Scale = Enemy

I have to force myself to only get on the scale once a week or I will go crazy with the up and down. I only want to weigh in every other week but I'm in a group so have to every Wednesday. What about you? How often do you weigh in?


  • wysiwyg295
    wysiwyg295 Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It helps keep me motivated and focused.

  • Determined518
    Determined518 Posts: 138 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It helps keep me motivated and focused.


  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    once a week
  • WorkoutMaine
    The last time I dieted I had to weigh myself in every day. I was addicted to the scale. Sure enough the first time the numbers rose I quit my diet. Now I only weigh myself in once a week (Sunday evening). The pathetic part is if I had not quit I would have been at my goal weight years ago.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I weight myself quite often, sometimes several times a day to see how my weight fluctuates if I've eaten a big meal or had a big workout (curious to see how I go with water retention) but I only record my weight once a week on Wednesday morning after getting out of the shower.
  • odownz
    odownz Posts: 98
    I have to force myself to only get on the scale once a week or I will go crazy with the up and down. I only want to weigh in every other week but I'm in a group so have to every Wednesday. What about you? How often do you weigh in?

    I was weighing in daily, but my weight fluctuates so much day to day, that I am now trying to weigh in once a week. I also measure my stomach and check my body fat on that same day.

    I like it better because I can actually see bigger changes in my stomach inches and my body fat percentage!

    It also helps me not to sweat it so much and move into this whole thing as a lifestyle. I always am asking myself as I make changes what I am willing to continue to do for the rest of my life. Even if the changes are slower, I will eventually get there and not get so burned out!

    But that is just what has been working for me. Good luck!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Every day. I'd don't log it I just watch it. I see the daily fluctuations like after I exercise and I watch to see that I'm going i the right direction. For me a little up is OK, up too much is a me chance to vary my diet and exercise a bit to keep on a downward trend. Right now at least I see the scale as a check and balance to my eating habits....not the enemy. Unless of course it tries to Benedict Arnold me...and then it's war:bigsmile:
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I weigh every morning and sometimes at night, too. I know that my weight fluctuates from day to day and weighing more often keeps me on track. When I started to gain weight I didn't weigh often. I would go to the gym and weigh occasionally and it started to go up, but I thought, "Oh, it's just a bad day. I probably haven't really gained anything." Next time the same thing happened and again I thought it was probably just that I had gained a few, but mostly that I was weighing high that day. Next thing you know it is several months and several pounds later.

    While trying to lose weight I could see how weighing more often could be crazy making, but I could also see that it is reassuring at times to know that you are seeing a downward trend. Weighing once a week or less doesn't make your weight more accurate. It just means you don't know if you are on the high or low end of your fluctuation that week. For example, my weigh in day is Saturday. Today I weighed the same as I did last Saturday. But, I also know that on Wednesday my sodium was high and I weighed 2 lbs heavier on Thursday. That two pounds is now gone and maybe (or maybe not) tomorrow I will see more of an actual loss. But at least I know what was going on. If I had only weighed on Thursday I would have thought I gained for the week and been more discouraged.

    Anyway, do what works for you.
  • anna_love
    anna_love Posts: 177
    once a week cuz if i do it everyday ill go crazy !! but the seening the number up and down :explode:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I weigh everyday and log it everyday because I enjoy the data. I can see the trends and I'm okay with seeing fluctuations. I even find them fascinating. I just look at my valleys over time to see the downward trend.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I weigh everyday and log it everyday because I enjoy the data. I can see the trends and I'm okay with seeing fluctuations. I even find them fascinating. I just look at my valleys over time to see the downward trend. I also agree with Kristin. My lowest that week may not be on the same day every week. It would look like there was no loss when there actually was one.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I didn't mean to double post. I thought I was editing. Oops.
  • Jessica_Henry74
    I'm addicted to the scale. LOL! I weigh every morning after going to the bathroom. I get on it 3 times to get an accurate number. So far it's been working great!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I weigh in every morning, after I've been to the loo and before I eat or drink anything - buck nekkid to get my truest weight. I do it to keep myself on track. I know there will be fluctuations up and down, and I acept that. I use it so that I cannot make excuses and think "Well, I'm not weighing in for another 4 days, so I can have a blow-out today and still pull it all back by then." Every time I go down I log that weight as my lowest to date and it stays at that on my log till it goes down again. I usually don't fluctuate up the way for more than a dayor two or by more than a pound or so. Then it comes back down to the logged weight, then it creeps down another notch and I log it again. :)

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  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Thursday mornings, with my workou buddy. I used to weigh every day and it began driving me crazy. I didn't like being tethered to the scale. I'm much happier and it has much less impact on my life this way. I can focus more on the way I look instead of some arbitrary number. Now instead of being bummed when the numbers go up (which they are and will because I'm on a weight lifting regimen), I can say, "Yeah, that's the stuff!" when I look in the mirror.
  • montata
    montata Posts: 18
    Every week or 10 days
  • Wiifitmii66
    In the past I found that stepping on the scale too often ended up being quite a hindrance and somewhat discouraging over time. This time around my daughter and I are on the weight loss journey together. Our agreement has been to weigh in once a week on Friday mornings. I get a little bit impatient but it is nice to have something potentially positive to look forward to at the end of the week.
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    I weigh myself once a week beause I know otherwise I become obessed with what the scale says and thats never a good thing.
  • mishmash81
    Once a week, every wednesday :) I don't want to obsess too much about the scales, but I also want the weekly accountability. I used to be a daily person - but I find that it starts to make me a tad too obsessive about whatever the number is that shows up.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    I weigh everyday. I log my loses on here, but I have an iPhone app that I use to log my weight every day and I can see from that, that I go up at certain times of the month. Keeps me on track...