Any other former military peeps out there?

Hi all :)

My name is Bryan and I just started here on MFP. I was wondering if there are any former military persons out there also trying to get back in shape.

From about 2005 to 2010, I was in the United States Marine Corps. I honorably discharged as a sergeant, and while it definitely had it's ups and downs, I wouldn't trade a second of my military experience for anything in the world. It was also during this time that I was at my most fit. I am 6' 2", and for most of my military career I was around 185 lbs, roughly 7-8% body fat. I exercised 3 times a day, for an hour or more each workout, 6-7 days a week. I was in tremendous shape both aesthetically and athletically. Literally, I was one of "those guys", the dudes other guys envy at the beach or swimming pool. And this is all without any sort of dieting; I ate what I want without any thought to calories or fat content. Such a lifestyle was pretty easy to maintain when you are single, living on base, with few concerns outside of military duties.

Fast forward 2 years, and I am now a civilian, a home-owner, married, and work in a county jail as a detention officer. Oh, AND I'm now 55 pounds heavier and MUCH less fit than I was. Although my quality of life and my general happiness is much higher than it was in my military days, it seems the price I had to pay was my fitness. I've attempted to reclaim that former "glory" several times over the past two years, but it always seems like a pipe dream.

I was just wondering if there were any other former military studs (or studettes) out there who suffered a similar dropoff in fitness after leaving active duty, and if so, what did you do to get back in "military" shape?

Cheers, and Semper Fi :)


  • I know a lot of guys in and out and joining the military, and all the tabbing and lifting and patrolling burns a lot of calories.

    One of my friends did a tour a few years back, he was very fit. When he left, and got back in civvie street with no pressure, no tabbing everywhere, and lots of drinking, it meant he gained a lot of weight. Now he's going back in he's just started running nearly every day. He hates it, and finds it crushingly boring even with an iPod on but he does it because he needs to. He started going to the gym too, for weight training, but has overdone it the last few days and is very sore.

    So, the only advice I can really give is to just exercise and eat right. Sounds too simple right? The hard part is how you have to do it as a way of life. Most people give up when they realise it's not something you just do for a week then you're better. I've fallen off the fitness horse far too many times.

    I tried to join the Territorial Army (a little bit like the National Guard over there) in my teenage years and I was too fat. But before I even got that far I got disqualified due to mental health. Since then I've been a bit into Airsoft (bit like paintball but leaning more towards realism) but I'm very unfit so I struggle.

    Keep at it, and you'll be a lean, mean, fighting machine again!
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    When I got out of the Navy, I completely let everything go....which I am paying for now. I would LOVE to get back into the shape I was in when I went to boot camp! Granted, that was almost 20 years ago, but I would like to be fit again for sure.
  • b_h_bloomer
    b_h_bloomer Posts: 10 Member
    I'm taking one more stab at getting back into shape, but this time there's money on the line. My friends and I have started a weight loss competition that begins today and will end 2 months from now. Whoever loses the highest percentage of their starting body weight by the end of those 2 months wins the pot (which as of right now is around $600). I'm excited for this competition and I feel that this will be good motivation (I've always been a little competitive).
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Oooh! Yes, that would totally motivate me as well!
  • b_h_bloomer
    b_h_bloomer Posts: 10 Member