was my cheat day. I was only 64 cals over and I haven't done my workout yet, going to after my son goes to bed. I wouldn't really consider it to be a cheat day tho because so far I've been eating what I usually do, just watching my serving sizes so I stay within my cals I'm suppost to take in. It hasn't been to bad. I had one extra pop then I would on a normal day tho. :)
    I've decided I'm still going to do my workouts on my "cheat days" that way I don't get in funk. lol
    Thanks everyone for the advice, tips, and opinons! :happy: