i cant seem to stay on track

in the beginning i was doing really good, i only started a little over a week ago.
but when i go out with the guy i like or when i hang out with my friend i cant seem to get a correct proportion or i go over board.
im a very picky eater to begin with.
as far as exercise i go into playing just dance and i cant play every day because either some on else is on the playstation or some one didnt charge the controller.
i also have a weird schedule because i work nights.
i really want to lose the wait im struggling though.


  • I totally know how that goes :/ I've been off and on for weeks now. I stick to it for about 3 days, then I take 3-4 days off, then I'm back to it for a few days, etc.

    It's really all about self discipline. You have to find ways to remind yourself what you're doing. I find it helpful to set the wallpaper on my cell phone to a motivational quote, picture, something. I check my phone every 5 minutes so seeing whatever motivates me tends to help keep me on the right path.

    If I'm not reminded just why I'm here to lose weight in the first place, I lose sight of my goal. If I see a picture of myself before I gained weight, my motivation is back.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    in the beginning i was doing really good, i only started a little over a week ago.
    but when i go out with the guy i like or when i hang out with my friend i cant seem to get a correct proportion or i go over board.
    im a very picky eater to begin with.
    as far as exercise i go into playing just dance and i cant play every day because either some on else is on the playstation or some one didnt charge the controller.
    i also have a weird schedule because i work nights.
    i really want to lose the wait im struggling though.
    You're winging it. You don't have an actual plan. Plan it then follow it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • i do have a plan its just hard for me to follow through. i have a goal weight, i measure my food, I've even been buying like special k bars and cereals and measuring it all out, ive converted to soy milk.
    i count my calories but when i go out to eat i don't know how much a serving of it is and that throws me off. i have people telling me "you can have a cheat day" or "treat yourself". when i go out with the guy i like he even asked where i wanted to go because he supports my diet and doesnt want to throw it off for me.
    but like i said im a picky eater, so its hard for me.
    i don't like a lot of food and what i do like isn't good for me.
    my mom has been helping as far as measuring my dinners for me,
    shes lost 80 pounds already just counting calories. but she like a lot of things that i do not.
    I've been ready to do this for years, i just fall into peer pressure and im an emotional eater
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    this will work but sounds dumb, if you're going out with whoever put your measured meal in a container and put that in a large purse Then only order water or juice at the restaurant if that's not allowed load up on soup, salad, and fruit you can't go wrong. Also try asking these friends to hold you accountable.
    Also try this pick 5-10 things each week 3 fruits 3 veggies 2 snacks and for snacks under 140 calories per serving, and 2 proteins see if you or your mom can pick it up and switch up weekly or monthly.
    As for PlayStation ask your family if you can have one hour on it alone set what time your hour will be for that week or ask the guy you like if he would mind being your trainer like walking around the track or block with you, holding your feet while you do sit ups or wrestling with, I wrestle with my guy and its a blast. If he isnt that type and they won't share playstation go in your room turn on your music and dance alone for 15-30 minutes about 5-10 songs or less
    Check the PlayStation controller before you leave for work when you get home all charges should be go
    Look for possibilities and refuse to take excuses? There's always a reason not to do something, make yourself the reason why this is worth doing.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    in the beginning i was doing really good, i only started a little over a week ago.
    but when i go out with the guy i like or when i hang out with my friend i cant seem to get a correct proportion or i go over board.
    im a very picky eater to begin with.
    as far as exercise i go into playing just dance and i cant play every day because either some on else is on the playstation or some one didnt charge the controller.
    i also have a weird schedule because i work nights.
    i really want to lose the wait im struggling though.

    You might not be ready to commit. You'll know when you're fully invested in it. Til then, do what you can. Working nights isn't an excuse. I've been on third shift for a long time. It is what it is. You make the time or you don't. It's all in what's a priority.

    Make positive changes each day, even if it's just a sip more water than yesteday. Eventually, the big light will come on, and you'll make the changes- for good.

    Julie :)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    [/quote]You're winging it. You don't have an actual plan. Plan it then follow it.

  • It is hard to go out and maintain and stay on plan. Most Chain Restaurants have menus on line that you can go to. I always thought a Ceasar Salad was a good option until I looked on line and saw it was 1100 calories. Maybe until you have your plan under better control, and dinner out should not be on the menu.

    I also take my lunch with me to work. I have a soft sided cooler and reusable ice, and load up with raw veggies, sweet potatoes, fruit, a protein bar (23 grams of protein) veggie burger, etc...and graze all day. Are you eating 5 to 6 meals a day? This will help keep your metabolism burning and help you burn fat. Watch out for bars and cereals as they are high in sugar and carbs, and don't offer much in the way of protein. The sugar will give you energy, but won't sustain you.

    If you want more information on how I lost 16 pounds, 26+ inches, and lowered my body fat by 15.5% I would be happy to share with you. No magic pill, just found a plan that has worked for me to get it off, and keep it off!
  • I am not making any excuses, I just eat at weirder times. I take food with me to work. I take a a protein shake and a granola bar to work and eat in on my break, i count the calories. i also drink an 8 ounce glass of orange juice, when i get home i eat 3/4 cup of special k with a cup of vanilla soy milk. This is also when I take my multi vitamin and by now ive had to two three glasses of water in me. when it's time for dinner my mom usually mesures my food out for me, she is doing this also.

    and then i fill in whatever calories that i have left because i heard that is is not good to UNDER eat or OVER eat them.

    i am ready to commit, ive been, I wouldn't have started if i wasn't ready, i would have put it off like i have in the past.

    it's just the going out part to eat. i like my chinese food, i like my sweet and sour chicken and wontons. and thats whats throwing me off. i don't know how to know how much of it to eat when im out.

    maybe ill buy measuring cups and carry them with me for when im not home
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    this will work but sounds dumb, if you're going out with whoever put your measured meal in a container and put that in a large purse Then only order water or juice at the restaurant if that's not allowed load up on soup, salad, and fruit you can't go wrong. Also try asking these friends to hold you accountable.
    Also try this pick 5-10 things each week 3 fruits 3 veggies 2 snacks and for snacks under 140 calories per serving, and 2 proteins see if you or your mom can pick it up and switch up weekly or monthly.
    As for PlayStation ask your family if you can have one hour on it alone set what time your hour will be for that week or ask the guy you like if he would mind being your trainer like walking around the track or block with you, holding your feet while you do sit ups or wrestling with, I wrestle with my guy and its a blast. If he isnt that type and they won't share playstation go in your room turn on your music and dance alone for 15-30 minutes about 5-10 songs or less
    Check the PlayStation controller before you leave for work when you get home all charges should be go
    Look for possibilities and refuse to take excuses? There's always a reason not to do something, make yourself the reason why this is worth doing.

    And when you go out to eat with your guy pack half to go before you start eating and give to him so you don't take it home. Only healthy stuff and home with lots of options to choose from so you don't get bored with the same old things.
  • pwsnook
    pwsnook Posts: 6
    Just because you walk a crooked line does not mean you are off track. Believe in yourself that at any given moment you are doing the best that you can.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    i do have a plan its just hard for me to follow through. i have a goal weight, i measure my food, I've even been buying like special k bars and cereals and measuring it all out, ive converted to soy milk.
    i count my calories but when i go out to eat i don't know how much a serving of it is and that throws me off. i have people telling me "you can have a cheat day" or "treat yourself". when i go out with the guy i like he even asked where i wanted to go because he supports my diet and doesnt want to throw it off for me.
    but like i said im a picky eater, so its hard for me.
    i don't like a lot of food and what i do like isn't good for me.
    my mom has been helping as far as measuring my dinners for me,
    shes lost 80 pounds already just counting calories. but she like a lot of things that i do not.
    I've been ready to do this for years, i just fall into peer pressure and im an emotional eater
    You have a "semi" plan. If you had a set plan, then you would have options on how to stay within calorie limits when you do go out. If you're a picky eater, then you know what you will eat and what you won't so it's not like you're just getting food thrown in front of you and you're eating it just to eat it.
    Reassess your actual program. Write it down and set it in stone. Trying to do this without an actual plan is like a ship without a rudder.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    You can still eat out & stay within your portions/calorie range. Almost every restaurant has nutrition information available now-a-days you just need to ask them or go online & find it. I have printed out several for many restaurants that way I can plan ahead.

    I know you believe you have a "plan" but it doesn't seem well thought out (we're trying to help you not pick on you.) How many meals are you eating a day? Someone suggested you eat 5 times a day & that is a good suggestion. Having three meals & 2 snacks will help keep your blood sugar levels even. Buy a food scale (cheap at Walmart, Target, etc) measuring cups/spoons. Log everything you eat, don't cheat if you do you are only cheating yourself! Drink lots of water. I was drinking 64 ounces a day & was almost dehydrated, I had to up it to at least 72 ounces a day. What else are you drinking? Lots of things actually have a diurettic effect on your body making you lose water.

    You say "i just fall into peer pressure" but you also say the guy you like knows you're on a diet & lets you pick where you want to eat because he doesn't want to derail you...so where is the pressure coming from? Is it from others, or from yourself because you don't want to feel different? Many of us have problems with emotional eating. If it is a problem for you then you need to plan for it as much as possible (that too is part of having a plan.) Instead of running for chips or candy etc what do you plan to eat when you are feeling an emotion that makes you run for food?

    Exercise! You need to plan this as well or it just wont get done. Find several things you enjoy doing so that you don't make excuses if you can't use the Play Station. Walk, climb stairs, anything, just do something.

    It sounds like you really want to try & lose weight but you are making several excuses why you can't. Make a list of all the reasons you think are stopping you from doing what you want and find ways to fix it so you can. If you really want it you will do it.
  • i feel like your coming down on me saying im not fully committed or i don't have an actual plan but i do.

    i also have an emotional eating problem. I am taking this day by day and trying the best that i can.
    all im really saying is that sometimes i find it hard to stay on track.

    i was looking for support and trying to see if other people were having the same problems and seeing how they overcame it.
  • You can still eat out & stay within your portions/calorie range. Almost every restaurant has nutrition information available now-a-days you just need to ask them or go online & find it. I have printed out several for many restaurants that way I can plan ahead.

    I know you believe you have a "plan" but it doesn't seem well thought out (we're trying to help you not pick on you.) How many meals are you eating a day? Someone suggested you eat 5 times a day & that is a good suggestion. Having three meals & 2 snacks will help keep your blood sugar levels even. Buy a food scale (cheap at Walmart, Target, etc) measuring cups/spoons. Log everything you eat, don't cheat if you do you are only cheating yourself! Drink lots of water. I was drinking 64 ounces a day & was almost dehydrated, I had to up it to at least 72 ounces a day. What else are you drinking? Lots of things actually have a diurettic effect on your body making you lose water.

    You say "i just fall into peer pressure" but you also say the guy you like knows you're on a diet & lets you pick where you want to eat because he doesn't want to derail you...so where is the pressure coming from? Is it from others, or from yourself because you don't want to feel different? Many of us have problems with emotional eating. If it is a problem for you then you need to plan for it as much as possible (that too is part of having a plan.) Instead of running for chips or candy etc what do you plan to eat when you are feeling an emotion that makes you run for food?

    Exercise! You need to plan this as well or it just wont get done. Find several things you enjoy doing so that you don't make excuses if you can't use the Play Station. Walk, climb stairs, anything, just do something.

    It sounds like you really want to try & lose weight but you are making several excuses why you can't. Make a list of all the reasons you think are stopping you from doing what you want and find ways to fix it so you can. If you really want it you will do it.

    i am eating 5 times a day. sometimes even more but thats to maintain the calorie goal set on here. i do drink lots and lots of water, that is something that i have always done i prefer water and seltzer water over most beverages. i also drink a special k protien shake which is 180 calories. and i drink that at lunch time. i like exercise where it feels like im not exercising. i like to play the just dance game with my sister and mom. i also am looking into joining a gym because i like the elliptical machines and treadmills.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    i feel like your coming down on me saying im not fully committed or i don't have an actual plan but i do.

    i also have an emotional eating problem. I am taking this day by day and trying the best that i can.
    all im really saying is that sometimes i find it hard to stay on track.

    i was looking for support and trying to see if other people were having the same problems and seeing how they overcame it.
    You perceive I'm coming down on you. I'm telling what I observe from what you've posted. It's not like I haven't encountered this with many a client over the years.
    And support can also mean giving you answers on how to overcome it and not always agreeing on the way you're currently approaching it. If I was to agree with a client who continued to eat the way they currently do and stay the same weight, then I'm not being helpful to them.
    Sometimes you'll hear things you don't want to hear. But many times an objective point of view is what you need to hear.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    I don't think anyone is coming down on you. You asked for advice & people are trying to help & offer suggestions etc. For almost every piece of helpful advice someone has given you it seems as if you have a reason why you can't do it! The people here have been in your shoes and are telling you ways that you can help yourself. But, only you can do it, no-one can do it for you.

    I was in your shoes as well. If you look under my avatar you will see that I first joined MFP over two years ago. But I wasn't completely ready at that time and continued to make excuses. Since coming back a month ago I have listened to people's advice, applied it, tweaked it to fit my life, and I have lost over 12 pounds in that month. It is do-able, but you have to be willing to accept the advice you ask for, stop making excuses and do the work!