Does it ever get easier...

Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
My family decided to get fast food after already having dinner.. Which I find ridiculous
So I decided to sit this one out since I had already reached my allotment for the day..
And was already full from dinner.. So they went without me. I felt completely left out,
& considering the fact that I absolutely love fries, it was very upsetting.. I felt myself quickly
get mad as I felt it was unfair, silly I know..

I just don't know how to get over this. My only weak spot is when my
family ends up getting fast food, which seems to be happening more frequently..

How can I keep myself from making such a big deal out of this?


  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Wow. That seems really, really mean of them. I mean..really.

    You will feel so much better for it. We went out for supper tonight which is rare for us. We went to HuHot and i checked out the menu before hand. I don't think the calorie count was too bad but i got a really bad stomach ache afterwards. Guess i just cannot handle a lot of restaurant food.

    If you already had supper just think of the calories you would have eaten. You made a very good decision not going and will feel better for it later. (even if you feel left out now)
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You did good staying away from a situation that could have been a problem for you. Reward yourself by doing something you can enjoy while they're out. Is there something you like to do while it's quiet? Reading? Calling a friend you haven't had a chance to talk with for awhile? A craft you enjoy? Turn this into something you can enjoy. Is there an exercise you enjoy? Instead of going out and feeling deprived by not eating or eating calories you don't need, feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Then you'd feel bad in another way... plus the long-term discomfort of gaining weight. (It would be ok to go out with people, if you could figure out a way to limit what you eat while you enjoy the company, but you have to know your limits.) Making choices can be difficult, but good habits can make things easier.
  • gwennw
    gwennw Posts: 1
    Have you ever asked your family to do something else instead of going out to fast food after dinner? There are lots of healthier options. Are they really hungry after dinner? If so, maker sure they are getting a hearty dinner. If they are just going for fun, you have 3 options.
    1 - Save some calories for the end of the day and go to Mcdonalds. Some healthy menu items are: side salad; fruit and walnuts; fruit and yogurt parfait; kid size fries (only 100 calories); fat free chocolate milk; or an iced coffee.
    2 - Ask them to do something else
    3 - Stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet. Take a bath or a long, hot shower. Blast your favorite music. Give yourself a facial. Do something that you enjoy doing.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    That would upset me too, and I would feel really left out.
    If it were me i think I would go with them and make a good choice there. Most places have at least one thing that isnt to terrible. Then you could feel proud for being put in a bad situation and not giving in to temptation.
    I am sorry they did that.
  • Boshnivay
    Boshnivay Posts: 74 Member
    once my family wanted me to eat mcdonalds because we were on the road. i had to go in and buy the food for everyone else, but i think mcds is gross. i came back out and my mom was like why didn't you get food? and i just jumped up and down and said YOU CAN"T MAKE ME EAT GARBAGE. it was really funny, and i don't know if it really had much to do with your post, but i guess what i'm getting at is, good thing you didn't eat garbage :)
    i would try and convince them to see if you could cook dinner for them one night. make something healthy and delicious and then they will be like DIS IS YUMMY and not go to mcds.
    you could also do as someone else already suggested and have time for yourself while they're gone :)
    or just having a good cry works for me too haha
    uhh hope that helps, and that it will get easier for you!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i find myself doing this too..they go out to fast food, and i get angry and not mad at them, im mad at the fact that i cant have any, and that is so unhealthy for me..i usually end up getting a meal anyways, which i regret and get a good old "thats what you get" from my is still hard for me sometimes, even after 15 months, but it gets a little depends on YOU..good luck
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    My hubby is a recovering alcoholic....and he was doing this to me with fast food (wendy's fries....drool), so one night I sat him down and had this conversation:

    Me : "you cant drink right"
    Him: "Yeah"
    Me: So when you made the decision to get sober and healthy, what did I do?
    Him: You stopped drinking too
    Me: Did I have to?
    Him: No, you dont have a problem
    Me: But I do have a problem with junk food
    Him: And...
    Me: Well, put it this way.. if you said to me that today was a bad day and you really wanted a drink, and I went out and got a bottle of whiskey and drank some in front of you, how would you feel?
    Him: Really crappy
    Me: Thats how I feel when you eat junk food in front of me...

    He has never done it again. I just had to relate it to a problem that he had! Sometimes a good sit down chat explaining in a logical manner why it makes you feel the way you do! I hope you get it sorted out :flowerforyou:
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
    The only thing that has ever worked for me is substitution. So I'll get a bottle of water rather than a soda pop, a taste of nature food bar rather than chocolate bar... Have your substitution ready in your mind before you go.

    Only the first 3 fries are good anyway so get a small and have 3 then give the rest away.

    The deprevation was in being left out not missing the food. It's Never just about the food.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I totally feel your frustration. For me, after doing this program for 25 days, my strong desire for fast food has greatly diminished. Yes, it does get easier. good luck to you.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    My hubby is a recovering alcoholic....and he was doing this to me with fast food (wendy's fries....drool), so one night I sat him down and had this conversation:

    Me : "you cant drink right"
    Him: "Yeah"
    Me: So when you made the decision to get sober and healthy, what did I do?
    Him: You stopped drinking too
    Me: Did I have to?
    Him: No, you dont have a problem
    Me: But I do have a problem with junk food
    Him: And...
    Me: Well, put it this way.. if you said to me that today was a bad day and you really wanted a drink, and I went out and got a bottle of whiskey and drank some in front of you, how would you feel?
    Him: Really crappy
    Me: Thats how I feel when you eat junk food in front of me...

    He has never done it again. I just had to relate it to a problem that he had! Sometimes a good sit down chat explaining in a logical manner why it makes you feel the way you do! I hope you get it sorted out :flowerforyou:

    I love this...I wish my husband had some type of vice where I could put into perspective like this. He can be such a saboteur!
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing.
    I wish it were that easy. Every time I suggest not going
    to a fast food place or offer to cook, it never matters.
    They always end up going out anyway..But I realize to have to alter my way of thinking
    Maybe accept the fact that I chose to live a healthy life while
    Ny family on the other hand could care less.. Sad but true.

    The only thing that really gets to me is when I ask nicely if we could go somewhere
    Healthier like subway they reply with " it's not your choice" or my favorite one
    "not everyone has to be on a diet because you are"

    I just think my family is insensitive towards how I feel. they think I'm being selfish
    but really it would benefit my entire family don't you think?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing.
    I wish it were that easy. Every time I suggest not going
    to a fast food place or offer to cook, it never matters.
    They always end up going out anyway..But I realize to have to alter my way of thinking
    Maybe accept the fact that I chose to live a healthy life while
    Ny family on the other hand could care less.. Sad but true.

    The only thing that really gets to me is when I ask nicely if we could go somewhere
    Healthier like subway they reply with " it's not your choice" or my favorite one
    "not everyone has to be on a diet because you are"

    I just think my family is insensitive towards how I feel. they think I'm being selfish
    but really it would benefit my entire family don't you think?

    sounds like THEY are the selfish ones, and reading that just pissed me insensitive of them, but when it comes down to it, it doesnt look like you need to lose much already look sorry you have to deal with a family like that anyhow:flowerforyou:
  • I am so glad that you said that you need to alter your way of thinking because it's true. Your family has decided not to live a healthy life style. That is what YOU chose for yourself. So, kudos to you for choosing to live that way. You will benefit from it.
    You should not expect your family to change because they won't. I speak from experience. My hubby has gotten better but he still eats cake and ice cream and chips, and on and on the list goes. HE doesn't have a weight problem, I do, and for me to expect him to change everything he eats because I can't eat it is unfair and selfish of me. I had to realize that because I was making excuses for not eating healthy and getting mad at him because he was eating all of those things. And let me tell you, once I made this realization, it doesn't bother me anymore.
    The only other thing I can suggest if you are really that unhappy is moving out. Then you really won't have to deal with it anymore.
  • lisas11222
    lisas11222 Posts: 16 Member
    Someone mentioned it was mean. I actually don't think it is. It's their choice to feed themselves that. However, for you instead it could strengthen your resolve. Use it as a lesson to yourself. I do, really do, think it will get easier. I think maybe if you mentally see that food as a turn off, instead of a stimulant, that may help. Think of it as gross. :) Because, in my opinion, it really is. All that grease floating around and fries take baths in it all day long. Eck. lol.