Frustration, mounting.

I'd appreciate some advice on my situation - I've lost about 12 pounds since January and then stopped losing - I thought I hit a plateau so I upped my calorie intake from 1200 to about 1400. After the change I dropped another pound, but now I've gained two back. I exercise at the gym 4x a week (cardio 4x - 45 minute minimum, strength 2x for 30 minutes) in addition to the 30 day shred and a morning walk with my dogs. My exercise routine hasn't really changed, except every week I increase the amount of weight I lift and up the intensity on cardio. I'm getting a bit disheartened! I did lose inches and I feel healthier - but I'm getting so frustrated with my weight not moving. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

*I recently edited my diary settings to accommodate 5-6 meals per day - prior to that, everything was logged as a breakfast - lunch - dinner - snack scheme - so my diary might seem a little confusing at the moment, as the previous entries have had their names altered.


  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    This sounds EXACTLY like my situation right now. Stopped losing about two weeks ago. But I have this pair of polyester pants that do not give or stretch no matter how often they are worn. They keep getting looser. I have stopped looking at the scale for a while because I figure - even on my worst days, at my worst moments when I really am doing this because of what other people with think, what other people see .... they don't see the number on the scale, they see my silhouette.

    On my good days, I do this because I feel great. I feel energetic and strong. I love dressing without the mental and emotional stress of thinking I need to wear a cardigan to cover this or that...

    I have a good friend who is obsessed with the scale. Her day is a success or failure even before it starts based on a number she sees each morning. And a couple weeks ago I learned that she dresses now to cover this and that - so people won't notice she looks like a chemo patient.

    You did ask for advice, so mine is: remember what a healthy body is and that a number does not reflect that.
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    Very true, and it helps to hear you say that. I actually agree with you about the scale just giving you a number - yet I really do want to see that number in the "healthy weight rage". I suppose its a mental thing.
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Well done on your loss so far!! You could try doing some different exercise so your body gets confused. Maybe try working out at different time of day if you can. Also do you take measurements ?? (I never have and regret it ) you may find you lose inches rather than see movement on the scale. It's harder to get the pounds off when you have less to lose. Some people on here have suggested spike days where you eat above your daily calories to"trick" your body as well. You can use the search button at the top of the message board on the right. You'll find loads if advice from previous threads.

    Not sure if that helps.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    Does this help a little?

    Weight is just one way to measure a healthy body. What about climbing stairs without getting winded? Being able to run to catch a bus without the taste of blood in your mouth? ... If you can imagine other ways to measure a healthy body and progress, it will get you through the plateaus when your body is building strong muscles and bones, and moving lymph (trash) around on its way out.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    I decided I didn't mind if the weight stayed fixed as long as cms were still dropping... I switched my cal intake to reflect exercise as an averaged burn across a week, rather than having to "eat it back" every day.

    This is what I followed, concept-wise:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Please, please, please do not focus on the scale - you said you have lost inches and feel better - that's great. I am not sure what you are using as an indicator of a 'healthy' weight. I am not a fan of the BMI at all - when I was very fit - about 18% body fat, very toned, even with a six pack, the BMI showed me as overweight. It does not take into account lean muscle or body type - just weight and height.

    Also, sorry to ask the usual question - but are you eating your exercise calories - you should be trying to eat most, if not all of them back.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    Some people on here have suggested spike days where you eat above your daily calories to"trick" your body as well.

    I have so far resisted that kind of "mind games" with my own mind and my body. I don't want to turn my fitness into a quasi-scientific hobby. I've been tempted, though. But I want slow, steady progress and maintenance that will carry me through mid-life into my 60s, 70s and 80s: a consistently strong body. A health lifestyle that complements the rest of my life, not an obsession with numbers. I don't have the time or energy for that. I don't think it would pay off for me anyway. I don't make my living as a fitness expert or fitness model for that matter :)

    I would say it is important to know your own goals and motivation and be sure not to trick yourself into borrowing anyone else's (even mine :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The thing you need to remember is that the scale is NOT your friend. You are doing the right thing by working towards your fitness goals. Focus on them. The weight will come off in time as long as you continue to exercise and eat well, I promise. Just continue to eat a healthy amount of food but still at a moderate deficit and work towards those fitness goals.

  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    More pictures of great athletes, showing the diversity of healthy body types. They are certainly not all hitting the same numbers on a scale:
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    The thing you need to remember is that the scale is NOT your friend. You are doing the right thing by working towards your fitness goals. Focus on them. The weight will come off in time as long as you continue to exercise and eat well, I promise. Just continue to eat a healthy amount of food but still at a moderate deficit and work towards those fitness goals.


    ^^ That is really beautiful!

    Thank you all for responding, these are all things that I need to hear.

    Exercise cals.. one of my issues before joining MFP was under-eating, so consuming even 1200 cal was difficult, at first. I do try to eat back my exercise calories, though I admit I often don't net 1200 - just took a look at my nutrition reports and I average 800 a day. Hmm..

    renkath -- I just downloaded **** Calories, a book I found via the link you posted- Have you read this? It seems like it will be a real hoot! (And informative too, intriguing!)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The thing you need to remember is that the scale is NOT your friend. You are doing the right thing by working towards your fitness goals. Focus on them. The weight will come off in time as long as you continue to exercise and eat well, I promise. Just continue to eat a healthy amount of food but still at a moderate deficit and work towards those fitness goals.


    ^^ That is really beautiful!

    Thank you all for responding, these are all things that I need to hear.

    Exercise cals.. one of my issues before joining MFP was under-eating, so consuming even 1200 cal was difficult, at first. I do try to eat back my exercise calories, though I admit I often don't net 1200 - just took a look at my nutrition reports and I average 800 a day. Hmm..

    renkath -- I just downloaded **** Calories, a book I found via the link you posted- Have you read this? It seems like it will be a real hoot! (And informative too, intriguing!)

    It may take a few weeks for your body to acclimate to your new calorie intake. Just be patient and keep working hard doing what you are doing. There will be times if you have a lot to lose where your weight will stall or even go up even if you do everything right. Just be patient and stick with it. You'll get there.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    No - but did just now. I used to enjoy reading her blog. - thanks!
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    this has happened to me and i work out a lot but i measure myself and im still loosing and iv noticed my body looks more toned and more people are noticing it to so dont feel to down because musle weighs more than fat x