In need of a small group of friends to keep me motivated!

I've gotten through my first week, and I'm sure I can do this. I just need some people who will push me when I need it! I will gladly try and offer that same support.


  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hello! I've done three weeks here and lost 6 lbs so far. This program seems to keep me accountable for everything I decide to put between my lips! I would be happy to support you!
  • HI!!! this is my first week i need more friends!
  • MachaXO
    MachaXO Posts: 25 Member
    Hey :)
    I've been here a while, but never bothered to connect with people.
    But, groups and messages boards really helped me so far, and I would love to encourage you :)
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I've been here just over a month, and am always looking for new friends to help motivate and motivate me!
  • Lenai
    Lenai Posts: 8
    Hi, I've been on here a while now with slow progress, I could use all the support I can get and I can be as supportive as you want! Add me!
  • Skiwii
    Skiwii Posts: 2
    Hi I've added you. I have been on here since end of January and finding it great :smile:
  • dms1974
    dms1974 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. Good Luck with reaching your goal.
  • Welcome :0) Feel free to add me!
  • welcome feel free to add me for support
  • blsdhands
    blsdhands Posts: 12 Member
    My personal trainer has his clients use this tool for support and accountability. It has been great! Feel free to add me!
  • CrysAnn777
    CrysAnn777 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for responding! I'm looking forward to this journey, and i'm so glad I was told about this site! Good luck to you all, and good luck to me! :laugh:
  • Hi! I'll be your friend! :D
  • Feel free to add me! As I am looking for new friends to keep me motivated as well :)
  • khrystyna82
    khrystyna82 Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me. I could use with the motivation too.
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    this is an awesome place for motivation and support....
    feel free to add me ....
  • I would be glad to support you...I need all the support I can get so if you could offer the same it would be great!
  • Hi If you want to add me I'd appreciate that. We have similar amounts to lose, so that helps too, I think.
  • lewdug
    lewdug Posts: 17
    I'd love a friend to stay motivated with! I'm Lauren :) Nice to meet you! I'm here to lose over 50 pounds, so I'm taking it very slow.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been here since January with the aim to lose 27kg/59.5lbs. At first I was just using the food tracker and was getting positive results. I decided to check out the community side of MFP and haven't looked back. Having people with similar goals offering encouragement and support, and being able to do the same has been great!

    Feel free to add me if anyone wishes :)
  • I would love to join in on this. I am currently trying to lose 70 pounds. I have lost about 65 so far. I just got back into weight loss in the last three months. I have a trainer and he is doing my nutrition for me too. This week I started with him and I've already lost 6 pounds just by changing my eating habits.