when to stop eating for the day...



  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I have ice cream right before i go to bed.
  • terrim64
    terrim64 Posts: 11
    try brushing your teeth after 7:30 that way you are not hungry or chew on a piece of gum or small candy. also drink lots of water. these may help you. i try to do it too and stop eating after 8 if i can. also don't be so hard on yourself if you do eat after that time. if you are still hungrey try and eat something small or low in calories. hope this help. good luck. oh maybe you can try reading or doing something to keep your mind off of food. i am sure you can do it.

  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I try not to eat in my sleep. It's messy.

    Other than that, waking hours are all open for food.

    And I just have to ask about a previous response. HOW exactly does brushing my teeth make me not hungry?

    ETA - and "don't eat but have some candy?" What?!?!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    the time you eat had no effect on weight loss since your body needs the amount of calories it needs on a 24 hour basis and not just before a certain hour. i generally eat my last meal 2 hours or more before bed but i've also had times when i've randomly wwoken up in the middle of the night and grabbed a piece if chicken, a boiled egg or half an apple with almond butter, ate it and went right back to sleep
  • AfonsoSilva
    Today I'm starting a new eating policy, which is: No eating 2 hours before bed. That's usually around 9:30 or 10pm for me, so 7:30 is my cut off tonight, and I plan on logging my food and exercise in at this time... but I'm freaking out. I've still got a very big appetite, and I don't know if I'm just setting myself up for failure. Is this healthy?

    One reason to stop eating a few hours before going to bed is if you have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, also known as Acid Reflux Disease (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001311/). Without knowing what is motivating you to do this - I do it as well - I agree with the suggestions that you can drink water to quench some of your anxiety. Another thing you can do is to phase the new schedule into progressively longer intervals (from 30 min to 1 hour to 1:30h to 2:00hour).

    Once you get used to your new schedule you won't even think about it anymore.

    Good luck!
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    I typically try not to eat past 7 or so... however, my reason is more health related. I have a hiatal hernia that likes to keep me up all night if I eat too late. That being said, its hard to do sometimes. What works for me is drinking a bunch of water around 6 or 7, I am full and still not up going to the potty all night. Good luck! Just don't be too hard on yourself!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I personally don't think the timing matters but a lot of people do. I usually have my last snack of the day around 9-9:30 pm and go to bed around 10 pm. I'm still losing weight!!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Today I'm starting a new eating policy, which is: No eating 2 hours before bed. That's usually around 9:30 or 10pm for me, so 7:30 is my cut off tonight, and I plan on logging my food and exercise in at this time... but I'm freaking out. I've still got a very big appetite, and I don't know if I'm just setting myself up for failure. Is this healthy?

    Pointless. When you eat is irrelevant, it's how much you eat that counts. You could eat IN BED and still see the same results provided your overall macronutrient content and calories in are the same.

    ^ This.


    I go to bed every night with 30 Almonds and a Big Glass of 1% Chocolate Milk... Been doing this for goin on 3 years now and have lost a few pounds.. Only thing that matters is if it fits into your daily caloric intake, doesn't matter when you consume it...
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    Try not to view it as a deficit or you're just going to want to eat.....try and view it as "just the way it is." That's what I do and it seems to work. I just know that after dinner I don't eat anymore for the night. I guess it's mind over matter or something. Anyway, mornings are my problem so I'll take some advice there !! lol
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    Today I'm starting a new eating policy, which is: No eating 2 hours before bed. That's usually around 9:30 or 10pm for me, so 7:30 is my cut off tonight, and I plan on logging my food and exercise in at this time... but I'm freaking out. I've still got a very big appetite, and I don't know if I'm just setting myself up for failure. Is this healthy?

    It will take you 10 or 14 days to get used too it.. Its mind all over matter, since you told yourself your cut off is 7:30 your mind is now telling you to eat.. Make sure you drink lots of water and that will help with your cravings.. Its hard but you can do it..
  • Chester_1
    Chester_1 Posts: 26
    Like others have mentioned, I don't think when you eat has a very big impact on gaining or losing weight as long as you're under your goal. If not eating past a certain hour is helping you keep within your goals, though, then that might be a good option for you.
    I've found when I'm starving something warm always makes me feel better. I like green tea, but any tea will do (and I assume any hot liquid works the same as tea.) There's lot of non-caffeinated options out there, too, which is probably a good choice for right before bedtime.

    Maybe it's just me, but drinking water or any other cold drink doesn't make me feel full. A nice cup of hot tea works wonders though :smile:
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I think the risk with your policy is that you feel deprived. That may not be sustainable. Really the only thing that matters if your total intake, not the timing. So unless you have a problem with reflux or digestion while sleeping, you will likely be most successful if you structure your eating times so you feel the most satisfied, not the least so.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The only valid reason to stop eating at a certain time is if digestion affects your sleep.

    Otherwise, it doesn't matter when you eat. Except, of course, if you eat a big meal right before bed, and weigh yourself the next morning before you have a chance to poop it out, but that has nothing to do with fat loss.

    ^^ this
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I don't eat when I sleep, any time before then is fair game!

    I often eat right up to when I fall asleep - if I don't I risk getting a rumbly tummy in the middle of the night. And I can't sleep when I am hungry - so that's a bigger diet threat to me than eating right up til bedtime, cause I will eat a midnight snack to get me off to sleep.
  • BlackRangerX
    BlackRangerX Posts: 133 Member
    I usually eat a snack before bed which is usually around 11:30pm. Most of the time, my snack is cottage cheese mixed with casein protein. <--(taste like pudding, and it's real healthy)
    Even though eating late may not cause you to gain or lose weight, I would be cautious on eating "whatever" you want. I don't know about you, but if I ate something real greasy before I went to bed, I'll be up all night reading ifunny while sitting on the throne.