
Quick post because I need to let out my annoyance.

I have been dieting and exercising for a little over 8 weeks. I have dropped from 210 to 196.
I haven't cheated on my diet once - but I can't complain, it has not been a huge sacrifice for me as I never binge ate or had difficulties controlling myself.

But anyway, Thursday was my birthday. I knew I was going to drink so I exercised before going out. At night, I had about 6 to 8 Guiness and a couple shots. I know you're supposed to drink water when consuming alcohol, but with 6 to 8 beers; I would have had to drink about a gallon of water and that's just not possible. Got home at 3am, got up for work at 6:45 - long day at work, pigged out on some In n out at lunch.
So, Friday, hungover as heck, I still went to the gym and did an hour cardio in the evening, knowing full-well that I had to compensate for my food and alcohol excess.
When I got on the scale (I always weigh myself at the gym, similar hours), I was back up to 201lbs. Ugh...
Went and worked out again today, still up at 200lbs.

I know it's just water weight, but it's soo frustrating that 1 night of partying results in an instantaneous 5lb weight increase.

I'm not really asking for advice; lol - I'm just frustrated and needed a place to complain :p

</end mini rant>


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Just remember the scale likes to lie to you.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member

    Lol just get back on track like you're doing already, the scale will go back down eventually.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I just tell myself this isn't real weight gain - and that lying b*tch of a scale will eventually go back down. ;0) Plus I bet you had a great time on your birthday and luckily it only comes once a year!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    It's no big deal. I think I put on 8lbs in one day one time. Water weight is a funny thing. It will be gone in a few days and you'll be fine. Once it happens a few times you won't even blink an eye.
  • kleighsamboer
    I am not going to give you advice but make a statement all my own, and this is not just to you, this is to everyone: when you make poor choices you have no room to complain. You knew that going out and drinking and eating like that could cause you to gain weight. I'm tired of people eating junk and drinking and then wanting others to listen to them complain. you made a poor choice plain and simple. Just do better from here on out and you won't have to worry about it.
  • BethieBoops
    Hey don't be too hard on yourself. Treats only come once a year. You've had yours and can get on with life :) Good Luck!
  • Nicmeglau
    Nicmeglau Posts: 11
    Once an a while a little fling with food is okay. Then you just get right back on the horse as they say.
    Having no fun at all will just make you binge more later. ou will be fine. All it takes is commitment.
    But we all need to splurge now and then. We are HUMAN not robots...Take care and keep on-truckin :flowerforyou:
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Guinness is good for you.

    It says so in an advert so must be true
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Train so you can have the odd beer and blow out,
    train for it, enjoy it, then back to the gym until next time,
    we're all in the same boat mate
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Vent away. Then get back on the horse.

    Julie :)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Scales are the silliest invention ever. Do we really care about how much the number says, or what we look like naked and how healthy we are? You enjoyed your birthday party (I'd be in a coma if I had that much to drink, lol), you had a bad food day the next. Sounds like you're back on the wagon. You will be fine and back to 196 and lower in no time.